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Everything posted by heartlikealion

  1. I don’t think I could block out the noise with a machine though I did recently discover “brown noise” which is nice. I still need to ask my landlord to come over when the noise is bad but I’ve sent video clips with the noise a few times over the past month or so, so they know. They had a ladder in my yard the other day — I think to trim branches away from the house to discourage squirrels from hopping back and forth. Last night I did 30 min on the bike. I need to try to exercise tonight. Dd is wide awake but school got canceled (lots of sickness going around plus lice on the van) so I might let her stay up while I work out. Enjoyed my watermelon lol ohh the new jeans arrived and were the right version (if you look at the photos some appear to have a slit and some don’t. One review said there was a slit so I was confused. No slit luckily). They are high waisted bootcut which helps with the love handles but just a bit too snug and cause top of torso to poke out. I love them otherwise so that’s just motivation to lose more. The other jeans I own are too baggy so I’m sorta in between. @Harriet Vane can someone assist with the tilt board? It’s as if you described me on certain roller coasters lol I can’t stand a steep drop then the ride is fine. @wintermom I hope the tennis elbow clears up. @Soror I learned a new thing online called the around the post (ATP) hit in pickleball. Might come in handy one day.
  2. I take this. You shake the bottle and spray under tongue. I store in the fridge and sometimes forget but trying to get in the habit of doing daily. Taste is pleasant. Stick with the liquid. It absorbs faster. Garden of Life B12 Vitamin -... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00K5NEPJY?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share I also take a 2 in 1 vitamin but may need to add more. Vitamin D3 + K2 (MK7) Supplement... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08FDBFSZZ?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share apparently a liquid form exists, too. I should set a daily alarm.
  3. I sometimes see cool things on social media. Today I saw gloves with built-in lights lol. So you can easily see while using a tool or working over a car. I am thinking of buying for my dad (we aren't doing Christmas gifts but he has a birthday coming up). The social media ad appeared to sell separate gloves (you pick right or left) but I saw something on Amazon with a set of two. One Amazon listing had disposable batteries you replace and the other requires a charger. I just can't figure out if they are practical enough. By the time you need them, will the battery be dead? gloves
  4. I don't want politics in my Halloween. I would not care for that. But I also wouldn't understand the intent like "good riddance" or "we are sad they are gone." RIP is so overused I don't know when it's sincere.
  5. You’re being too hard on yourself IMO. Besides the spiritual stuff and choir, do you have any activities? Now might be a good time to set up outings with a girlfriend or find a hobby/class. Sorry if I missed that info. You might be scrupulous. I’ve been told I am before. Someone offered me a cigarette when I was a teen and I said no. They pushed and I literally said, “what if I like it? Then I get addicted and spend all my money on cigarettes. I’d rather spend it on other stuff.” Lol
  6. Maybe you’ve always been wired that way. Some people are less mushy. I just don’t understand how one comes to get a husband if they don’t feel love unless this is something that faded. Or they point blank married for financial security, cultural expectations etc rather than love. I’m not asking, just thinking aloud. Distance makes the heart grow fonder. Maybe you need some space, more often. They don’t wear masks at my church.
  7. I’m reading this through a screen so can’t pick up vibes necessarily but I’m wondering if in her dismissiveness she was cold. Maybe you needed to hear, “that’s ok” rather than some textbook jargon explanation. I did some of my grieving over the time my mom was sick and immediately after she died. Occasionally I’ll get sad but she didn’t die young and I was relieved she was no longer struggling. Several people here have shared their experiences and I hope that brings you some comfort. We’re all different. Now if you were holding a grudge with your mom or there’s some “needs closure” thing you want to discuss, I can see how that might affect your grieving process and might be worth discussing. I can’t tell if the therapist is that person to do it with, though. I do think some therapists are too cold.
  8. So you send bags down the zip line? That is so cool
  9. I had dd last weekend so I took her to a trunk or treat event. She wore a Wanda (The Scarlett Witch) costume. I posted a pic on the Oct craft thread. This coming weekend I don't have the kids, but I am involved with the Halloween classroom party on Monday, Oct. 31. I do not know yet if I will wear a tshirt or my Halloween dress, but no costume planned. I have some Nightmare Before Christmas shirts and a Nightmare Before Christmas print dress. I doubt the dress currently fits me, though. I'm babysitting Oct. 29 so if the family wants me to take the kids out I will.
  10. I have foot issues and put PowerStep insoles in mine. My boots with heels aren’t great but I could wear them the length of an interview, especially somewhere I’m seated. My best PowerStep insoles have to come directly from the podiatrist. There are low wedges on some boots. Maybe you could find some. If you have time and it’s nearby, I suggest looking at kohl’s for pants and/or shoes. One store, SAS sells shoes with built in support but they are out of my price range.
  11. Even if they are using a form, they are human. The server could make a note or say to the chef/kitchen staff “celiac safe.” Again, I wouldn’t really put much faith in a restaurant if a food issue is severe.
