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Everything posted by heartlikealion

  1. I am brainstorming ways to boost morale for hospital staff in my area. Jackson metro area is where we go for our medical care. I don’t know if there’s a good address to send cards.
  2. He’s my main support system right now. I’m going through a divorce and I’m in a custody battle. My sisters live out of state. I have one aunt in MS. But I, too, will have to accept reality that anything could happen. I am doing everything in my power to start over and I will continue the course no matter what.
  3. Yeah they outta be for the prices we pay lol we were doing the bootleg uniforms (buying sale polos and paying to add the school logo) but the school decided that they will only allow the Land’s End tops. I think that officially started this school year. My kids outgrow sizes so fast it’s not a great investment. We don’t have a LE store and have to pay online + shipping.
  4. Oops I posted in the wrong thread. Spoke to Dad and voiced my concerns. He won’t get vaccinated but he knows my thoughts (fear of losing another parent, overwhelming the hospital staff more or not being able to get in, not seeing his grandkids grow up). I showed him a video clip from his hospital interviewing the dr that helped care for my mom at the end of her life.
  5. Dad doesn’t want the vaccine but I did share my concerns and told him I got one shot. I said I already lost one parent recently. I don’t want to lose another and I want you to be around to see your grandchildren grow up. Meanwhile he was walking around my house with a device checking for EMFs saying he was worried about me. So we’re both worried about each other.
  6. I didn’t even know you could look up percent positive. Mississippi said hold my beer with 21.7%. https://www.wlbt.com/2020/07/30/mississippi-has-highest-covid-positivity-rate-us/ Just found out my spouse’s lawyer is fighting for his life in the hospital with Covid. I actually don’t think he’s a bad guy (just doing his job) and felt horrible hearing that.
  7. And, oops, I nannied a kid while in college and did all the drop off/pick ups. Never occurred to me that they hated my shorts and tanks?? In 100 degree weather? That’s a thing? (my quote feature messed up) Doubt it was a big deal. Unless your butt cheeks were hanging out or something.
  8. So the second dose will likely be FDA approved. My aunt is holding out for FDA approval but I couldn’t wait. I felt a strong sense of urgency with everything going on.
  9. Our churches are saying optional! Regardless of vaccine status! It’s just been recently encouraged to mask at church. The priests only put them on at just before Communion. They have allowed attending on a weekday as a way to meet your weekend service obligation. I went Wed night last week.
  10. You were in the car and unless you were showing cleavage I doubt it registered on anyone’s radar. I go to Catholic Masses where I’m shocked at what some people wear (dress that barely covers the body). It’s too hot for a sweatshirt.
  11. I had thought about telling him that since dd can’t get vaccinated I’m getting more weary of non vaccinated company (she won’t be here but he might say hi to the kids at dh’s place. Dh invited him). I’m not even fully vaccinated myself but will return for my second shot when it’s time. It’s hard. I am not sure what I will say. Definitely talk to him about airport concerns, though. He was very protective of my mom when she was here (denied company sometimes, masks in his home). Last we spoke about my concerns with the kids he was dismissive that kids don’t usually get it. I don’t know if he’s seen the latest.
  12. All. But he recently told me that he thinks everyone needs to make their own decision and I was relieved because he doesn’t know yet I got the shot. Last time we spoke about vaccines he sent me a warning email about ingredients and a whistle blower that left Pfizer and I sent him back an article saying that was not true about the ingredient (my article came from Forbes and I felt pretty confident in it). My siblings got vaccinated a while ago. We all got different ones. One is in Europe so their options are different. A long time ago he told me someone (maybe the guy behind the polio vaccine) regretted it and/or lost a child after the vaccine. I could never find this in writing so still don’t know where he got that. He took my mom to get a tetanus shot after walking through a damaged house after Hurricane Katrina. I think she had stepped on a nail. But later he was anti tetanus shot and he maybe blamed it partly for her health decline. He gave his opinions but if she asked for something he’d accommodate her. Back then I think they might have both been on board with the tetanus shot idea.
  13. He’s pretty much anti vaxx so I don’t know if anything will change his mind. At one point I think he said he has the ability to cancel his plane ticket and at this rate I’m wondering will they cancel the event??
  14. Well I can answer part of one. Depression varies. If it’s situational depression then I think that’s the answer (whatever the situation is). Now maybe not everyone will get depressed in the same situations but some might be more common (ie loss). I think it can greatly vary. Like diet can influence moods, heredity, situations, chemical imbalance. Lack of time outdoors or exercising can affect it. Seasons. The company you keep? To some degree.
