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Everything posted by MamaT

  1. :grouphug: I have also had a few days of "funk." I didn't think anyone would notice, but a friend called me today and asked me "if I was feeling better." :001_smile: I wanted to say "better than what?" I also need to lose about 15 pounds I've gained in the last year due to stress. I bought myself a homemade brownie at the farmer's market today anyway. Sorry you're having an off day. I hope tomorrow is better.
  2. I use The Church in History with my high schoolers and have not found it to be too biased to use (I wouldn't use it if I were Catholic). It was not confusing to my kids and we have had lots of great discussions from the readings. I use the History Lives series up through middle grades. We enjoy those as well.
  3. IMO, kids do not have the wisdom, maturity, or enough of the big picture to make a choice like that. So, while I do everything I can to make sure their social needs are met, institutional school is not an option.
  4. Yes, if you have to preface with a statement like that, you need to keep your thoughts to yourself. My MIL starts off by saying "I don't mean to be ugly, but . . . " and then proceeds to tear people up with her words. It makes me feel like I need a bath.
  5. I have never dropped. I've had four natural children and never went into labor by myself at all. One they finally induced at 39 weeks - he was 23 inches long when he was born and I'm only 5'1". My first was induced because I had toxemia and two were scheduled C-sections.
  6. Congratulations! I am also going to be a grandmother soon. :001_smile:
  7. I like her books, too. I have them all - come on over and plunder my library, girl!
  8. When he looked outside and saw a fire, yeah, he hung up.
  9. You have actually relieved me of 30 years worth of guilt. My soon-to-be dh was on the phone with an old girlfriend and wouldn't hang up. They had really just been friends for a long time, but I was young and stupid. I took a very expensive Bible she had given him, walked outside, and burned it. I have felt guilty for 30 years. :001_smile:
  10. If you go to barnesandnoble.com and let your cursor rest over the nook book section on the left side, you will get a selection of choices. One of them is free nook books.
  11. Upper 80's here, but so humid. We are heading to FL next week and normally there is a great big difference, but it has been unseasonably hot here this year.
  12. Yes, I have downloaded many free classics on my nook.
  13. Congratulations! Your party looks like it was so much fun. We had boy after boy around here (my girls are adopted). They seem to come in sets, don't they?
  14. I would not wear jeans or shorts, but not a "going to church" dress either. For my dd's recitals I wore a summer dress and sandals with a little heel. I think a skirt or slacks with a nice shirt would be fine, too.
  15. You need to let Wolf deal with his mother and you should not have to talk to her at all. You MIL reminds me of mine, and I am SO SORRY! Our family is going to spend a couple of days (that's all the kids and I can stand) with my MIL next week and I am sick to my stomach every time I think about it. Enjoy your pregnancy and be excited - pretend your MIL doesn't exist. :001_smile:
  16. Yes, between those years I turned down a college scholarship, got married, and had my first two kids. I went back to school later.
  17. My sister, who is 12 years older than I am and more like my mother, sang me to sleep with that song as long as I can remember. It makes me feel like a small child when I hear that song. I sang "Daddy's Little Girl" and changed the words to "Mommy's little boy" for my boys, You are My Sunshine, Jesus Loves Me, and sometimes I just hummed. I had one son that I had to sing "As the Deer" to - he would say, "Pantin for, Mama." It makes me miss him to think about it, now that he's grown and far away.
  18. I answered that I drive with my right foot and sometimes drive barefoot. I was guessing you were talking about braking and accelerating. I do use my left foot to clutch because I drive a stick. The only time I drive barefoot is when wearing flip-flops. They get caught on the floor of the car and can be dangerous, so I just take them off.
  19. Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday I wash one load of each: darks lights towels jeans delicates On Tuesdays I wash sheets, blankets, and throw rugs. Works for me.
  20. I have 6 and we are definitely done! I am too old at this point - and I will be a grandmother this year. Woo-hoo!
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