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Everything posted by heartlikealion

  1. I can't have certain snacks in the house. The kids and I just devoured a box of Nut Thins and I ate most of the box myself. I stopped buying those but dh brought some home. Do you drink enough water? That might help fill you up.
  2. I gotta dig through the car and see if I have a detailed receipt from the eye dr. If not, I have to request one next week (they are closed on Fridays) so I can send proof to the frame company that I need the refund toward the new pair. I didn't know they would ask for proof of new purchase! I've been to this flex spending reimbursement office 2x trying to get money back from ds' speech & hearing clinic visits. It was one fee and I had a receipt but it wasn't enough info. I got all the info but left the original receipt in my other wallet and they said I'm not authorized to get the check, only dh is. So now I'm trying to get dh to figure out what to do to authorize me. I tried to do it for him online but it asked for username/password and he doesn't think he ever created one lol. It won't let me do "register" and when I did "Forgot username" it didn't give me an answer. If I'm lucky I'll get money back from one of these places today LOL
  3. I don't use it, but I have in the past. I had it on my PC. I think I had an issue trying to get the app to work so I found a different flashcard app for my kindle fire at that time. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0052YK8QA/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Basically I can't tell you much but I think it's safe to download.
  4. Would probably taste better homemade, but we sometimes get the Marie Calendar's? Chicken Pot Pie and Chicken n Dumplings soups. I like to add more veggies and some crackers. Various forms of chicken noodle. Different kinds of noodles. Taco soup or tortilla soup with restaurant style chips. It's been too spicy for me the last couple times, but I used to buy the bag soup of tortilla soup and then add a can of black beans. I don't remember the name but I've bought it at Walmart. I'm sure all of these would be better homemade. I also like some stews and gumbo if it's not spicy.
  5. To answer the general question, I do think there are situations where it would be appropriate (like I dunno, some other occasion that's not a birthday or holiday but someone's going away party or retirement or something. Not necessarily a gift paid for by all the recipients but a situation where they would hopefully be happy for the recipient and enjoy the moment with them). This is one where I would greatly hesitate. Hope that made sense.
  6. Seems like a potentially very awkward situation. What if dd has to stifle her excitement in front of her friend? I mean because of some internal conflict that she feels like she's rubbing the gift in her friend's face if she gushes. So for both of their sake I guess I'd say wait. And if dd's friend is enthusiastic and excited for your dd later I'm sure they can gush about the car together at a later time. Like when they go for a ride.
  7. yes, that is what I meant as well. Scenarios like that. I know a family where the mom and dad married recently and so now they are a family with 4 kids but 2 are biologically from the mom and 2 from the dad.
  8. At first I was disappointed that it didn't work out to do martial arts this year, but then I soon became relieved. It was twice a week and while ds said he liked he he never was like, "whoo! I'm going to martial arts!" or "I had a great time!" or anything lol. We just did it for a trial over part of the summer. I'm drained just from taking them to other places. So I guess I'm ok with no sports at the moment. 4H shouldn't be a huge commitment when that gets going. I think I'm an introvert as well.
  9. Not if this is a Brady Bunch scenario and they are step siblings.
  10. Are you sure it's a twin and not a sibling that isn't a twin? Not that it should change the answer lol. I would not know what to do, either.
  11. Maybe you could just take her to the car then? Drive around the block? I don't know that I'd look at it as "giving in" so much as, "this child is over stimulated" or something?? Maybe she had a busy day prior to the game that time and thus acted out so much. Dd says "go home" sometimes before we are done running errands and I hate dragging her to another place but sometimes I just have to. I know, it stinks. Sometimes I pick up something for her to lift her spirits (like Scooby Doo snacks or a pack of juice boxes).
