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Everything posted by heartlikealion

  1. @prairiewindmomma I will reconsider some of the other ingredients next time I go to the store. For now the eggs aren't a big deal I guess since not every recipe I used asked for eggs and the two recipes I made today that did only used one egg each. I made pumpkin crinkle cookies a few minutes ago. They aren't super cute but might sell because of fall + pumpkin flavor. I'm gonna test one once they cool. https://www.lordbyronskitchen.com/pumpkin-crinkle-cookies/ I still have half a can of puree left so if they are good I might make a second batch. I mean the can is 15 oz, so it's a little shy of making a second cup... but might work? This year I found Great Value pumpkin puree and am trying that (vs Libby's).
  2. I will consider doing some cupcakes! With cute cupcake toppers or something
  3. I haven't used margarine in like over 10 years. I also don't use oil in recipes and substitute with apple sauce or butter. Just a personal preference, which I know might cost me more but I accept. And I've tried lesser quality butters and ruined things (Sam's Club butter was disgusting in some baked goods). I have a ton of cookie cutters so I could do sugar cookies and decorate to be cute. These are some I've done in the past but not sure they have any wow factor:
  4. Anyone have ideas of what to make in a hotel room with a small kitchenette? How far do you have to travel to get to the hotel? I wonder if you could prep some stuff and just drive it there and put in fridge/freezer. At my own home I keep a large mixing bowl with lid full of lettuce. For a hotel I'd put the lettuce in a ziplock for portability and because the fridge is small. I bake chicken to go with it. So if I was going to a hotel I would bake the chicken, freeze, then bring frozen and defrost as I needed it. I would store in pint size freezer bags portioned out -- a couple tenderloins or breasts. On a weekly basis I often chop up cucumber and carrots and store in glass containers. So for dieting purposes I would maybe bring those in a cooler with blue ice and put in the fridge when I got there. You could also bring a cutting board and buy fresh. But I can't picture if there's a proper countertop for that. Last place I stayed had mini fridge and microwave but no prep space. I would also pack peanut butter crackers, probably a loaf of bread (or buy when I got to town). I try to buy Ezekiel bread which needs to remain refrigerated so I would freeze before my drive or keep cold til I got there. Other toppings for salads can be non perishable. I keep pumpkin seeds handy. Sometimes nuts or tri color tortilla strips. Some people like croutons but I don't. For kids I would pack peanut butter and jelly (or buy in town) along with bread and maybe some convenience foods like "Fast Bites" burgers. Those you toss in the microwave. You could also buy family size casseroles and microwave (Grandma's bake, etc). Really will just depend on your family and what they want. I would pack oats for microwaved oatmeal and bring fruit cups to pour on the oatmeal or eat as a snack. These are standard things I keep at my home and at least one kid eats. Bring some whole fruit (bag of apples, bananas, etc). Don't know if any of those ideas help @hjffkj too.
  5. I have relatives in Seattle with a tri-level. I think it's crazy but if it's common people get used to it I'm sure.
  6. I'm trying to prepare for a vendor booth at the children's school fall fest this week (Thurs night). I am doing a mix of baked goods and craft items. I am sewing some cloth gift bags. Really not sure if I'll make any profit, but worst case I break even on the vendor booth fee (money goes to the school). I feel kind of foolish because I don't think the average person will pay much for cookies and the cost of baking supplies is not ideal right now. Several items were already in my home (flour, several types of sugar, baking soda, baking powder). But the butter ugggh. It's pretty high this year. I found out there's a sale at Kroger if you buy in sets of 3 so I'll swing by Monday after my dental appt to see if that's a thing. My baking group is saying it's labeled on the shelf, not listed in the app. I made 2 new recipes today and I wasn't impressed with either one. I feel like it was such a waste. The snowballs made my mouth feel so dry. The brown sugar & cinnamon cookies didn't impress me -- would have much rather had a snickerdoodle. Neighbor said the brown ones were okay... so I may still sell those. But the snowballs I think would only be good with a cup of hot cocoa or something. I'm freezing everything I bake this weekend then will decide what to do with it. I won't throw the snowballs away, but might just bring to the church (they always have coffee so maybe people will eat with coffee). My kids might like them with hot cocoa. I feel more confident in my mint choc chip cookies but again not sure if it'll even be worth the cost. I bought Ghirardelli chocolate chips, Andes mints, and