  12. My weight went back up ugggh I gotta be more consistent with food & exercise. I’m working on something at work that is a ton of busy work and I’m trying to streamline the process. So I’m kinda occupied with that. The things in my house are getting worse. I thought it was squirrels but they were making noise at 1:30 am last night so could be rats for all I know. More often than not something is making noises. Rats aren’t supposed to be active during the day and I hear it off/on all day. It’s making relaxing in bed harder. I’ve told the landlord multiple times but I don’t think they understand the gravity. It sounds like they are chewing wires or building nests. I need to clean my room and see if I can get one of the landlords to come over while the creatures are active. New day, new goals. I will make time for exercise sometime today. Was too tired to do morning walk.
  13. Maybe some people can pull it off but half of those models look ridiculous to me. In an interview I don’t want my shoes/ankles to be distracting. Solid colored black boots or tall black trouser socks - maybe. Nothing that will make my skin poke out when I sit down. Definitely wouldn’t push my luck with contrasting patterns/colors of shoes. I guess the reason I’m not a fan is I’d worry it looked like I was wearing high water pants/the wrong size. You have a great figure and can probably pull off whatever you end up choosing.
  14. Not to be difficult, but if you need to cover up the ankles I think boots might look funny with these pants. But I am biased as I tend to avoid cropped pants and even cropped sleeves (3/4 length are uncomfortable to me) so maybe just am living under a rock. I think it would be far easier to just find full length pants than new shoes. How much time do you have? Can you order your size/color online and return in person?
  15. Thank you. Earlier I was only able to catch a snippet earlier (I think it was live and then I couldn't get any more!).
  16. Yes, that was the point I was trying to make. I don't know how to refer to my own issues so I just say, "lactose sensitive" as I know some dairy will mess me up badly. That's not technically an allergy, either. Others in my family have allergies, but not what are known to be life threatening. Ds had a back panel done and they said it was the worst they'd seen in years. He's allergic to all kinds of stuff.
  17. Sorry, I must have misunderstood. I thought in general (not just referring to celiac) you were saying people can't refer to less severe allergies as allergies. People in my family have allergies but not what we consider life threatening. I wouldn't omit the word "allergy" from their vocabulary based on severity. I can understand if you're saying don't use the word allergy with celiac as it's apparently not synonymous with allergy. I had to google it to see if there was an overlap with the terms (I honestly didn't know).
  18. Mainly one friend and we shoot messages at any time of day/night and the other will just read/respond when they get to it. We usually interact daily. My phone doesn't make sounds when I get a message. I'm not much of a small talk person so I'm quite tired of the facebook posts which are surface level. Then if I share anything personal I feel like there are "lurkers" reading my timeline among just a small handful of actual people that read/respond. So I'm second-guessing what to say on facebook these days.
  19. False. Not all allergies cause this level of reaction. But you can have an allergy, anyway.
  20. If you can't enforce the former, how would you enforce the latter? Or rather, if you don't expect them to be responsive to the first, what makes you think they would be responsive to the second? If it was a group thing, you can't be there to see that the group doesn't part ways (if someone else in the group drives or if they are in walking distance to go separate ways, etc). With contact there are so many ways to communicate (discord, facebook messenger, whatsapp, skype, someone else's phone, google phone numbers). Likewise, simply saying "you can't date yet" (referencing my post) doesn't necessarily stop kids from calling each other boyfriend/girlfriend on campus and smooching out of parents' sight.
  21. I can't understand why "intolerant" wasn't enough for them to be careful??? So my takeaway wouldn't be necessarily to lie so much as not dine there.
  22. Just watched this episode and the part with the pedometer was funny to me. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fcZMTEHFr-8
  23. The Q & A on the Amazon listing says, “why is it so high to begin with when usually under $50 at Walmart.” sounds like shady Amazon pricing. But there also is a coupon you can clip.
  24. Dd broke her glasses at fall fest. I told xh I would pay for my share of one pair but please discuss in advance if ordering more (when ds broke glasses xh ordered 2 and then I had to fork over more money at once). He just ordered one pair and I sent my share which wasn’t too bad. I don’t shop at target often but when I was there last night I scanned most of my items to look for any possible red circle discounts. Saved 15% on my lettuce and paid for everything with red card for 5% off. I’m signed up to help with the Halloween class party and didn’t know what to offer to bring. I said I can bring paper plates & napkins. I’ll look at dollar tree or Walmart. The plates, even on sale, at JoAnn were a rip off (only came in a pack of 8, too). But I don’t even know if they need plates?? I just wanted something cheap & easy. Someone else is bringing drinks, another is bringing goodie bags and xh is bringing “worm dirt” which I’m guessing will be distributed in cups. If I have time I might sew some Halloween bookmarks with fabric I have here. Open to other easy ideas. I couldn’t find any cheap stickers, erasers etc in Target. Half the Halloween section was cleared out.
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