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Everything posted by heartlikealion

  1. I'd go one of two ways... • tell her you'd like just her to come. Elaborate a bit... say it's just family and so and so doesn't like me, anyway. (she may refute that and/or be oblivious. Be prepared for that). • Have a third party tell her. Another family member. "Mom just wants family. So plan on coming alone." They may need to elaborate. "So and so doesn't get along with Mom so it makes more sense for him not to come." If other family members are aware you can go with option two and it may be easier to deliver the news. My question is why does he keep coming? Lol. Dude, are you attached at the hip? Does he feel expected to come?
  2. Yeah. Also "stared" and "staring" seem to make a difference.
  3. I am not grammar expert, but I feel like it reads like a run-on sentence. Nathan returned to the world greeted by the blank stare of the UPS driver who was waiting for him to take a package off his hands. I don't know.
  4. Did he get the number from the website or other paperwork from the actual bank? Or did he use the number that was his most recent call? I would instruct him if he has to call a business to look up the number himself. I agree that an in person visit sounds warranted.
  5. Not sure. My son just finished a test to help screen for APD and it was all audio. TAPS3. Who does his hearing tests? Is there an audiologist present that knows about APD or could direct you the right way? Who is administering these tests?
  6. I don't know if this will help but a priest gave me a book to share with dh if he was interested (I am Catholic, he is not). Inside it shows www.catholicapologetics.com. This particular book is called "Beginning Apologetics 1. How to Explain and Defend the Catholic Faith." Maybe it will clarify some things to you, whatever conclusion you reach. Hmm, I can't get the website to load. This is the book on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Beginning-Apologetics-Explain-Defend-Catholic/dp/1930084005
  7. Regarding tummy time, one of my babies had torticollis. I learned about ways to do tummy time that didn't involve baby on the floor. So just in case it didn't occur to you, you can get tummy time from doing things like laying baby across your lap or against your chest. I know you said something about a wrap. I'm not sure what angle the baby is in but if you could get them leaning against your chest that might be better than some positions. They are broken down proteins and easily digestible compared to the other milk formulas. It was like night and day when we went from Enfamil (probably whatever the ob/gyn gave us) to Alimentum.
  8. From what I have learned babies have issues with the animal protein (as opposed to lactose). Both my kids had colicky symptoms on formula at first. With ds he did a 180 when we switched to Similac Alimentum (broken down proteins so the milk was a non issue). With dd we eventually made the switch to Alimentum but she didn't have immediate success. We had a dr note for ds so we could get it free from WIC. With dd we paid over the counter and I mostly pumped. We got some of hers free from the pediatrician's office. The powder and liquid are slightly different, but we wasted the liquid because we were supplementing and it would go bad in the fridge after a short time so we stuck to the powder for the most part. With dd we tried Gerber Smooth as a cheaper alternative but ultimately decided to try Alimentum. I know there are other brands that are similar. I would not do soy. I can't remember off the top of my head but I used to be very active in a La Leche League facebook support group and I seem to remember the leader/IBCLC discouraging some of the alternatives.
  9. Does he get annual check ups? Maybe the dr said not to worry so she's dismissive. Or maybe they are working on it but don't want to discuss it.
  10. I'm sorry that happened :/ Recently I was finishing up talking to a mom and another mom I know came over. The two of them started talking so I just kinda faded into the background and left. They were talking about plans with each other. I kinda had a moment in my head like, "uh, okay wait til I leave" lol. Later come to find out via facebook their daughters are in some subgroup exclusively for girls. My child closest to their age is a boy.
  11. I have never been to a Lego store. Do they ever have sales that are better than other retailers? I would kinda guess they were overpriced, like Carter's to me is too high in the Carter's Outlet, but I find Carter's in Walmart cheaper.
  12. :grouphug: Is there a nurse hotline you can call in the meantime?
  13. Lol maybe tell him you'll do the shopping or text him "don't need any zucchini" when he's in the store
  14. I have some of the plush Better Gardens ones from WM. I even got a couple of the oversized ones for dh but they are all pretty big. https://www.walmart.com/ip/Better-Homes-and-Gardens-Thick-and-Plush-Jacquard-Bath-Towel-Collection/41159664 I got a couple colors and one is solid. Bought when my store marked them down to $4. Love them. We have a similar one but it is not from the same line I think. Not plush.
