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Everything posted by heartlikealion

  1. They were dating separate people but she was a hypocrite. She gave herself more freedom in that area it seems. I know for sure they were divorced (it was on her Facebook profile). But I possibly triggered some feelings in her. Who knows. People suck.
  2. I asked Xh if he started working Sun nights again since he hasn’t been around when I drop off dd. He said yes. Dd thinks someone commented that he wasn’t at work enough (remember he changed all his shifts prior to the divorce to be M-F 7:30-3:30). I found this interesting. So it’s true, his job always comes first and he will just make exceptions when he doesn’t have a partner to hold down the fort. I asked dd if the stepmom cooks and does she like the food (she’s from another country originally and then from TX so I assumed might have different cuisine). Dd said Dad cooks. So I guess the kids just eat whatever dad made. She said that the woman cooked “for dad” when they went to her home. Meals from her home country. This is all kind of interesting to me as I was accused of not providing enough food for ds. But I was preparing meals and where applicable rationing out was at the root due to food/financial insecurity (or me thinking ds was just trying to extend his bedtime by saying he was hungry again). Like oh look we have hardly any chicken. I can’t buy any locally. Will make due with this til next city trip. Then get fussed at by xh and/or kids for driving to city because they hated the long car trips and Xh hated the waste of gas. I just hope over time my kids can appreciate my efforts in the present and/or past. I did provide full Thanksgiving meals the past 2 years (when I didn’t go to in-laws) and I try to have stuff here they like though it pains me to buy some of their snacks ($$ or junky so I may draw the line at times). Luckily dd has been great about eating yogurt & fruit or oatmeal & fruit during some of her visits. The guy I was dating vanished after we agreed that he wasn’t truly free to date without obstacles til he moved out of his toxic situation (long story but baby mama called and ruined our third date and he had to rush out. She still has a lot of control over him, mainly that he’s staying in the back of her home to save money and she’s supposedly crazy enough to banish him at the drop of a hat). We thought maybe if he got this pending promotion he could move out and date but he stopped responding to me and I looked up the job description which requires more hours than he stated. He’s either lying or oblivious. I do think the job description is probably accurate. At any rate, he became colder and ghosted which was so painful. Talking daily to radio silence. Maybe because I’m an HSP it hit extra hard. Logically I know I need to move on. There’s no easy way to make friends for me. Meetup website was a bust. Pickleball is hard to attend and mostly not people my age. I just feel so isolated. I just tell myself it’s not your fault. It’s circumstances.
  3. Dd and I hung out at the park briefly this morning. Did a couple of the weight machines and walked a little. It was quite cold, though. I was going to do the exercise bike but I doubt I will.
  4. I measured myself and updated MyFitnessPal. It says I've lost 6 inches at the waistline, 7.5 at hips, and 35 lbs overall. Pretty sure I've been ghosted by that guy. We supposedly really liked each other, but there was drama/baggage interfering that may not be resolved anytime soon. Not really in anyone's control. And it wasn't my baggage, either. Said he tested positive for flu a day after we kissed so I'm just hoping I don't come down with it. Don't even know what to believe, for all I know that was a lie to avoid chatting. Why is dating so hard? Dh tried to shame me for wanting to wear a corset in my 30s. Well I bought one and after a little more weight loss I think it'll look good. But not sure when I'll wear it as I don't see any dates in my immediately future. 🙄
  5. Rode exercise bike 30 min after dropping dd off at school.
  6. Went on a walk. My calves felt very tight today and I felt better after standing on the slant board to stretch them.
  7. If it helps at all, my family (me, my dad, my aunt and kids) are just going to eat at Golden Corral this year. Everyone is on board. There's a location about midway between our cities. No dirty dishes, whoo!
  8. What a coincidence. You don't want to host, either! "No, I wasn't planning on it."
  9. I may be a little more motivated lately because I met someone and want to fit into more cute clothes 😅
  10. The walking without your usual companion would take time for me to adjust to, too @Jenny in Florida I hope you can find an alternative or maybe you just need time. @Laura Corinoh no I hope you improve quickly. Good job, everybody. This thread helps me keep going. Yesterday I did ~12k steps from delivering magazines and running errands. In the evening I thought of doing more, but I knew I'd work up an appetite and didn't want to eat that late. Today I went on a walk and picked up limbs in my yard. Hit over 5k so far. ETA: I am pleased to announce I weighed in at 149.4 today. Hope to stay out of the 150s. My starting weight was 184 on June 7. Another ~25 lbs to goal.
  11. Did not do any official exercise Sunday. Worked up a sweat cleaning out the car and filming myself installing a car seat for the car seat recertification process lol. Dd and I popped over to the park very briefly and I did a few reps on one of the machines, but didn't walk around the track as we had limited time.
  12. @Ali in OR I want one of the muffins lol @Jenny in Florida yay good job. Lol at “balloon ladies” today dd and I did make it to the pool. We were in there just over an hour. I tried out the foam weights you pull toward you under water. I did some laps sporadically as I could while making sure dd was not in deep water (plus she had on her floaties). I even went down the slide 🤣 ummm do not recommend for adults. It was so hard to get up there the way the steps overlapped like above some of those ball pits in fast food chains. Then I felt like hitting the water was so unpleasant, such a shock to the body, water going strong in ears. Showered and don’t feel like doing any more exercise.
