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Everything posted by MamaT

  1. My MIL would not have picked me and screamed bloody murder when my dh told her we were getting married (over the phone - I wasn't on the phone and neither was she, it was my FIL, but I could hear her). 30 years later, she feels the same. My parents would have picked my dh for sure.
  2. I really enjoyed the series. They are filming the movie in our neck of the woods and several of my dd's friends have been cast as extras. She asked one of her friends the other day why he had cut his hair so "wonky." Apparently, he had to cut it for the movie.
  3. Oh Chris, I am so sorry. I'll be praying for you all. :grouphug::grouphug:
  4. :grouphug: I am so sorry. Molly was a very precious person and much loved here on the Boards. I will be praying for her wonderful family.
  5. I haven't been on here lately and just saw this. I just wanted you to know I am praying. :grouphug:
  6. I have used enotes.com in the past and that has worked pretty well. It is $49 a year and would have study guides, which include summaries, critical essays, quizzes, and essay assignments for most of the works. There is a portion of the guide that is free on their site. This year I bit the bullet and bought the complete binder from Excellence in Literature. My dd loves to do things independently and I felt it would work well for her.
  7. We will celebrate our 30th anniversary in September. Boy, that makes me feel ancient!
  8. I usually keep a few kinds of juice in my refrigerator for the kids, mostly white grape, orange, and cranberry. They drink plenty of water, too.
  9. My kids aren't crazy about sandwiches, so we usually have leftovers. Sometimes we just make smoothies for lunch in the summertime. I also try to have ingredients for a green salad or keep a pasta salad in the fridge.
  10. I voted 1 - 1.5 hours, but that is just for my cleaning and is spread throughout the day. I have four kids who spend about 30-45 minutes each on a cleaning chore.
  11. :grouphug::grouphug: My internet has been down all day and I just saw this. How horrible. That is just not fair. I will be praying for you all.
  12. I don't leave my keys in my car, but I never lock it when I'm home. We only lock our doors at night, but we live in a rural area up on the side of a mountain.
  13. Yep, no one would sleep or rest until the snake was found around here. I have an irrational fear of snakes. I would be having nightmares!
  14. I grew up in Florida way back in the day (60's and early 70's for school) and we never had a heat day. Some of our buildings weren't air conditioned either.
  15. One volunteer gift that I got 25 years ago and am still using - a coffee mug with two porcupines - one pulling a quill out of another that says "Thanks for giving of yourself." :001_smile:
  16. I think it's hilarious that he picked Vegas of all places! Too funny.
  17. :grouphug::grouphug: Just wanted you to know I'm praying for your family.
  18. It really depends on how close we are to the couple. For close family and friends it would be about $100, and for others maybe $50.
  19. We finished all of our subjects, but we always continue memory work, latin vocabulary, math, and reading at least a few days a week through the summer. We start back the beginning of August.
  20. No one has to babysit now because everyone is old enough to take care of themselves. Back in the day when I had three children two and under, my older boys would have been miffed if I had tried to pay them. That was just part of being the olders in a big family. I made sure I didn't ask them to sit too much - I didn't want to take advantage of them. They always had everything they needed and more.
  21. People like that make me wish we had an Ignore button for real life. I'm sorry you have to deal with her.
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