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Everything posted by littlebug42

  1. My husband, lactose intolerant, can also drink raw milk with no problems. It is the only milk my children drink except occasionally when out. The farmer where we get our milk has several good links on his website at http://www.eatffoodforlife.com.
  2. I had severe migraines when I was in high school and through process of elimination traced them to an aspartame allergy. I hope you find the cause and some relief for your daughter. I sympathize.
  3. There is dry-erase paint as well. You can get it at Lowes or Home Depot. You have to have a smooth surface to use it though.
  4. I was a ps kid and my senior AP English teacher in high school was the best teacher I have ever had - public school or college. He had very high expectations for us, worked our behinds off and inspired us to want to work our behinds off. We had weekly vocabulary tests on which we had to know the literal and functional definition of each word along with the meanings and origins of each root, prefix and suffix. I remember acting out "The Canterbury Tales". He would sit in a chair on top of his desk during tests wearing black Ray-Ban sunglasses so no one could ever see where he was looking to keep anyone from daring to cheat. I can say that when I went to take a literature course in college, at first, I was disappointed because it did not live up to his standards. I have spoken to many others that had this teacher and we can all agree about what a tremendous impact he had on our lives.
  5. One I didn't see listed that I love is "While You Were Sleeping" with Sandra Bullock.
  6. Not much at St. Ed's is a terribly far walk from anything else. The campus has changed quite a bit since I was there but I think she will be fine. I actually lived in East Hall myself for my Freshman year. It is at the bottom of a hill but most classes are located just at the top of the hill. There were a few building further away but none of it is not doable. Of course, I complained about it as a 17-year-old Freshman hauling it up that hill every morning. I think she has a great journey ahead of her. Student loans notwithstanding, I truly treasure my time there.
  7. I live in an urban area and those of us that live here are not: 1. All drug dealers. 2. All unemployed and "mooching" off of their tax dollars 3. gang members. The other one that bothers me is that we do not live here only because we have no other options and we would not "jump" at the chance to live in suburbia if only we had the means. We live here because we chose to live here. We had other options but we actually do like it here.
  8. We are starting back the first Monday in August and I am ready. We have had an extended break while dealing with my Dad's leukemia so I need to get back to that sense of normality.
  9. I went to St. Edward's University in Austin and I LOVED the city. If my extended family would go with me, I would move back to Austin in a heartbeat.
  10. I did not live in Houston but I used to live in Austin when I was in college and I loved living in Texas except for the heat and the fire ants. Unfortunately, all of my family was back in the midwest and I decided to leave to be closer to them. If my family was there, I would go back to Texas in a heartbeat.
  11. Between his leukemia and the chemo for it, my Dad is not doing so well right now. I know he can use all of the prayers and good thoughts that can be sent his way. I just lost my FIL to cancer three years ago and this is all just hurts. Thanks.
  12. I think the only difference between what might be considered "Catholic Science" vs other Christian content is that it is likely to not be of the young earth creation stance as some other Christian materials might be although depending on the program it could be.
  13. I had a dentist recommend mine come out but when I went to the oral surgeon, he said to not disturb them if they were not causing any problems. My sister had a dentist tell her to have her son's healthy tonsils removed to keep from messing up his orthodontia somehow. At age 11, I don't think it would be a problem to wait if they are not causing any problems especially if it would cause undue financial stress at this point.
  14. This happened to me last summer. My cycles are slightly irregular as to the number of days between each but they always come - until last summer. They just seemed to stop. I went to the OB/GYN and he ran some tests and nothing was wrong. He said hormone levels did not indicate perimenopause or anything. I tried once again going on the pill to see if it would kick start things (which I should just know better - I cannot take those things). After taking it one month, I quit and things did seem to kick start. He also said I could just wait it out. If it concerns you, I would go in for an appointment, especially if it continues.
