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Everything posted by heartlikealion

  1. Like to eat in the car? I wouldn't think they would let you bring outside food/drinks in.
  2. I use boiled eggs in green salads and tuna salad. No cheese for me.
  3. Yeah. I went shopping at one around Easter and I don't know if they had any associates on the floor. I remember there was a line for checkout. Of course, that was a busy weekend.
  4. Hmm I'm not sure putting it where you want is so horrible. Not everyone has a basement or separate room. You have to do what works for your family. Like if instead of a deep freeze, if your fridge was there would it be weird? I might ask myself that.
  5. Well, yeah. We have really only had small parties for our kids at those ages. Like just family.
  6. This house has a mudroom with tile floors. We keep it in there.
  7. Well I'd ask her how she felt and remind her that golf will end in six weeks in case she will feel the opposite way with no golf and no GS (bored).
  8. If you google smash cake a lot of the photos are of full size cakes. I don't think that's the same thing as giving a baby a tiny cake or slice. It seems extremely wasteful to use a full size cake just for the baby.
  9. Lol about the 90 yr old man thing, too. Mine will tell me that something is too much money but this man leaves my coupons in the car when he shops :001_rolleyes:
  10. As someone that was this child's teacher or as a friend/acquaintance? There might be a subtle or tactful way to suggest problems without labeling the child a name (not that I thought you would go up to her and call him that). Although I don't know if that will end well
  11. When I was heavily looking into tongue tie/lip tie issues some people stated some tongue tied babies snored? And that addressing the tie would address some of the breathing issues. I don't know how much of that to be true.
  12. Not my style, but I think it looks better with the belt in the photos. I feel like if I tried to do that IRL the belt would slide around since there are no belt loops on the denim.
  13. For real. I know someone with a toddler the same age as mine. They are not alike in public. Very diverse behavior at library events. We both have boys in the same grade and she said she homeschools when her toddler naps. I told her mine doesn't even nap daily. Lol
  14. No. I would have to be needing to go that way already for some other reason and stopping to eat would be like a bonus. I don't know if I was the only one in that other thread that made a 3 hour reference. I knew the OP said 3 days and I was meaning I couldn't even fathom 3 hours let alone 3 days. Dh and I used to really like Captain D's. We stopped at one on a trip before and were quite disappointed. Just goes to show, not all locations are created equally. I would hate to drive for a few hours to discover the location was a dud. Our nearest Krispy Kreme is kind of a dud, too. They don't like the donuts rise enough.
  15. We gave our kids a small piece of cake/dessert to eat and didn't call it a smash cake. We hoped they ate it and didn't make a huge mess. I have seen the "smash cake" photos all over facebook. Not my thing. Or the fancy outfits they wear when they do it. We pretty much have the kids shirtless for cake Lol *or their own mini size/small dessert that was not part of a larger cake
  16. Lol Bill. My first thought was smell by nose and then breakage could mean they need polycarbonate like my toddler lol. And now that I've googled Trivex I see that is for eye glasses. Maybe other factors can be changed as well to avoid the breakage. Like a rug by the sink or the accident-prone area. Less handling of cups by youngsters? Once it's on the table it stays on the table instead of being moved around the house.
  17. I think doing something out of the norm long-term is more than just a deed here and there. That is why I was suggesting a special way to show thanks or to make it easier. I don't think my MIL expects something for what she does, either... but I just think doing extra is nice and can go a long way.
  18. Also, can he write the paper OFFLINE? And then upload it to the site later?
  19. I kinda get it. I think my dh wouldn't want anyone in the house... for one, "why am I paying someone to be in the home if I'm in the home" being one arguement and the other involving the way he dresses when no one is visiting :lol:
  20. Don't even think I'd drive 3 hours. But I wouldn't do that for most places.
  21. Hm I forgot about that. And maybe compensation was the wrong word. I just meant do extra things for her. Give her a treat now and then or pick up groceries for her or whatever. You know, something to make her life easier and show gratitude. Plus when she said that the MIL wanted to I didn't know if the MIL really wanted to so much as simply agreed to lol.
  22. Maybe you can tell your mom directly that it's hard to get the kids to leave so when you come over there could she please not offer them sweets, encourage them to stay, etc. She may need a direct answer. Since she didn't get a direct answer she asked your ds. At least, that's how I interpreted this. My MIL watches her other grandchildren every day. She picks them up from school and they stay til Mom picks them up. She makes sure they do their homework and gives them snacks. She watches them all summer, too. Personally, from an outside perspective, I do think she's taken advantage of. I think she stocks her house full of snacks and such. She spends her gas money waiting in car pick up lines daily. So just be mindful that even if your MIL agreed to do it she may deserve some compensation.
  23. I thought this was about eye glasses. So glad I read the replies :lol:
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