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Everything posted by heartlikealion

  1. I was under the impression he only asked via texts, which can simply be ignored.
  2. Ouch. I think it's kind of weird the brother thing excuses it. Don't call it a paid job if it's not a paid job. Simple. I would be so irked. But I don't think I always handle things well. I would ask my dh to mention it in person. Texting is not the same. My dh is waiting for a response from someone to look at our non functional car. It's been months. I asked dh to ask about it in person. He says he's too busy. This kind of crap irks me. A spouse not following up on stuff and the other spouse left feeling helpless because it's not their place.
  3. More reply options. Browse for image. Attach image. Hopefully size of image is compatible
  4. Thanks for posting. I asked once but didn't get a reply. It might be easier for us than getting a sitter to go to counseling. I'm going to investigate.
  5. Seldom. I can't even find a key for it and wonder what happened when we updated locks.
  6. Everyone is saying fire safety but I mean, what if you need to get in the room to get the child out, isn't that just another step? Especially if the door handle is hot. I would not rely on windows or the child to get themselves out. I guess they could sit there til the fire dept. came but I don't know how long that would take here and our windows are painted shut (not our doing). I could go either way with the door. He's a pretty heavy sleeper so I can open it and check on him without waking him. We're not consistent with the door stuff. If dh isn't up late watching tv then there's less reason for us to close doors.
  7. Did it ever have one? Is there a frame?
  8. Parking in front of a gas station where you block people and you aren't pumping gas We have this one gas station that has a stupid set up and I avoid it at almost all costs. No one seems to care if their vehicle is in anyone's way.
  9. We could be roommates :laugh: I get so mad when people lose the TV remote. I am not sleeping with the stupid Roku menu bouncing around. Light drives me nuts. I have unplugged our tv before. Dh likes to leave lights on in the house all the time, like for safety? I sometimes wonder how much electricity we're paying for that. I get a scratchy throat or draft from fans sometimes. And ds and I do not like to get up in the morning if we're cold so if dh doesn't turn off the a/c when he leaves for work it's miserable. I switched it to heater last night.
  10. I feel you. I joined a party planning committee. I didn't know that it would be like 6-8 moms. I suggested adding sides to the potluck sign up and they said "sweet or salty" is fine. At least we had a main dish so it wasn't 100% chips and sweets on the table. And luckily some people ignored the guidelines because there was a veggie tray and a meat and cheese one. I think I would gently tell her that even 4 saying "yes" could easily turn into less as sickness or other things could interfere. And she could probably use the snack later.
  11. I'm a vampire. I like darkness. I close doors for quiet and darkness. If no one else is up I don't mind the door open as much. We have not had our new ceiling fan installed. Other one is broken. If a/c or heater isn't on I can see it getting stuffy. Actually that room gets too hot sometimes with door closed and heater on, but I closed it because ds slept in there last night and I was keeping cat out.
  12. My dad is my mom's caregiver. I think about this a good bit, but he seems intent on taking care of her as long as possible with little outside help. He is out of town and has a caregiver with her now, but she is not usually there even the days a person comes for a few hrs to relieve him and do light housework. The one spending the night is my grandma's former caregiver. We love her, but Mom does not really like anyone other than Dad helping her. I think it's not possible for her to be their regular worker due to either fees or required hours? Anyway, my parents are in their 70s. I am 35 as of this month. My siblings live out of state and country. I live a few hrs from my parents and have seen my mom before/after falls, etc. I do feel a responsibility to my parents, but imagine Mom will mainly rely on Dad and/or hired help (she does not like us, her daughters, doing much like taking her to the restroom) and Dad will try his best to maintain his health. I know he is exhausted though, taking care of her (often having to feed her because of her tremors and limited mobility. I don't know how to help. I bring their only grandchildren over occasionally (now that is a few times a year) in small doses. I tried cooking but they are super strict/picky about diet. Like I respect it but it is so expensive to eat organic this and that. My dad does that muscle testing and will say a dish is "bad" for him. Mom stopped eating meat because she thinks it's too difficult. Dad misses meat, but doesn't want to cook it separately. We do have it with him sometimes. Anyway this post is a long-winded way to say yes I think about it but don't know all the answers. They know I am overwhelmed with my own children. My siblings have FT jobs outside the home are busy in their own ways. They one visits yearly, one visits less often.
  13. I always buy CC but got sick this year. I think my body rejected it. The others look like Captain Crunch so I didn't see the novelty. Probably good, though.