I'm using Great Value organic cage-free eggs. That was less because of baking and more because I've trying to eat healthier. I also bought a huge bag of Ghirardelli melting wafers from Sam's (like $9) for the holiday season. Haven't decided yet what I'll do with them. Last time I used to make choc dipped pretzels. I do not regret buying the good chocolate chips because I've ruined batches before with Great Value or Dollar store chips. Plus I'm hoping the Ghirardelli brand is less controversial with child labor. Though I haven't researched it. I know many chocolate brands have bad ties. If you read all that, do you have any suggestions on pricing for cookies? I'm thinking a small bag with 2 cookies sold together. I worry that if I charge too much, no one will buy. And if I charge too little I'm just throwing money down the drain. I live in a low-cost area so I know I have to lean toward the lower end on pricing. Some happy news, I found out by accident that I can get reimbursed after I renew my Child Passenger Safety Technician certification. I spoke to the right person and she said I could just send her proof or purchase and she'd help me get the refund. That's $55 and was part of my hesitation to renew. I finally got my community service event checked off. My current certification expires in Dec. so I have to catch up on my CEUs but I'm much more motivated now. My dad is helping me finish a Udemy course I bought by paying for my monthly subscription of Adobe Illustrator at the moment. I'm hoping I don't take too many months to finish. Just trying to fit it in when I can. There are 15 sections and I'm finishing section 4 this weekend.
  7. I don’t have a phobia but I think it’s part of my lingering OCD. They seem so gross to me, then you gotta trek back to another place to wash your hands. I often go to the restroom once before I am up for the day. I’d probably worry about running into wildlife too lol
  8. Oh @Jenny in Florida I'm so sorry to hear this. I know you were so stressed about her. I'm so happy that you stayed with her til the end. I know that the animals look for their person at the vet so I think that was the kindest thing you could for her. Hang in there. (hugs)
  9. I will walk somewhere else before using a port-a-potty. Hate them so much. Unless I have zero choice like stuck at an all day festival... but I haven't gone to one of those in years.
  10. I think we all have our thresholds. Call me a spoiled brat, I don't think I could do it! I mean obviously if I had to. But I would never choose to rent/buy a home without indoor plumbing. Tons of people around the world are in situations like this. I am grateful that I am not in that situation. There are many things people say, "you get used to it" or "it's not big deal" and I do that thing for years and say, "yeah um no still a big PITA to me." LOL. Like living years without a microwave, dishwasher, and only one bathroom. I've done those things, but I hated it.
  11. Sorry for the confusion — my post about wired Internet was directed to @KungFuPanda’s post to say even if her spouse isn’t using it, some employers expect it. I think it’s ideal to have as an option. My dad uses it strictly because of health concerns. He doesn’t like being surrounded by wifi and turns off his modem every night. Ugh lugging groceries upstairs would be a con for some people. Not so much young men maybe but more so families with large grocery hauls. You can’t do anything about that, though.
  12. The Ethernet cables ensure a better connection but only some companies require it. When I looked into teaching ESL online some companies insisted on a wired connection fir better stability.
  13. Haha about the wifi. Well I run an ethernet cord to my laptop (I work from home) but I don't have a special port. I run a long cat 8 cord from my modem to my desk (I don't want to sit right by a modem so I deliberately put it across the room). My use wifi for my TV, though. My dad has the ethernet hookups all over his house. Had them added this past year. I am not one of those "must sleep with fan on" people but I know a lot of people are. And because I live in a hot area, I do use my fans sometimes. I might still consider the ceiling fans in your area, but can understand if you don't do it. I think that would be great if you could add some storage in that nook. Given the outages I would vote for gas range. It was great in times when we lost power in a home that had gas. Your range/oven combo sounds nice! I use my oven a lot but never thought about the gas vs electric. Bathroom layout - totally understandable to leave "as is" in your situation. The reason a couple bathrooms I've been in feel so cramped is because the vanity sticks out and then you can barely squeeze by it to get in/out of the room. Like you might hit yourself on the corner of the counter or bonk yourself on the doorknob. But a pedestal sink doesn't offer under counter storage. So the garage does connect to the house? Does it connect anywhere near the kitchen/pantry for unloading groceries?
