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Everything posted by heartlikealion

  1. 10700k steps mostly just errands. Little bit of dancing/walking at home.
  2. How annoying! I hope you enjoy time with your daughter soon 🙂
  3. I forgot to mention I got a small second job that will start soon. Got the contract this week. I will be doing social media for a second place that will bring me in a little bit of extra money each month. That will take some of my financial burden off. I joined a group of people for trivia nights. They meet weekly but there’s no obligation to come each time. They eat together then play. I started to file my small claims case against my former landlord but was told to wait in order to avoid that date near Thanksgiving. I’ll probably go turn in the paperwork today and see what date they have. I’ve essentially been single for 2 years. It’s really hard to meet people where I live. I hung out with other homeschool moms a couple weekends ago (one is a widow and one went through a nasty split the same time as me). They agree it’s hard to meet anyone and they live in the city. But I’ll stick to public dates. Not inviting anyone over anytime soon like last time.
  4. Thanksgiving visit was not the best, but we made it through. Ds texted asking if he could just not come uggggh. Then I almost let him go to dad's after our Thanksgiving meal but we didn't plan it well and he didn't have his stuff in the car and then it started raining so we just went home (we met family over two hours from my house). During the week we signed up for some Black Friday deals to get cheap streaming and he signed up for a trial of Paramount+ so we binge watched the latest Young Sheldon together. He did say some nasty things to me this week but he also made it a point to invite me to watch the show with him. So it's kind of our thing which is nice. I told him I'd lost a lot of weight and then he was like whoa and said he could tell (unlike dd lol!). I dealt with a couple liars and catfishers in the past couple weeks, but I think I found a good one... the app has an identification option so you can confirm you're the person in the images and that gives others some peace of mind. We've been talking a bit and he asked me out today. We both have a kid-free weekend in 2 weeks and will go out then. He's closer to my age, doesn't hang out with his ex, has his own place, stable job, seems smart. So we'll see how it goes.
  5. Got a little over 10k steps today, did my 15 min HIIT, and 45 min on the bike. Yeeeesssss lol. Oh and I got asked on a date today which was nice (I said yes). ETA: weather was bad, trivia was canceled, birthday plans canceled. We'll make up for it later. Plus, dd's school is canceled Friday.
  6. @Ali in OR is that good or bad about the FT career? I did an hour walk around the neighborhood this morning. A bit over 5k steps in so far. Today is a HIIT day if I get to it. Trying to scramble to finish something for work, though. Today is dd's birthday so we were going to see each other a few hours, but the weather forecast is terrible and dad canceled their movie plans tonight and school is letting out early so he just kept them home. I said I had no problem with her postponing her visit (he offered to bring her this morning from 8-11 but I figured she wouldn't want to go out and I was right). Depending on how the weather is this evening, I may attend trivia night and get a pick up order I have. But I think it might be too bad.
  7. Got step count up to 10k with indoor walking/dancing.
  8. Today I did a bit over 4K steps and 32 min on the bike.
  9. I try to go on a walk even if it’s otherwise a rest day but don’t always do that. So basically Sat ended up being a total rest day since it was raining. If I’m home all day I get barely any steps without making it a point. It’s true that rest days are good, though. I checked my waistline and it’s the same as my update on 11/12 but no surprise there.
  10. Sunday I made it out for a walk, 35 min on bike, 15 min HIIT, indoor dancing/walking for steps. Made it to 10,500 steps today not counting bike time (whoo!). I do measure myself with a tape measure periodically but I don’t think that’s changed lately as it will take more time. I told myself to give myself self compassion and a couple bad days doesn’t change the whole trajectory. I had made a French toast bake for the kids and ate some but I’d say I made up for it. I ordered a cheap set of 2 lb dumbbells for certain exercises. I have been trying to complete CEUs for renewing my CPST status but didn’t get far. I finished a video and it said that I’d need the manual for the quiz. Can I have that hour of my life back? I emailed a new therapist to inquire about possibly seeing her. My last therapist wanted to see me more often and tackle “part work” (IFS). I don’t know if my meds are doing anything anymore. I hate being on them and want to ween but also don’t think that’s best now. Ds twists a knife in me when we talk (every mother wants to hear their kid say every child deserves a parent but not every parent deserves a child). Between that and other things in my personal life I’ve had some bouts of depression.
  11. Yesterday I wanted to walk but it was raining all day. Ds and I had a chance to watch tv together which is rare so I sat with him rather than on the bike. Dd didn’t eat this banana she requested that was going bad so I made it into banana muffins and ate one. I didn’t eat well yesterday and lost motivation to bike. I have also been struggling with my depression off/on. I think it finally stopped raining. Today is a new day.
  12. The scale didn’t go down… ugh I don’t know if that’s a reflection of muscle gain or I’m just storing all my fat. I think I need to start using the dumbbells again. I use the resistance band in the HIIT workout. Hmm.
  13. I think they may have two sizes. The ones I usually have bought definitely wouldn't feed too many. But some of us want large helpings of potatoes lol.
  14. It would be very expensive to cater to that many people but the Bob Evans mashed potatoes are yummy. I know this post is old, but just throwing that out there.
  15. Went on a walk outside, 42 min on the bike, did some indoor walking/dancing, 15 min HIIT. My overall step count wasn't the best, but pretty good for me (7765k) especially since I added other activities. I really do not enjoy the HIIT workouts, especially this phase... but I do modifications/alt exercises to get through it. I think it does help (since it's supposed to burn calories post workout). So just trying to add it back in here and there. I'm on Phase 3 week 2. Maybe Phase 4 will be better, but probably not lol.
  16. I spent a huge chunk of the day in the car. Drove 2.5 hours each way to meet family at a buffet. Total cheat meal, including the yummy buttery rolls and dessert. I did a little bit of walking/dancing at the house, plus general steps totaling 6k and 60 min on the exercise bike. Dd is watching tv and I think I'm gonna skip the HIIT and just shower.
  17. I went on a walk before the kids got here. Got about 6k in today before doing 31 min on the bike. I listened to music and watched a YouTube video to pass time while dd watched YouTube gamers (groan lol). I will catch up on work stuff later. No deadlines this week.
  18. Exactly my point earlier in the thread. I've gone to gay bars before and I identify as straight. So I didn't want to assume one way or the other that the guy or guys that took down the shooter were gay. I'm just glad someone stepped in and didn't die. ETA: yikes about the boyfriend dying. 😞
  19. I would just ask them for their input.
  20. Xh asked to drop the kids off at 3 instead of tonight. It's going to be more challenging to get exercise with them here. I might have to ride the bike while dd watches annoying YouTubers lol. I just have one TV in the house. Ds will be glued to my laptop most likely. He actually asked to not come, which was painful. He hasn't come over in weeks and I usually don't see him at dd's drop offs. I told him we're expected for a meal on Thursday but maybe he can return to dad's sometime after Thursday (I technically have them til school Monday).
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