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Everything posted by heartlikealion

  1. Yeah I think I mentioned that in this thread. It was in October I believe. By Halloween they were married.
  2. He hasn’t replied again. He probably won’t answer. My speculation - he and wife are job hunting there. She might get a job before he does. Small chance he already secured a job. Tonight I’ll probably force myself to Mass, even though I’m estranged from the church (personal choice). I have messaged some people that have been supportive.
  3. This is what the state says about relocating: https://www.divorcesource.com/ds/mississippi/child-relocation-in-mississippi-3036.shtml I wonder if he’ll have to help me with travel expenses at all (there’s a mention of that as a possibility) or give me more holiday/summer time? I won’t hold my breath though. I’m worried about the wear and tear on my car ugh
  4. I’ve attempted to the best of my inexperienced ability to defrost pipes to no avail. Well I got one outdoor spigot dripping and the other is tightly attached to a hose that is frozen. I even pointed a space heater at the hose and used a hair dryer but finally gave up. Will try to deal with during the day. The actual water heater is in the laundry room and those pipes don’t appear to be frozen. I also peeked in the crawl space but didn’t see pipes. I’m more concerned that I can’t do dishes or laundry than shower. I wanted to bake and cook but really want a working sink first! Guess I’ll wash my lettuce in the bathtub. The cold water works there. Nothing is working at the kitchen sink. Return to exercise on ??? lol @Jenny in Florida you’re doing great! @knitgrl very smart to use your energy for chores when you needed. @KungFuPanda way to go! And I hope the costume will fit.
  5. Settlement says if we live very far apart we meet halfway for drop offs hence the 2 hour meetup possibility — and that sucked for thanksgiving. Thanksgiving I didn’t do a swap there but I met my dad and aunt for a meal 2 hours or so from my house then drove back to my house after the meal. Not fun! I really don’t want to move by my dad because I can’t afford rent in that town and not sure the job market is much better. I’ve lived there before, outside city limits. I had problems securing jobs in my field and had to work retail. I also would absolutely not move in with my dad and aunt. Constant judgement and stress. I can barely handle visits.
  6. All he said was I knew why he moved — I cost him his job with my inquiry about faculty housing rules. I don’t buy it. A) no, I didn’t know any of this! B) an email sent months ago before he got married - seems moot. And supposedly he was working a couple weeks ago when I dropped off dd. Is he saying they actually let him go in Dec? Or did his ego get bruised so he left for his own reasons? who the heck knows I have way more questions than answers but I’ll say this — if the kids are happy there I’ll forgo my weekday visits and have to figure out a way to make weekend trips work. Which at this rate might be staying weekends at my dad’s house. Alternatively I’d drive 2 hours to meet them, 2 hours to my home, then 2 hours to sun night drop off/2 hrs back to my house. Ugh.
  7. What the AF? got a text tonight from xh saying we have moved. Here’s our new address. This new address is 4 hours away near the grandparents. I sent follow up questions which of course have not been acknowledged. 🙄 You moved them there? You withdrew them from school? You got a new job? I currently get dd one weekday every week. So how can he do that? And our settlement says if we live really far apart we meet halfway. I’ll have to drive halfway every other weekend or just start staying with my dad on my weekends?
  8. Sone of my pipes are frozen so want to make sure they are functioning before I do any exercise and get all sweaty and need to shower. Landlord put a couple space heaters near them in the outdoor laundry room where we think the issue may be.
  9. The pants pick up order left me with the version with a leg slit. I didn’t want that and all the black bootcut ones came that way. I tried on others in other colors and ended up going down 2 sizes from the ones I owned prior to this order, which were bought in Oct. I was pretty excited about that. Went to the YMCA. Had the heated therapy pool to myself and did laps and some weight lifting with the foam dumbbells that use water as resistance. I ate fast food before the Y since I got hungry so don’t know if I made a deficit or not. But felt like I got a good workout.
