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Everything posted by Hannah

  1. You can listen to radio programs and find worksheets about composers at http://www.classicsforkids.com.
  2. I've never used Paperback Swap, but have been on Bookmooch for just over a year. It has been absolutely fantastic! I've received loads of books to use with SOTW that I would not have been able to afford to buy. Out of more than 200 mooches, I've been dissapointed with the condition of the book twice where I thought it had not been described accurately. ETA: I just wish more people would be willing to send books internationally!! On Bookmooch, you get 3 points if you do.
  3. We’re half way through 4th grade (our year starts in January) and this is what we’re doing; Math: Singapore 4A Supplemented with Math-u-See Language arts: Writing Tales (Just finished 1 and starting with 2) Literature selections from Sonlight, Veritas and other lists Kiss Grammar Spelling Wisdom Poetry memorization – own selection from various sources 2nd and 3rd languages: Latina Christiana 2 Afrikaans Sonder Trane Afrikaans literature History: Story of the World 3. We do “history club†with two other families once a week to do the activities from the guide. It’s great to rotate preparation with 2 other moms as we all have different skills. Each family does the mapwork and reading (SOTW and literature suggestions) on their own. South African living books program in parallel to SOTW (we do this in the weeks when progress on SOTW3 is held up – the drawback on doing it with others). Geography: Discovering the World of Geography Working through the “Planet Earth†book by Farndon et. Al. This is a lovely book with two-page spreads on each topic followed by neat activities. Science: We’ve do an eclectic mix of Singapore My Pals are Here Science, Sonlight Discover and Do DVD’s and reading through various books as thre is interest in a subject. Logic: Steck-Vaughn Critical Thinking level C Religion and Character study: Finished reading through Vos’s Children’s Story Bible. Now reading stories from other religions. Music We do a “composer of the monthâ€. http://www.classicsforkids.com is a great resource. Violin lessons Art “Artist of the monthâ€. I print out paintings from http://www.artchive.com and put them on the wall. We read books about the artist. Pottery lessons PE Horse riding Homeschool netball Dd does math, violin practice and religious study daily, and the rest of the subjects follow a rotating schedule. She writes for LA, history and science.
  4. This is an awesome list - thanks!! Another to add for Math and Science Grades K-5 is http://pgcounty.scottforesman.com/ and The Baltimore Project has lesson plans for various subjects for grades K-5 http://www.cstone.net/~bcp/BCPIntro2.htm A world history outline is available at http://www.smithlifescience.com/SS2005LessonPlans.htm and Science plans for 6th grade based on the "Prentice-Hall Life Science" book at http://www.smithlifescience.com/.
  5. Oh wow!!! Thanks for posting this link - I've just downloaded "Stories of Rocks and Minerals for the Grammar Grades" I'm absolutely delighted!!
  6. Can I just say how jealous I am of those of you that can do downloads from Google books - its not available outside of the USA!!!
  7. Waaaay too much time. I admire people who were here often and have had the strength to give it up!
  8. I found a video on this at http://www.startribune.com/video/11967361.html. There are more on Google.
  9. I've only ever done bubble wrap when moving china and that was to stop the items knocking against and chipping each other. You could prevent chips and scratches to the surface of your china if you use flannel in between the items and stack them carefully. Seeing as they're in a cabinet, they won't get any other knocks, so you won't need anything thicker.
  10. What a great thread! It's beautiful - thanks for sharing! My favourites are in Afrikaans by Louis Leipoldt.
  11. Ours is a wall timeline, but it may give you ideas anyway. You can find a template, instructions and a picture of our timeline at the filew section of this yahoo group . The lines are horizontal and shaped in a triangle. A different colour for each century. I did not realize it until reading the new Well-trained mind that there is no year 0, so there's an error on ours there.
  12. Thanks for sharing your awesome resources Merri!
  13. You can find timeline figures for SOTW1 to 3 as well as a timeline template at the files section of this Yahoo group. I would go ahead and do SOTW1 with your 2nd grader. Your kindergartner could easily listen in and join in the activities. You'll be surprised how much he/she will learn! There was a recent thread (sorry, I don't have time to search) about the new activity guide being used with the old book and I remember people saying that this is not a problem.
  14. I use Librarything.com. I export the file for backup every month to overcome the problem of it being on someone else's server.
  15. We have the older versions and I don't intend upgrading just for the maps and coloring pages for my 2nd dd.
  16. I don't know HOD, but you can find free timeline resources at the files section of this Yahoo Group. The timeline pictures are based on SOTW 1 to 3.
  17. Not everyone has access to good libraries. Of the entire list of books listed in the additional history reading and literature supplements of SOTW2, my library had exactly two - Shakespeare stories and one other. I'm always on the lookout for 2nd hand or other book sales. And I LOVE http://www.bookmooch.com!! We are fortunate to have 2 walls (about 6 metres) of floor to ceiling shelves in our study/schoolroom.
  18. How can I edit a .pdf document to take out a picture? After a hardware crahs, I only have a .pdf of a file I made in MSWord. I now need to edit out a picture, but if I copy and paste the whole thing to Word I loose all the formatting. Is there an easy way of cutting out the picture?
  19. This is SO true. I periodically have to screen résumés and I throw those with spelling errors and bad formatting out without a second glance. It may not be fair, but someone who hasn't spent enough time making sure that their first impression is professional, has failed over the first hurdle. Appearance at the interview is also important. It shows that you care enough to make the effort and that you've paid attention to the details. Preparation is also important. Show that you've done your homework about the company. Search for typical interview questions and rehearse answers with a friend. It gives one the confidence boost when the time comes to answer. :iagree: A degree is the key to opening certain doors. Degrees in some fields open larger and more doors than others.
  20. Oh, I can SO understand to your frustration! There are a couple of things from Timberdoodle and others we're living without because the shipping costs are so ridiculous. Lulu.com is charging $38 for shipping on a $25 book I desperately want, but I just can't justify the cost. We started with Singapore's Primary Math and as we are happy with it, I don't want to change midway through. The same with Latina Christiana. It more than doubles the costs of the books. And they're not available locally.
  21. Another member of the clan.. Dirty Jenny Rackham You're the pirate everyone else wants to throw in the ocean -- not to get rid of you, you understand; just to get rid of the smell. You have the good fortune of having a good name, since Rackham (pronounced RACKem, not rack-ham) is one of the coolest sounding surnames for a pirate. Arr!
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