  14. The red kitchen aid hand mixer is on sale at Best Buy. Some others are close in price. $29.99 right now https://www.bestbuy.com/site/kitchenaid-khm512er-5-speed-hand-mixer-empire-red/8505065.p?skuId=8505065 I bought it for dh and plan to give it to him on his birthday this week. He was sad when our hand mixer died recently. What's funny is the one on the shelf was white and rang up more. The cashier found the red on one a tall shelf for me. I used my shopkick code to get extra points on the purchase in addition to the points I redeemed walking into the store and scanning some items. I looked at camelcamelcamel and it has been lower before, but that was Jan. 2016.
  15. No idea this early in the game. But I do like to think I would (even if only here and there) enjoy tutoring people in some capacity. I found out that our church has a program where tutors help children of Spanish speakers that are unable to help their children with their homework. I think I would love to do something like that, but with dh's work schedule it's basically impossible. Both my parents helped tutor adult ESL students at the public library through some literacy program. I remember at least one of the students coming to our home at some point. I've looked into a literacy program in my area, but they said that this branch does not have that program. I have also looked into tutoring at a community center, but again I can't due to scheduling.
  16. Not liking the ultrasound thing, but the information. And I didn't realize you recently had a baby. Congrats :)
  17. Ours was a dinner in a restaurant after the rehearsal. No decorations, games, etc. It was actually a bit of a touchy subject for me because I felt soooo rude not inviting my friend that was our lector. He had come from out of town. My in-laws were paying and didn't include him (didn't consider him part of the wedding party I guess?) so I just awkwardly said bye to him in the parking lot and didn't talk about the rehearsal dinner. My aunt was in town from out of state and my dad really wanted her invited, but again, I didn't feel like it was my place to invite people for a dinner I wasn't paying for. My dad said he'd pay for my aunt and after the whole ordeal he forgot. I don't know if he paid them back later. Please find out specifically what your definition of "wedding party" is and their definition. It might not be the same!
  18. What a sweet baby!! My suggestion -- get on Facebook and see if there's a local LLL chapter. Their leaders will probably be able to answer your questions :) I had a wonderful group and even though I only made it to one or two meetings I got a lot of help and support online. The LLL leader for my group was a nurse and IBCLC. But other members were usually helpful, too. My other suggestion is to feel for knots. You may need to rub a knot out. Some people say don't even pump this early. Mainly because of nipple confusion/preferences I guess with the baby. They may get used to not working for it from the bottle the way you do from the breast. Another possibility, is the baby not able to nurse properly due to an anatomical issue? Dd had lip and tongue tie and couldn't empty the breast. Some of those babies rely on the letdown to swallow and don't fully empty the breast which keeps mom feeling uncomfortable til she pumps. But since you are pumping and aren't seeing/feeling the letdown that may be a separate concern. I think it's normal to not necessarily experience that right away. I'll look on kellymom to see if I can find out. Don't take my word for it. I didn't have what I consider a normal breastfeeding journey, if there is one lol.
  19. I didn't know things were done that way sometimes. The funeral I attended with the wooden box (we're talking like 8" or something. It looked nice, just caught me off guard to see a box) was buried at the graveside service following the Mass. We all followed each other in car to it.
  20. Someone gives you their password... (HBO Go). :leaving:
  21. I'm a little lost. I've never heard of using a coffin for a cremation?? I have attended two funerals where the person was cremated. One service had a wooden box. The other was my grandmother and she was in an urn. Mainly to make travel easier (they took the urn to a burial site out of state). I don't know anything about the biodegradable options. Sorry to hear about your father's health.
  22. Forgive me, my brain is not computing correctly today. First of all, I don't even remember if it was the stick that offered voice recognition. It probably was the box and my posts are all mixed up lol. Secondly, yes, the "now" was probably not part of the device/service she was referring. I was wondering if they had a service named similarly to "HBO Now." Sorry, guys :o
  23. Is "Fire tv now" a subscription? I don't know what that even means. I'll have to google. I'm talking about the firestick. Unless this is another term for it. OP, some people buy the Roku stick. It's been shared as being as low as $7 at some store up to like $25?
  24. Oh ok. Maybe that is not available in the US.
  25. I don't even know how a top tether would work rear facing. I am trying to picture that? Where does it go?? When ds had a forward facing Nautilus we had a top tether and I pulled it to the back of the car where there was an anchor. We never used the LATCH system.
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