  10. Tues I didn’t get anything done. I was fighting a migraine off/on, felt good enough for trivia night, ordered food at the restaurant but never worked it off… got home late after grocery shopping and baked off more cookies to use up the cream cheese that would go bad. Wed I was struggling a little with headache, dehydration, fatigue, but eventually felt better. Last night I did a half @ss HIIT. They are asking me to do too many things I haven’t mastered. Like a burpee — I feel like I need a trainer to guide me on my push up form. So I just muddle my way through those parts or modify. Then I tested out some exercises with my new bands. My gf recommended these resistance bands but I really wish they were cloth. They bunch up too easily. And I couldn’t find a high rated cloth version. I did walking/dancing for steps and in the spirit of “something is better than nothing” rode the bike for like 20 min. I normally do a minimum of 30 min but I needed to shower and it was already late. Today’s loose plan is pick up an order at Kohls and visit the YMCA in that town. Almost none of my pants fit. And the newest jeans are beginning to get loose so I ordered one size smaller (which might not fit today when I go pick them up). Technically I’m off work now and return Jan 3 but I’m catching up on a few things and I plan to spend a little time with my Udemy course. I have a couple crafts that may or not get completed.
  11. I’m not even sure what my faith is right now. I’ve been thinking about leaving the Catholic Church and haven’t been attending. My kids have been attending a Baptist church with Dad and stepmom. He is a church goer and I might attend with him sometime.
  12. We talked for 2 hrs tonight and I’m coming over to see him during the gap between when we have our kids on Christmas Day. I think we’re good. And I made him some stuff in my graphic design program for his charity stream coming up and he was stoked.
  13. @Laura Corin 5 miles with a friend - that's a good friend LOL. I don't know if I could hang that long. Today was rainy so I skipped my walk. I thought of doing bike and HIIT tonight, but this evening noticed soreness from yesterday's pickleball so skipped the HIIT. I just don't think my body is quite ready for it. Did 35 min on the bike. But I ate some junk earlier, so I doubt I made a deficit ugh.
  14. If things don’t work out I’ll just be single again. I don’t want a bunch of casual dates with guys I have no connection with. I can take myself to the movies! And I do lol
  15. Well I’m trying to flesh those out, too. But it’s hard with everyone’s schedule and my gas budget. I guess I suck at casual. I also suck at/hate small talk.
  16. I said that in a text because he was literally gonna pass through my town and maybe see me 5 min vs the original lunch plan we had. I was right, he didn’t even have time to stop. Well then he could run for the hills! I was upfront. He didn’t. So we’ll see how it goes.
  17. Yeah she may have been wrong, but by the time that night came around I was on dr’s orders to rest as I had a bad episode after a vaccine.
  18. I feel like I’ve tried it all. I am not even attending church right now. I’ve had a falling out. But that church is mostly older folks and married couples. And another parish I used to attend didn’t have singles groups etc. It’s considered adultery for me to date right now (pending annulment) so also another reason not to look at the church for options. I was in a couple meet up groups. I left the 20s-40s group. I was the oldest and only one with kids when I went to a meeting. They also scheduled things out of my comfort zone like bar hopping. I was in a hiking meetup group but the meets weren’t convenient and now the group is losing its leader and shutting down. All the RSVPs were mostly women. I joined a bowling league as a sub but they don’t need me and when I went to the sign up meeting I didn’t see any eligible guys lol
  19. Oh we never made in person plans when we had kids with us. Only the weeks/weekends we were kid free.
  20. I thought that at first but I couldn’t meet anyone that way it seemed! Most of my friends I see now are other divorced moms. Trivia group is a mix of married couples and single women.
  21. I believe the woman that dropped off spritz cookies every year just added some food coloring to some of them. No sugars/frosting. They tasted fine. I don’t think icing goes with spritz.
  22. The divorce wasn’t finalized that long ago but it has been 2 years since the divorce process started so I finally felt ready this year. I am in no rush to introduce/meet any kids. No rush to remarry, if that even happens at all. Several questions have been discussed but there’s one that is a “cross that bridge if you get there” thing which is would one of us move closer to the other or what (this goes for ANY guy I date… as there’s a distance factor). And so far that one is really tricky as kids and/or support networks are established in certain towns. I’m leaving that in the “try not to think about” category.
  23. I don’t think shortbread needs sprinkles. Cookie press - like spritz? I’ve had those and there were no sprinkles.
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