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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. No kidding. All you need is a delivery confirmation!? So much for buyers protection.
  2. Last month my 16 yo daughter wanted to buy two items online so I used paypal to pay, solely because I wanted buyers protection. On item cost $4.99 and the other cost $39.99. The shipping was $16.xx so the total was $61.60. We hadn't received the items so I called last week and cancelled the order. I was told that I would receive a refund within 5 days. Yesterday we received the $4.99 item and nothing else. UPS emailed me a receipt saying the item was divered. I called the company yesterday and told them again that I wanted to cancel the order and wanted a refund. That I was returning the $4.99 item. I was told that I'd receive a refund and that I'd have a cancellation notice and pending refund notice in a few minutes with the money returned within 5 days. They closed at 5 and I didn't receive anything. So today I waited until they closed again without receiving anything and filed a paypal complaint. Paypal closed the claim within an hour. I called them and was told it was because I had received the UPS receipt showing it was shipped and delivered. I told the man that I have the unopened 3X5 package and a receipt showing the item weighs a pound and the other item is large and weighs 15 pounds. I offered to mail them a copy of my purchase order and a picture of the unopened package and it doesn't matter to them. Case closed and my Dd is out the money. He said if I had bought through eBay that PayPal would have access to the receipts and order and it would be covered. I don't get why the receipt the company mailed me isn't good enough? I also asked if once I return the $4.99 item can I refile a complaint and he said no because the company fulfiiled their part as far as paypal is concerned. I am done with PayPal.
  3. Thank you all. I ended up making spaghetti. Not the meal I envisioned but it works.
  4. The potatoes arent' done either. I had put a smaller one for DH and it's not done either. I think my oven heating element is going. OK, Ds just tested and the element is DEAD!!! NO wonder it didn't cook! I have spaghetti stuff, I am going to whip that together instead.
  5. I'm making dinner for another family and made chicken pot pie. I usually use frozen peas and carrots but used fresh carrots instead. I just tested one of the carrots from the center and it is still hard after 1.5 hours at 350! What is wrong? What can I do now? I'm supposed to have dinner at their house in 30 min. Cover with foil and turn oven up? Order pizza instead? UGhhhhhhhhh
  6. Which one do you prefer and why? If you chose Edu-Track did you buy the user manual? ( $25 seems steep to me!) Have you needed to upgrade? Thanks.
  7. Do you know if I can create just a transcript or do I have to add weekly info such as subjects, assignments etc? All I want to do is create a transcript and nothing else. I have made my own but one of the schools Ds is interested in wants either: GED-no way are we doing this. Transcript from a service such as NARHS( I found a local one but I don't agree with their credit rating system and neither does the school we are applying too!) One generated by a program such as Edu Track or HST
  8. I am using Henle with my 7th, 9th and 10 graders and it is going well. I am using the guide from Memoria Press.
  9. Usually around 6 PM. There are days/weeks he is home later and then there is the dreaded pager :glare:
  10. I do weigh CC courses but I list both the weighted and unweighted on the transcript.
  11. I was going to search for this school today. My 17 yo will be applying this fall and this is good to hear!
  12. LOL the group will be more like a youth group than football players. I think I am going to order 9 and with the chips/dip and pretzels plus cake I think that should be ok. Worst case we have pizza for the next few meals. My kids would just hate that :glare: :D
  13. It should be a pretty evenly mixed group. I am not worried @ leftovers as my kids will eat it the next day. I just want to make sure I have enough.
  14. Would you order for 20 teens? There will also be chips & dip, pretzels and cake.
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