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Everything posted by heartlikealion

  1. I got a decent number of steps on the drive day. Thursday I managed an OK step count. Friday I played 4 games of pickleball and ended the day with 12k steps. But I got in a fight with my dad over pickleball and me not paying attention to the score, retaining the rules, etc. I got really mad and said well I don't need to play, I only bought the paddle for you. The truth is, I would like to continue to play down the line, but I just have to take the time to really learn the rules. Like in SLOW MOTION. I read rules online, I've watched people play on YouTube and in person, and I still go "wait, huh? They screwed up, how is it STILL their team's ball? I know it's because you have 2 servers and I guess you get a second shot? But during the play I'm like who do I toss the ball to? Who's serving? Do I say number 1 or 2? It's almost like a processing thing... I can't compute the info fast enough to know what to do next and then I feel foolish and worry people will become increasingly agitated with me. Once I sense agitation it's no longer fun. I play for fun/exercise. Then people routinely spout out advice like I'm an idiot (don't hit the ball so high). I tried to explain to my dad, ok, let's say someone is a terrible bowler and you just keep saying to them, "just throw the ball straight down the lane." THEY KNOW THAT. But their brain and hand aren't doing it. He didn't understand why I would like bowling because bowling keeps score. I said because the machines keep score. I don't have to think! I did bowl a long time ago where I had to manually keep score. I was in a summer league in high school and we took turns. I hated that part of the game. But at least it was with paper and pencil where I can see the numbers. I believe I have dyscalculia so I always hate anything with mental math. I also played basketball in high school, but I didn't have to keep score. The score board showed the score. This is a weird hang up of mine, I know. But I just really want to play for fun. If a referee was keeping score I would be in heaven. Maybe I can find some beginners that don't care so much. Ironically, every team I was on Friday won lol. I'm decent at returning balls, just need to aim better and know when to not go after it because it's gonna go out of bounds. I'm visiting my dad because of the fiasco with xh moving the kids 4 hours away. Dd and I bought swim passes to an indoor place where we're meeting up with my friend and her kids this afternoon. It will be totally recreational. It's a weird layout and I won't be able to get any laps in. But it will be movement at least. I forgot to pack swim towels so I'll need to figure out something. I couldn't find my other sports bra so I have to keep washing the one I have. I think it's time to buy more but not sure I can find the same kind (bought years ago).
  2. My dad and aunt live together. I can stay with that girlfriend but she vapes in her home and I don’t do well with it. I know beggars can’t be choosers. Maybe something will improve but I don’t know. And my lawyer didn’t email me back yet. I’m just in limbo.
  3. Which firm? I just see MS Bar. Am I missing something? Already struggling this weekend with staying here. Might need to stay with girlfriend next visit. Our kids will get together tomorrow. And even called a rental in town to compare prices. They wanted $800 more a month than I pay and potentially a monthly pet fee on top.
  4. The elem school tried to make me sign that transportation paper. Essentially implying it was required to use pick up line. I said I would not be signing anything for legal reasons and dad could sign but how can I pick my daughter up today?? After a little persistence I got permission/placard as I’d already been listed as an authorized pick up person and showed ID. Unfortunately (or maybe not?) ds witnessed the whole interaction and I’m sure I look like the mean, difficult mom. I didn’t think ds would come inside with us. Later we went to the high school that starts after 8 and saw other transfer students also waiting to meet with the counselor. She said today they get an acct. number in the cafeteria to add a balance to the account (so not sure cash would have worked) and there’s a portal to access it. Yeah I’m not gonna fool with that. I am glad I sent him a lunch. She escorted them to her office and the parents left. I got his bus number last night from xh and texted it to him as a reminder. Dad must sign something for the school chrome book but he’ll get that today and I won’t have to deal with it. I reminded xh they need a signature at the elem and won’t be getting it from me.
  5. Went to Walmart after dd was asleep. Got more stuff for lunches. Found a bag here.
  6. I’ve never sent cash lol this is a last resort. I don’t know what’s in my dad’s kitchen and ds suggested cash. But in the future I’ll stock the house. My dad might even have a bag we could borrow.
  7. New info keeps rolling out. Xh didn’t drop off a lunch bag for ds like I asked. Ds currently has his own plus mine (from his last visit at Thanksgiving) at Dad’s home 🤦🏻‍♀️ I think I’ll just send him cash. I found out google lied about start/end times but the websites don’t make it easy to find the info. Xh tried to get me to sign some transportation papers tomorrow and I said no, I’m just taking dd to school, not doing paperwork. You know d@mn well if I sign anything he’ll say I was fine with the school switch.
  8. I don’t disagree! I’m just saying I don’t hold my breath for results. I will discuss with my lawyer.
  9. I know but I rarely get what I ask for. I’ll either have him pay transportation fees or reduce my child support and I’m not even holding my breath on either.