  14. Tonight I did a little Get Fit with Rick and half assed my way through a HIIT video. Lots of modifications/picked other exercise to fill the time. I don’t like that video. I just am hoping it helps me burn calories. I should be down several more pounds by I haven’t kept up with exercise routine (some of which wasn’t practical). I want to lose like 30 more pounds so just frustrated. Today I walked around the store asking myself what can I buy as a snack?? I finally bought a bag of my skinny pop rice cakes but they are a rip off so I don’t buy as often. The blue corn chips I like are only available as the organic name brand version and the bag is mostly air. I haven’t found the knock off brand in months. Mostly I just eat stuff like a bowl of Greek yogurt/apple/walnuts but that’s more a meal than snack. I also eat peanut butter crackers. I run out of ideas. I’m so bored with my food.
  15. Quartz would be fine with me but I’m not a fan of butcher block. I worry that it’ll warp or harbor germs more. I don’t care if that sounds irrational lol If I dry a countertop spill I want it to be dry. I feel like with wood it would still be damp for a while. I don’t think I have a strong gas vs electric preference as my last home had gas and even on the small burners I felt like the flame was an issue. I burned plastic handles on the side of my stainless steel pots. Ugh. And only one was labeled “quick boil” which meant the smaller ones took foreeeeever to reach a boil. If not all gas ranges are that particular about what burner does what, I’d be more happy about them. Depends if that area is prone to losing electricity too (natural disasters). My current home has a glass top. I’m not a big fan. It never looks clean and it’s brand new. It has weird stains not from food? and I don’t know if I can put hot food directly on it so I usually set a pot holder down before pulling baking sheets out. You’re not supposed to slide pots on it. Lift and move. I think it’s kinda fussy. But I suppose cleaning the old electric burners is a nightmare so there’s that. My opinion on bathroom space is that it’s functional and doesn’t feel cramped. I don’t need a spacious bathroom but I don’t want my knees to practically hit the shower curtain if I sit on the toilet (absolutely hate that layout btw) or the door knob to catch me as I try to walk out a narrow room. My bathroom door right now will not open much more than 90 degrees with our layout and I hate that. It will hit the tub. A tub somewhere is ideal… at least if renters have young kids. Storage is very important to me but walk in isn’t necessary if the closet is decent. And please add a closet light. I would like the entry way to have storage of some sort. Hall closet, space for hall tree, small table… something. Cabinets that I can get to lol Where I live it’s so hard to unload the dishwasher because when it’s open I can’t really reach the cabinet ha and another drawer won’t open at all if the dishwasher is closed. And another cabinet is just as awkward to get into. Back door — whatever is easier to hang a curtain over? lol French doors I have to mount curtains onto the doors?? As a renter I doubt my landlord would like that. Curtain rod above a slider might work better. And yes I want a curtain even if it faces my backyard. Entry to home in bad weather or unloading groceries — is it practical? Adjoining garage or carport? These are ideal ceiling fans vs just lights. Good Internet connection and phone service in area. Three levels? Are the bathrooms in the main levels I use? Are the stairs slippery? Do they need a runner or something? Just food for thought.
  16. That’s awesome minus the pain! Now I want to sew a trick or treat bag lol Maybe the Halloween fabric will be on sale soon.
  17. No one in my house (besides me) likes them so I got rid of them lol the ones I had at the time only fit ds’ bed.
  18. Yeah I am not aware of gifted options where I live. My county is very poor.
  19. @Baseballandhockey And it does sound like you’re doing well navigating this (I didn’t mean to imply otherwise. Was just trying to think of ideas).
  20. I meant prevent the alone time/nip it in the bud now vs a few weeks from now reporting he flew off the handle when they were getting the kids in the car alone. If they carpool anywhere I would end that, too.
  21. I’m just saying abusive people are abusive when they choose to be and walking on eggshells doesn’t necessarily prevent anything. Abusive people tend to get worse over the years. I’m probably projecting but I don’t want to give false hope that tip toeing around will prevent a bomb from going off. It will go off, eventually.
  22. Ohh ok. No, didn’t read snark. 🙂 hope you feel better and good luck finishing wagon.
  23. I think she has to be proactive if she’s worried about being cornered in a parking lot, etc in the future. That’s her call.
  24. Ok I didn’t know about that. But that’s a “safe place” because of the other adults. I’m saying maybe they need to limit “no other adults close” scenarios. The adults in parking lot were just nearby not with them. So she can make her own boundary (even if court won’t enforce it). “I will not be alone with you. If you need to talk privately send me a text/email.”
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