  13. So you know how I like crafts/sewing? He is proficient at sewing & upholstery because his mom owned a shop. I was like *swoon* 🤣
  14. We met via Facebook dating. His profile said something like meeting someone even if it’s just friendship. That put me at ease. We have a lot in common so have decided to try to see each other even though it definitely is a bit complicated. We’re taking turns driving to each other (hour distance). One of his kids and dd are in the same grade. It’s new so no high expectations. But we’ll see how it goes. We have just hugged.
  15. Last night I did 45 min on the stationary bike. It’s raining right now. Dd and I were supposed to drive to the indoor pool but we’re not sure if we’ll go out. I’ll fit in some exercise today either way.
  16. Yes for a second I was… I thought why her? And she barely knows you?? But I met her and figured maybe dd and her have become more familiar with each other plus I didn’t get any bad vibes… but feel like dd would speak up. I’ll be sure to tell dd to speak up if anything makes her uncomfortable. I did ask dd about any beds in the moving truck and she said she’s seen one or two mattresses leaning against the wall so I don’t know if they are dragging their feet or missing parts but seems like they should have at least one more bed set up by now.
  17. I get the kids a lot this month because I have a make-up weekend from Oct plus Thanksgiving break. Ds will not come most of the time but I’ll see him during Thanksgiving. Dd has a birthday this month so I get her 3 hrs that day. I’m now friends with a mom that has a child in dd’s class and we’ll get together with kids one of these days. I’m suing ex landlord soon for return of sec deposit. I got everything ready but delayed so I don’t get the court date they originally said if get if I file now (it lands on their Thanksgiving break). I have nothing to lose.
  18. I feel bad for her… even if she’s seeing flags she’s in so deep she probably felt she had to marry him. She sold her home, all her belongings are there now, her son is enrolled in a school with tuition that may or may not have been paid in full… it’s a lot.
  19. Lol. Yes. We haven’t been talking that long but message each other off/on all day. We just met face-to-face this week over dinner. We were both nervous wrecks lol! We might be able to see each other again Sunday night after dd returns to xh. I had planned to wait to date til after annulment but that’s slow as molasses and I’m even unsure if I should stay Catholic because even if annulment is granted, he’s divorced too so Church would expect him to annul his (for marriage definitely but also maybe to even approve our dating… and he’s not even Catholic!). I’m not really thinking of marriage just thinking hypothetically. The rules are so constrictive. So I’ll just take it one day at a time. We’re enjoying each other’s company. He has kids and totally gets it. We are both transparent. Dd said the plan was for her to sleep with dog but dog kept hopping out of bed so stepmom joined them (dog belongs to stepmom). However, some nights dog sleeps with boy and on those nights stepmom still sleeps with dd. So I can’t make sense of it, either. Maybe xh thought because of gender it was better for 2 girls to bunk but your new wife is curling up on a couch some nights with our dd? That can’t be comfortable. I went to bed in separate room last night but sure enough dd woke up and crawled into bed with me lol I suspect xh will start staying late at the office again once his classes begin. New wife will see less and less and be in charge of more and more.
  20. Yesterday ~3k on morning walk. Late last night after dd was asleep I did phase 3 workout B of HIIT. Then 30 min on the bike. I’m closer to 140 than 150 now. I think I’ll be in 140s soon.
  21. No because she told me dad sleeps in master and dd alternates from bunking on couch with stepmom or in her own bed with stepmom when boy is on couch. oh I’m ok. And I met someone recently.
  22. They are officially married now. Dd told me the wedding was the other day. And she's been bunking with the new stepmom... stepmom isn't sleeping with xh then? And this is a honeymoon time?? So glad to be out of that toxicness.
  23. My daughter goes to a private school that uses Abeka. They never send home workbooks, just worksheets. So, I had no point of reference on what they defined as a "special sound." It actually drives me crazy because apparently blends, digraphs, and phonograms all fall under that term. And things that I wouldn't even think to lump in there, either. What am I missing? Is this weird to anyone else? I looked up some of the special sounds charts online to see what is being taught as a special sound and found some weird (to me) items. On the preview slides from their website (here) I see "la" "ma" "li" "me" listed. Since when is "li" a special sound? Maybe I need an example. I don't know if "la" refers to the front of the word or end. Like koala? I just don't understand. For example, if I were teaching the word "like" I would teach that the e at the end is making the i use its long sound in this particular word. But I don't know why I would teach "li" as its own sound. But maybe this is helpful and just new to me. So if you use this program, do you think some of these charts isolate things you wouldn't necessarily think to teach as a special sound? And do you like this program? So far I think I've only really been confused once when it said circle the special sound and I saw two potential answers and wasn't sure what she should circle. I can't remember what the word was. Yes, I have thought of approaching the teacher but I don't think all the sheets she sends home even come straight out of the book and I often get pushback when dealing with the school (unanswered emails, etc).
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