  15. Unlike other posters here, I do not agree with you but felt the need to address a few points only. (d): Abuse of the system is already a problem. I work in the health care industry and I cannot tell you the number of medical tests that I come across every day that are unneccessary. I do not doubt at all that if there is a guaranteed paycheck for those exams, the amount of them will increase. Since I began my job 7 years ago, I have already seen that as the economy worsens I get busier. Prior to my health care job, I worked in government funded low-income housing. I know the government cannot manage those needs and I have no faith that health care would be any better. (e) I take exception to the fact that if you have insurance you "have the moon". I will use my daughter as an example. She was born with a clubfoot, typical treatment of which is surgery - lots and lots of surgery often. We chose a nonsurgical treatment that I currently have the freedom to obtain the best treatment we can for her - in another state. I have had to fight hard for that (separate from my insurance) and I don't want a board of anyone telling me what is right for my child. (f) You don't want to hear negative stories from other countries to color your opinions - well, I have heard them first hand over the last 5 years from many concerned parents that have little to no choices for their children's feet. This does color everything about my decision making in this matter. I would like to believe that things will work out but I can tell you, I have a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach that if this legislation passes, it will mean nothing but bad things for my daughter. That may make me selfish but that is what I see in our lives. We fit just inside a tax bracket that puts more of everyone else's burden on our shoulders when we have enough of our own to bear.
  16. For me, it is 100 %. There are some pretty big gaps in my education that I directly place to not finishing the material. This was particularly a problem for me with history. I know a ton about the US prior to WWII but very little after unless I have sought out the material on my own or picked it up in Government and POlitical Science.
  17. At this point, we are in the process of paying off considerable debt incurred when we were young and stupid or not so young and just stupid ;). If our income decreased by half at this point, we would likely lose everything. We might be able to file bankruptcy to gain some relief but that will not help at all with two mortgages and a very large amount of student loans so we would still have that debt. We will have all of the cc debt paid off in about 3.5 more years and then we would be in a much better position if this happened to us.
  18. I am very concerned about what this new health care legislation would mean for my family, particularly my daughter. She was born with a clubfoot and I have had to fight really hard to get good care for her. I now have to take her to Missouri (6 hours one way) to see her orthopedist and he is her third one. Through the wonders of the internet, I have had contact with people in the UK, Canada and Australia, and their fight for good care for their children's feet is worse with very few options for treatment. Many bring their children to the US for treatment. Boo-Boo is at a point where she now needs PT. Our local children's hospital, whose patient's are primarily Medicaid patients, looked at her foot and declared it "good enough" even though she limps pretty significantly. This is where I fear our healthcare will be going - "good enough" and I'm sorry, that is not acceptable for my children. We work hard and have sacrificed a lot to get her what she needs and now as members of an upper middle class tax bracket, I fear we will be paying more in taxes for our children's care to diminish. I see no way to foot the bill for this kind of plan without "dumbing down" the medical care.
  19. My daughters did not enjoy the bunk beds. They did at first but their personalities are so different and this is so evidence at bedtime. We had to make some accommodations to give them their own rooms to save my sanity. They get along great during the day but need separate space at night. I do not think it is a gender thing though. I think it is just their personalities.
  20. Here is my bookshelf. I actually just added some new things and am in the process of purging books because I own way too many and if I am going to continue with Winter Promise, I need to make room for all of those books. http://www.paperbackswap.com/book/members_books.php?m=d1FSVVBocUJRQ289
  21. My kids love homemade potato chips and I make homemade donuts. I have also made crab rangoon (without the crab) and those were really good as well.
  22. Definitely check to see if there is a Ronald McDonald House. I know people that have stayed in these in both Iowa City and St. Louis and they had great experiences. The low nightly rate as low as $5.00 at some, also includes some meals as well. I hope all goes well with the treatment. I take my daughter to St. Louis (6 hours one way) for her orthopedic treatment so I do understand about traveling for better health care.
  23. This year, I elected to do a portfolio eval instead of testing for my oldest and I am pleased with the outcome. I now have a 3 ring binder (just a small to medium sized one) with my daughter's first grade work in it, along with a list of books she's read and pictures from field trips etc. I don't know if I'll keep it forever but if I decide to, it is easy to store. I plan to continue this with her and my younger one.
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