  12. Also, does she have to go to the soccer games? I mean could your dh go instead/take shifts?
  13. What kind of distractions have you already tried? Some days are easier than others for us. I've been taking things for dd to do in waiting rooms. I pretty much leave the Color Wonder book/markers for trips now. We also walk around. Like at the soccer game could you take a walk or go to the car? Are you bringing snacks? Snacks really help sometimes. I used that freeze a sponge hack to make a thin ice pack. It worked when I used dd's tiny lunchbox today. Sometimes mine wants down and I cannot chase her around so I have to wear her. And sometimes wearing her in the carrier backfires as well because she insists she wants down. At least she hasn't pulled my hair in quite some time lol. Hope it gets better. I would be bored at a soccer game, too because it's just not my scene. Is she hot? Just bored? Are there any foods she can look forward to at the game? I don't know if they have a snack bar. I might use that as a good way to break up the time. Maybe bring some bubbles?
  14. I joked with dh he should make me one on the 3d printer at his work. I wonder how they make them in their office... like do a mold of your ear?
  15. Not sure. Hoped they didn't drop it that many years ago. My nephew learned it in public school. He is in elem. Did she go to public school?
  16. First of all, if I was trying to save money I would not rent anything. I would have it in a home. Can you offer your home? Another family member's home?? I would get packs of paper plates/napkins/cups from Dollar Tree. They come in packs of 18-20. Kroger and Dollar General and Walmart often have smaller packs (8 or 16). I would make the cake as you mentioned and then make a big punch bowl. Offer some snacks. Depending on time of day I could maybe avoid a main dish. There's one punch bowl that looks like a duck bath and people toss rubber duckies in it. I might hesitate to do that (thinking PVC) but I liked the concept. It's blue so that might work especially well for the boy shower. Otherwise I would go with some other type of punch with sherbet probably. https://tidymom.net/2011/ducky-baby-shower-punch/ I have literally shopped for 3 babies recently. I hit up the sales. I found baby onesies on a 75% rack in ToysRUs/BabiesRUs. I saw discounted baby clothes at Family Dollar, Fred's, and Walmart, too. I thought about what some people said about getting clothes but not enough other items. So you could avoid clothes and go for something like baby bathtub, bottle drying rack, diapers or wipes if you feel confident in brand/type, umbrella stroller or something else. For a game at one shower I attended they had a bingo game going on while the expecting mother opened gifts. You marked off a square if her gift matched the box Lol. But that might be a little tricky. I don't believe games are mandatory but it might help to have something.
  17. Most of the prices are out of my range, but I hear they sometimes have decent sales. https://www.rufflegirl.com. Might be something cute up your alley there.
  18. You're right. I'm seeing more and more shirts that seem a little more tween than kid in design for young girls. Have you considered making any? Like iron on transfers or something. I used to make shirts when I was in my 20s? And dh has a t-shirt press and vinyl maker at his work so we've made a couple that way, too. Then of course you could get monogramming done. Not ideal for the whole wardrobe probably, but maybe a couple items. Yep. I look for the "bike shorts" at the Children's Place. I prefer them to the "cartwheel shorts." I especially like the length if I am wearing dd. I think it prevents her leg from rubbing the fabric on the carrier.
  19. This may be a dumb reason but sometimes the women's bathroom has a small receptacle for feminine products close by the toilet. I am usually more concerned about pee on the floors in the men's room than women's. Women's stalls seem more likely to have urine on the seats, though.
  20. I think all bathrooms are a minefield :laugh: The things I have reported to management...
  21. At least one group I know of does this, but I don't know much about it. One mom I know is affiliated with it, but I don't know what exactly her duties are. Maybe the adults and teens work together? We used to be in the same group but her kids are too old now. I just learned that the dances exist recently lol.
  22. I don't get the purpose of a single men's and a single women's bathroom. Why not just label them both unisex? Maybe I'm not understanding. I would probably just wait but don't care what others do.
  23. Haven't tried it with the family yet, but a girlfriend of mine (this is apparently a Southern thing) makes a chicken spaghetti with rotel. I had it at her home and I really liked it. Ds said it was okay and I think dd ate a couple bites (the kids were with me). Dh prefers the alfredo sauce version, but I do not like alfredo. Dh doesn't really like casseroles which is a bummer because I like casseroles. I'm into chicken/rice/veggie casseroles. I think dh might make an exception for a breakfast casserole, though. I would like to figure out a good breakfast dish to make in advance that we could all agree on. Everyone in this family likes eggs, that's for sure.
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