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Everything posted by heartlikealion

  1. My knee-jerk reaction is that person B is probably driving person A nuts. I know in this write up we're supposed to think, "let's fix person A" but I'm a little bit of a person A and have a person B in my life lol. I have gone to tons of therapy. It's sorta irrelevant. You can be predispositioned (or default?) to a glass half empty or half full mindset imo. Trying to point out the silver lining to someone can be described as sympathetic vs empathetic. It can also be described as toxic positivity. To me, the person B in my life sometimes spreads toxic positivity. I have stopped opening up as much to my family because of their need to say well-meaning but sometimes annoying (to me) things such as, "I'm praying for you." Like I didn't vent for you to offer a solution or try to fix it. Just let me have my thoughts.
  2. Wow this is amazing. It appears they sell several stainless steel baking items including a muffin/cupcake pan.
  3. Depends what you’re baking. I use glass for several things (loaf pan, pie plates, square or rectangular cakes). But I haven’t found a great solution for things like cupcakes. I’ve used both silicone and aluminum (with paper liners). The silicone seems impossible to get clean easily. It’s like left over residue and discoloration affects mine. I usually spray with the flour mixture in a can. Maybe that isn’t a good product for silicone. In theory you could cut out cupcake size treats from a glass casserole pan but I don’t want to do that.
  4. I get the comment. I don’t know if anyone in this thread is trying to say that (not even saying this thread is who you were addressing). I personally think it’s totally justified to conclude that, but I hesitate to say firmly. I have no problem with people thinking it.
  5. I have been known to purchase extra underwear ahead just to make life easier. Some to keep at home and some to pack. Hotels with laundry are awesome but not all have that. And then you have to deal with laundry detergent. If flying, this isn’t practical to me. Semi related - I wanted solid underwear in the same color and could only find it in bulk. So now I have 12 new pairs of underwear lol and no, I’m not traveling anytime soon
  6. Aw I hope your day improves! The scavenger hunt sounds fun!
  7. It pains me to buy charging devices. I’ve had to do it a couple times. I always have one in the car at least. And I currently own 2 sets of laptop chargers which is nice so I can keep one set in my laptop bag and the other at my desk. I have 2 mouses but could use a second mouse pad. In your case I would throw an extra sweatshirt in the car every time lol I’d say we are not buying more lol
  8. More than a blip to me, too. I saw an ad for the Trevor Project on my Facebook feed. I had not heard of that before. Glad to know it exists. Sat night a straight girlfriend of mine was going to a gay club to dance. I thought of tagging along but other friends told me there was an admission fee. I don’t know if people realize gay clubs are frequented by a variety of people (if this was meant as an attack on the LGBTQ community specifically). I hope we get more info. So far I haven’t seen anything other than suspected hate crime. So so sad.
  9. Where I live there are discounts on Tuesdays plus I get complimentary passes (with restrictions) from work, so that helps me afford to go. Unless you go to an opening weekend, it’s usually not packed here. I’ve had the theatre to myself before.
  10. Not a joke but seems worth sharing.
  11. Thank you for the update. @Laura Corin I’m so sorry to hear 😞
  12. Today I went outside in late afternoon hoping it would be warmer but it was still pretty cold and my nose started running or I think I would have walked longer. I have a little over 5k for the day and did 70 min on the bike. Maybe if I go outside around noon tomorrow I’ll get some sun/warmth.
  13. Did I miss an update on your mom? What’s going on?
  14. I did a bit over 8k in steps today then 85 min on the stationary bike. I ate out today since I was gone for hours. Kinda tried to compensate lol
  15. 32 min on bike. Magazines got delayed so I’ll add that to my steps tomorrow I guess. I really want a small waist size. Inches-wise it’s too wide and that’s extra noticeable to me because my chest is small. I sent back the corset because it appeared it was going to be too loose in the bust despite trying to tighten. Too many clothes assume your chest to waist ratio and just don’t work for me.
  16. @Laura Corin keep us updated on your mom @Soror that’s so cool about the tools. I want to learn more about tools myself. @Jenny in Florida so glad you have a walking buddy. @wintermom glad you enjoyed the conference @Harriet Vane and @Ali in OR sounds like you two have been very consistent. last night I did 35 min on the stationary bike. Our magazines are delayed but supposed to be delivered this week before schools let out for thanksgiving so I’m going to see if I can arrive at the office around the time they arrive and do as much delivering as I can before dd gets out of school. I skipped morning walks recently due to being either tired or really wanting to avoid the cold!
  17. Sometimes I knew the music but they didn’t explicitly say who sings this and then a teammate would add that to the paper following the previous question while I just thought it was random music playing in the background. The structure kinda threw me off and some questions were leaked ahead on Facebook so my team didn’t think twice about those.
  18. I got my high rise from Kohl's. The brand is Nine West.
  19. I wasn’t good at it lol but my team was good. We won. They rotate between 2 restaurants and added me to their group chat. I’ll try to go next week. The waiter refused to let me pay for my drink so I didn’t even spend money there.
  20. I posted on my FB asking if anyone had been to that particular event and someone told me they have another one at another place and invited me to join! So I'm going to meet up with them/their team.
  21. I noticed it because the meetup group I used to be in mentioned it. I left that group because it says 20s-40s and I was the oldest person in the group! They were all closer to 20s. But if I show up and it's just me and them that's kinda weird haha. I don't know if others will be there, etc. but it is in a public food hall so maybe.
  22. Apparently they are doing them every Tues night in the city. But I wouldn't have a "team" because my friends never want to go out. I would maybe have to ask to join others or play alone. Have you been? how is it? Do you have to show your answers each time (even if you left it blank or know it's wrong)? I'm trying to get over anxiety about going if it could be fun... but it also sounds like it could be a nightmare. Thanks!
  23. Ugh I'm so sorry to hear that. Are the dogs named after Supernatural? Just curious. Where I live there are very limited vet options as well. I refused to go locally based on lack of cleanliness/bad vibes and have since heard another horror story. I drive 45 min to a vet and I'm not even sure they are the best, but they had that AAHA stamp of approval.
  24. I do not think the left image is my heaviest, but it was one of the only photos I could find that showed some of my weight. Then I took a pic today wearing the same shirt for comparison (of course the jeans are higher waisted and I have a ways to go to get quite where I want). But this is progress. I refused to wear this shirt in public til like a week ago.
  25. I can see where you are coming from, but I saw their text exchange and he told her he didn't answer sooner because he was trying to be polite toward me (and she knew he was with me). He mentioned the guy she was dating in the text exchange and how she wouldn't like it if he was blowing up her phone when she was with him. She nagged him about a trivial thing, rushing him to pick up an item at the store on the way home for their printer. Stated she didn't care what he was doing, but that he better do this task asap and implied him going out made him a bad dad (really, I don't know her side but it seemed like she was being way too harsh. They had already agreed he'd get it on the way home. I had been to his home before, he really did live in this back room of the home with separate entrance, and we spent time together after he put the kids to bed... he didn't seem like a deadbeat dad to me. Art on the wall from the kids dedicated to him, I heard him tuck them in). I heard her voice on the call and I saw her texts. Yes, it's totally possible to me that they got back together when she caught the jealous bug, but I do not think they were together when we were on our dates. I know it doesn't matter so much now, anyway. And yes, it was a little bit of an extra ego boost if he found me attractive since he was younger.
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