  15. I thought this was about ads for animal shelters or something at first
  16. Some of our Walmarts had some clothes on sale. I got a sleeveless dressy top for like $2. I plan to wear it with a sweater when it gets cooler. There's a chain called Fred's Pharmacy that currently has blue dot clothing 75% off. I don't know if you have one near you. JCPenney has a big online sale going on now. I know money is tight but maybe you can find a second hand carrier or one on sale. I never did the ring sling (I thought that they didn't seem ergonomic and it would hurt my shoulder?) but I did start using structured carriers with my second child. I didn't start as early as I should have, but I now have a toddler carrier. Dh thought I was crazy but I still use it!
  17. When I was a kid the only things I remember was briefly being in track & field. My sisters were in and my dad was the high jump coach. I didn't stay with it long. I didn't think I was very good/fast lol. Later I was involved in basketball. My sisters did it first and I liked the sport and joined. There's a 4yr age gap between us all so it's not like we were going to the same games or even necessarily playing the same years. I think one of my sisters did Girl Scouts at some point. My parents would not let us do multiple things. I am thinking it was a money thing but also maybe the hassle of driving. I wasn't longing to be on another team or in another hobby, really. I mean, had there been a local place to do art or something I would have jumped on that but where we lived I don't think there was a whole lot. We used to have a skating rink so I went there socially sometimes on the weekend. Oh yeah and I did bowling league one summer. We had a local bowling alley.
  18. I can't have certain snacks in the house. The kids and I just devoured a box of Nut Thins and I ate most of the box myself. I stopped buying those but dh brought some home. Do you drink enough water? That might help fill you up.
  19. I gotta dig through the car and see if I have a detailed receipt from the eye dr. If not, I have to request one next week (they are closed on Fridays) so I can send proof to the frame company that I need the refund toward the new pair. I didn't know they would ask for proof of new purchase! I've been to this flex spending reimbursement office 2x trying to get money back from ds' speech & hearing clinic visits. It was one fee and I had a receipt but it wasn't enough info. I got all the info but left the original receipt in my other wallet and they said I'm not authorized to get the check, only dh is. So now I'm trying to get dh to figure out what to do to authorize me. I tried to do it for him online but it asked for username/password and he doesn't think he ever created one lol. It won't let me do "register" and when I did "Forgot username" it didn't give me an answer. If I'm lucky I'll get money back from one of these places today LOL
  20. I don't use it, but I have in the past. I had it on my PC. I think I had an issue trying to get the app to work so I found a different flashcard app for my kindle fire at that time. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0052YK8QA/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Basically I can't tell you much but I think it's safe to download.
  21. Would probably taste better homemade, but we sometimes get the Marie Calendar's? Chicken Pot Pie and Chicken n Dumplings soups. I like to add more veggies and some crackers. Various forms of chicken noodle. Different kinds of noodles. Taco soup or tortilla soup with restaurant style chips. It's been too spicy for me the last couple times, but I used to buy the bag soup of tortilla soup and then add a can of black beans. I don't remember the name but I've bought it at Walmart. I'm sure all of these would be better homemade. I also like some stews and gumbo if it's not spicy.
  22. To answer the general question, I do think there are situations where it would be appropriate (like I dunno, some other occasion that's not a birthday or holiday but someone's going away party or retirement or something. Not necessarily a gift paid for by all the recipients but a situation where they would hopefully be happy for the recipient and enjoy the moment with them). This is one where I would greatly hesitate. Hope that made sense.
  23. Seems like a potentially very awkward situation. What if dd has to stifle her excitement in front of her friend? I mean because of some internal conflict that she feels like she's rubbing the gift in her friend's face if she gushes. So for both of their sake I guess I'd say wait. And if dd's friend is enthusiastic and excited for your dd later I'm sure they can gush about the car together at a later time. Like when they go for a ride.
  24. yes, that is what I meant as well. Scenarios like that. I know a family where the mom and dad married recently and so now they are a family with 4 kids but 2 are biologically from the mom and 2 from the dad.
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