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Everything posted by heartlikealion

  1. something simple like corn hole? Cake walk? Face painting? Balloon animals? I know, not exactly original lol.
  2. I think my office just scheduled me. The receptionist would probably just say, "can you make it on X day?" and I'd say, "yes" and then we'd discuss morning/afternoon. I had what were considered healthy pregnancies. Is there a conflict that's making it hard to come back within the recommended time frame or is it an insurance thing or you just don't want to come in that often? You don't have to say. I don't imagine it would be a big deal unless the dr. thought it was. Like come in at X time to drink some glucose drink.
  3. From where? The beach? I think it's illegal on the gulf coast to take the sand. Well, the one we used to live near is the longest man made beach and I think it was illegal to take that sand.
  4. 40%? Maybe they are including anyone over age 18. Might be more common say, with a young person sleeping with the teddy their significant other gave them?
  5. So he can't go to more than one store to get more than 10? This may be dumb but I sometimes wonder if people can just buy cheap litter instead of sand. I don't know how I feel about the whole sand thing. I wonder how much he took. Not that less is suddenly ok.
  6. not on The Walking Dead. That's not how they use the term. I do think taking from someone's home is looting, though.
  7. I am pretty sure someone at co-op was wearing a shirt with his business logo lol. I wanted to say something, but I hadn't watched the show in a while. I had an issue with that link but found one. http://www.wideopencountry.com/clint-harp-diy-series/ Scroll down to the video -- Chip makes fun of Joanna saying shiplap all the time HA
  8. This thread :laugh: I don't know what's so special about rod iron stair rails. She got them in her home and thinks everyone should enjoy them. The carpenter guy does good work. When she says, "ok we have this much left... these are you choices. Do you want A, B, or C?" I think "None of the above! What a waste of money" half the time. I just feel like they spend too much money to do what they do. But maybe that's because on demo day I think of all the stuff they could have reused. I can watch them or not watch them. I don't have cable.
  9. We did try to see if our computers worked after Katrina. Believe it or not, you may have some electronics with things on them you wanted to keep. Like when your photo albums are destroyed and not everything is digitally saved. Or maybe it is saved, but not on a harddrive in a dry place. People deserve the opportunity to investigate that if they want. Have you had a home destroyed, Tanaqui?
  10. Yeah I raised an eyebrow at that post, too. I get it, insurance will cover stuff. But wouldn't it help to have photos? A photo of that big screen TV or whatever. At first I worried about the little details but in the end they did cut my parents a check and then I went out and rebought stuff I lost. There's no way I could tell you ever CD and all that. Most of that stuff I never bothered to replace.
  11. Looting would piss me off after a disaster because you never know if the item was sentimental or the family was coming back to gather up what they could. When you have to buy a new wardrobe maybe you did care about those jeans that didn't get ruined. But whatever. It wouldn't be my biggest focus, either. I walked through my home after Katrina and my parents told me it was not going to be our last visit to the home. I didn't grab everything, but I grabbed a few things like my guitar. I left behind my senior class ring. The sizing was off. But I guess I thought I would go back one more time and I'd get it then. Well, we didn't. So what happened to my unclaimed stuff? Who knows. A group from a church offered to clean up homes including ours and I assume if the helpers wanted something they kept it for themselves. Not sure anyone would want that ring with my name engraved on it. My name made the list for extinct names this year lol.
  12. My guess. People that don't need the money. I did the math and the rate I was told for an assistant teacher job worked out to be around min. wage but I guess you have to factor in that you get paid in summers, too when you aren't working. Still, it was quite low.
  13. I was going to make volunteering suggestions but... there's always Netflix, Hulu, Amazon... :D
  14. wow, really? I don't know why anyone would call it "finding" in a grocery store unless the remark was to emphasize the fact that it was so hard to find bread right before the disaster let alone after. To me taking food out of the grocery store can be called looting. That's not to say I don't think people can justify it (ie. my family was starving, the bread would go bad, the owner wasn't going to sell it, etc. etc.)
  15. what, you have to do a gift for that, too? lol Seriously, is there a party? If no party I don't know if it's necessary. But maybe you just want to?
  16. Wow, I hadn't even noticed that. I clicked on the link like 3x before seeing his name. I kept seeing the image and caption to the right!
  17. Well dh generally takes ds with him on a weekly grocery store outing. Sometimes they do something like go to the movies (either before getting groceries or another day). Most Sundays I go to church with just ds. Dd and dh stay home (dd is a toddler and very hard to manage at church and dh isn't the same religion so he doesn't always come to church). After church ds and I might run an errand or get food. Now this time isn't as special as say, going to the movies or something, but it's at least some one on one time. Several weeks ago I wanted the whole family to go to the museum for a Curious George exhibit. Dd was sick so just ds and I went. It was kinda nice doing something just the two of us. A few days ago when dh and ds were both home I took dd out for a walk, just the two of us. Most of the time dd is with us but we still try to do some fun things sometimes. A few days ago ds and I finally went to that comic book store we'd never been to. It was actually a bit out of my way but we finally got to check that off our list. I let him buy something, too even though sadly they didn't have any of the skinny comics. Just the thicker issues.
  18. As a visual person, I would rather something be alluded to than portrayed. It would definitely make a difference for me. But like I said it all depends on how someone's brain works. I am OCD and thoughts can get stuck on loop.
  19. I'm assuming a miniseries aired on tv? It might not be as intense as something in theater?
  20. Dh saw it. He told me about some of the jokes. I can see why people laughed. I even chuckled. Now, maybe some of the jokes were worse than the ones he told me. I would not one second consider taking my 9 year old and I knew that much from previews and/or things dh told me about the original. I don't know why she thought about her 9 yr old coming along. Now I didn't read the entire blog. I stopped where it started getting graphic. Dh already told me some things. And online people were saying a scene in the book was removed so it could have been worse. Personally I would rather my child rent it and then if they didn't like it they wouldn't be embarrassed to turn it off and walk away. I don't like disturbing movies. I regretted seeing big hits such as A Clockwork Orange. I watch The Walking Dead, but I know I can turn off the tv or close my eyes or have dh even watch the ep first if I'm hesitant. A theater is a little different. I admit I'm not into horror films so take my opinion with a grain of salt. I don't know how your son's mind works. If he sees something will it stick with him for a long time? Because my mind is like that so I would rather not see/hear something I can't easily shake.
  21. That's not great, but it's more per hour than what I was quoted for a teacher assistant job. I don't know who normally makes more, subs or assistant teachers.
  22. I imagine for some people it's hard to sign up to be a sub because it's not stable work. I mean, sure, in some cases it could be steady work but not in all. That could be a deal breaker for someone looking for a FT job. I once took a test and applied to be a sub but the district was not hiring (this was before I had my own family). When I worked fast food I was always getting offered hours on my days off. Not sure they are losing subs to jobs like fast food, but just commenting due to the reference up thread.
  23. Imo it only makes sense if you can make use of at least some of the space the rest of the time. Like a craft room with a pull out couch or something. Unless financially speaking it is no concern to you and/or you have misc. visitors throughout the year.
  24. I might depending on the climate and what others are wearing. I think the bigger question I would ask... can I find white pants that aren't see through? :laugh: I did once and I loved those pants but I felt like they didn't match much in my wardrobe. I ended up buying some white shoes and a white purse. Hah.
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