  15. Well I’m more worried as of late but his normal routine is no public transit, church, grocery store/misc store, and outdoor pickleball. I’ve shopped with him before and he’s very quick and wears a mask. My aunt lives with him and mostly stays home. She usually has groceries delivered to the home. I asked him about the church numbers and he said it’s not crowded and mostly people are skipping a pew between seats. But what really concerns me is he’s supposed to attend a reunion (Naval Academy) in Sept and fly! He’s coming to see me today. First time visiting my new place. I’m definitely going to tell him my concerns but I doubt he’ll get vaccinated. I’m going to say look if you get sick the hospitals are overwhelmed. He knows this I’m sure after the news this week. But I don’t know what he’s been listening to. When Mom was alive the news was on all the time.
  16. That’s awesome! So happy for you
  17. I was in a financially abusive situation IMO and I knew that if I opened a bank account it would be discovered by tax time. We always filed jointly. It was discovered sooner because of a question about my paycheck withholdings and the statement showed my checks were going to 2 different places (small amount to personal account). During the divorce process we had to fill out these forms for Discovery then submit for the court. It asked about bank accounts and retirement funds. We are separated now but some of our finances are still mingled by court order until further notice (how medical is handled and in our case auto ins). He changed it so when the child tax credit comes in it drops into his personal account not the joint (the joint is there so we can send funds to each other if necessary). That money will hit today but I can’t see it. He’ll have to manually move me my half.
  18. Similar situation with us. I was anxious but luckily it didn't go that bad. I just felt like they made unnecessary risks. They had pageant + awards ceremony where basically none of the students wore masks and not all the staff or attendees. And they had football games where no one was really masked (we saw photos online).
  19. In a way I don't even understand this. Like it doesn't take 15 min to sneeze on someone. Lol.
  20. I put off getting the vaccine for a few reasons but then delta got crazy. I know people that are anti vaxx. They won’t change their minds. I was just nervous but not totally anti vaxx. I don’t get flu shots (had one in like 2008) but never say never. I could start again. A girlfriend of mine has a vaccine injured child (documented, not speculated) and is currently pregnant and has Covid. I cannot imagine. I don’t know if she always avoids vaccines or just because she was nervous about her unborn child getting injured? My dad will probably never get the vaccine and I worry a bit. He’ll do all the natural things to help boost his immune system. The first report I heard about the vaccine was from someone at work and their list of side effects sounded like one of those horrible commercials lol (you know where you say dang just take your chances with the original issue)
  21. Oops. I bought a couple for the $25 rate in April 2021. Didn’t realize it stopped.
  22. Gosh, I don't know. This are at an all time high in my state right now and I'm not fully vaccinated. I just got my first dose Monday. But my bigger concern is bringing it around dd (too young for vaccine). I am more or less a recovering germaphobe so I don't know if that helps at all. I'm very careful to avoid touching my mask or use hand sanitizer. Clean my hands before eating (seems like a no brainer but when we go through a drive thru I tell the kids to put on hand sanitizer before they eat). I don't really know how much control we actually have over any of this. I am always curious if we had a hidden camera show would we see different behaviors by those exposed vs not exposed (not in every single instance, but in many). I think back to the Myth Busters episode with the fake germs and they use a blacklight. I have been fortunate that I don't have to leave my house daily and do most of my work from home, but I do go out in public.
  23. It's getting really bad here. I don't know how bad it is everywhere else. "Today the state has surpassed all previous highs in Mississippians hospitalized for COVID-19. No intensive care beds remain in the state, and hospitals are operating at emergency capacity to cope with the incoming flood of COVID-19 patients (including the the University of Mississippi Medical Center, which Is converting a parking garage to patient care). Of the nearly 1,500 now in the hospital for COVID-19, more than 1,300 are unvaccinated. It's an extraordinary burden." (from MS Dept. of Health facebook page) https://www.mississippifreepress.org/14644/ummc-prepping-garage-for-field-hospital-requesting-federal-support-to-staff-it/
  24. Some videos I show my face and some I don’t. I cringe a little listening or playing them back at times but if they help someone or interest someone it’s nice to share that interest. you should just go for it. You don’t even have it show your face if you don’t want.
  25. Thank goodness for home tests! I don’t know much about them like if you need to test again in so many days from exposure or if the one time is good.
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