  10. I don’t remember what I’ve said. I’d have to go through texts. But I know it will go like this: me: what about my visitation? him: silence or “you did this. I moved here because of you” he will not head on address questions. He will skirt issues, cast blame, stonewall… I don’t even bother engaging most of the time.
  11. Everything was filed locally so I won't have to go to him if we end up in court. It's a hassle to move things so they will probably remain local.
  12. If I consider moving there it won't be til I see that he's remained over 6 months, because I'm going to conservatively say he signed at least a 6 month lease. Once that lease is up, he'll know if he is willing to pay that ridiculous rent and/or if his rent will increase on month 7th which would also make him re-evaluate that costly rent. Even if he and his spouse become gainfully employed, that rent is not cheap. It's more than most pay for mortgage (which seems to be a country-wide circumstance, not just local). I would not be surprised at ALL if he moves the kids again over summer. I will anticipate making the drive every other week for the next six months. I normally get Thursday after school and then have to drop dd off at school on Friday. I could consider driving to my dad's on Wednesday nights, work from his house on Thursday and meet her after school on Thursday. But that may not be practical to do weekly (in fact, I'm sure it isn't) so I don't want to offer that as the standard expectation. This week I plan to sleep at my dad's til Sun night. We haven't left town yet because the weather was terrible. I am tidying up a little bit and the kids are eating and then we are heading out.
  13. I originally planned to drive the kids to their new town as school begins Thursday but the weather forecast was terrible. Thinking we were leaving today and because I had work today I didn’t carve out time to exercise. Now it’s too late and I still have things I need to do before leaving tomorrow. Might get one pickleball game in Saturday with my dad but otherwise I’ll probably be limited to neighborhood walks while I’m there for a few days. Some days are like that. It happens so don’t stress @Lady Florida.
  14. When I asked for blood work for fatigue they had a specific set of things they tested by default. My vit D was in the deficient category. They pointed this out but glossed over the areas that were on the lower end. I modified their suggestions and increased my vit D way more than their recommendation which was weak. I also later added Vit B12 spray and changed my vit D to the mix of K+D. Apparently they should be taken together. My dr knows I did these things and had no problem. I also lost weight between visits so my overall health was better. The fatigue was still a bit of a concern but I couldn’t afford the sleep apnea test. You could have sleep apnea. The healthier I get the less fatigue I think I have. By healthy I mean overall diet and exercise and water consumption has changed. They may not emphasis some low levels but be your own advocate and just increase those vitamins on your own.
  15. Well I don’t think my lawyer was exactly gung ho about filing a motion but was willing. I aired concerns about the fact that these people had just met my kids, the lack of bedrooms in the marital home, and the boy’s age in relation to dd. My request didn’t happen promptly and then I reconsidered and we never filed. Around that time xh got engaged and I sincerely wished him and the new family well. I really thought a chapter was closed and things were amicable. But apparently he thinks I continued to meddle in his work life? Fast forward to now which feels like a new battle when I thought the war was over. I’m tired emotionally and otherwise.
  16. All the lawyers we’ve used are city based and cover a few counties. The main issue with getting a new lawyer (which would be my third) is a new retainer 😓
  17. Everytime I see a light it’s just another damn train
  18. They just want you to pay to modify it and take your lumps. Extra summer time I guess. And summer isn’t ideal as I’m working.
  19. I didn’t want to spar with her but I really wanted to say really? In a settlement that we draw up, we can’t add our own moving restrictions? I feel like all the lawyers are reactive not proactive. Get screwed pay more to solve things later.
  20. The lawyer I considered can’t take my case because she’s too busy and it’s time sensitive. I spoke to others and one said current lawyer couldn’t have made moving restrictions as it’s not a thing in our state… I’m not sure you can’t agree to some though?? Seriously it’s like nothing is fair, nothing makes sense and I’m supposed to keep taking it.
  21. Seems so fitting https://www.facebook.com/reel/667558244898246?mibextid=0NULKw&fs=e&s=TIeQ9V
  22. This morning I did a walk but forgot my pedometer. I would estimate 5k steps. Then I biked for 30 min. Ate 3 cookies lol @fairfarmhand I think it’s funny about the water container - I think I need to upgrade mine to a bigger size. I run out of water before I run out of steam. Mine is 16 or 18 oz. But I don’t want to carry something too bulky either.
  23. My girlfriend there said they have an online process at the public. As for the private school, he said he left a message. I don’t know if he means with a machine. Students return at private Tuesday. You’re so right!!! I scrambled so hard to live in this county. Housing is next to nothing. And even harder when you have pets (he inherited her dog and cat). I kept our cat.
  24. They got married end of Oct and I dropped the motion I was going to file prior to that. So I don't see how I'm responsible in any way just for my inquiry.
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