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Everything posted by MomOfABunch

  1. For what it's worth, I used Ecci Romani when I took Latin 1 in college. I don't remember much about it though.
  2. You know the playgrounds at Chick-Fil-A? I.want.that!
  3. I'm looking for early childhood music theory and history recommendations for a high school special needs child. No H in Snake type things but also beginning theory workbooks. Specifically theory, not piano. What do you like? I'm not sure what I'm looking for exactly for music history. Something more than maestro classics CDs and composer stories, but still fun and at a low reading level. Is there such a thing as Story of Music History?
  4. I'm trying to decide between these to use on an iPad. Which do you use and how do you like it?
  5. Ancient Literature (Roman Roads) and Writing (WWS 2/3) Ancient History (Roman Roads) AoPS Precalculus AP Biology (Thinkwell) AP Computer Science (Teen Coder) Latin 1 (Henle) Arabic 4 (private tutor)
  6. Last night mine threw his dinner all over the floor and then rolled around in it. While I was cleaning that up, he took a single, teeny tiny bite out of about a dozen apples and put them back.
  7. You're exactly right. The GRANDPARENTS think that the kids homeschool solely for social reasons and that I am forcing this choice on them without their imput. This is my frustration. Despite being told numerous times by myself and Twin 2, they stick to the assumption and insert it in conversation often. It's clear that they think I'm denying him "the American high school experience," aka varsity sports, specifically football. Twin 2 has absolutely zero interest. He's a 3rd degree black belt, he likes to work out at the gym and this year he's taken on a couple dozen chickens. Those are his things and I support them. Should he want to join a sports team, at the high school or otherwise, I would let him. What I meant in the opening post was that I do see there CAN BE social benefits to not spending 30+ hours a week at school. Not that there definately are in every situation, but in Twin 2s case, not spending so much time there frees him up to assistant teach the lower level tae quan do classes, raise his fancy chickens, work out, take a variety of county rec classes, etc, etc, etc. and the biggest one for us, is not be ostracized by his peers for learning things quickly, which has transformed him from a public schooled elementary student who hated school to a high schooler who loves learning and doing research. For his situation, that is what I meant. Speaking as a licensed teacher, I believe public school is a great option for a lot of people. But homeschooling has broadened my view to see it as just that, an option. If you use it and it works for you, great. If it doesn't work for you or you choose not to use it, there are other options that are great also. The point of this post was meant to be frustration regarding the grandparents assumptions on my motivations for homeschooling, that I'm deliberately socially crippling my kids. Because that's what I'm really trying to do, right?
  8. This year would be one class for fun, to ease into CC classes. Next year, he'll take math, possibly a lab science. I didn't think Calc would make a great first CC class. This thread has taken an interesting turn.... The grandparent comment is an example of the grandparents ongoing assumption that he is not going to public HS solely because of social issues. And that because he hasn't gone to public HS, he is therefore socially inept or something and he will be heading off to CC totally unprepared and just waiting to be victimized...due to lack of socialization. As we all know, that's simply not it. Someone said this is a different twist of the ongoing socialization debate. It is. The grandparents seem to think public education is necessary for proper socialization. That's the issue right there. Whatever your stance on public education is, I think we all can agree that public education is not necessary for proper socialization! This attitude that I'm getting from the grandparents is what is so frustrating.
  9. Background: The grandparents don't get homeschooling at all, especially for high school. The biggest concern? Team sports. They, well grandpa mostly, wants Twin 2 to play team sports. 1. He has no interest 2. I would let him if he wanted to and he can as a homeschooler. Twin 2 is starting DE at the local CC. He's going to take 1 class in the spring to ease him into it. Something fun, not a core class. We had lunch with the grandparents today and he was talking about what he was going to take. The comment? "You're not sending him to public school because you're worried about the social influences (true, but not the only reason for homeschooling), but you're going to send him to CC with older kids who couldn't get into real colleges? He doesn't have the social experience to go there without going to high school. What about all the sexual predators?" OMG! I need some one liners to shut them down the next time this comes up.
  10. Legally, we were considered homeless after a house fire. We stayed in a hotel for a couple weeks and then rented another house while renovations were being done. The defining criteria was that we were forced out of our home by the fire. The fact that our insurance company footed the bill for all of that was irrelevant. My daughter stayed at her same school and her transportation was rerouted. County boundaries didn't matter. We didn't try to apply for any aid though, so I don't know about that part of it.
  11. Hmmmm.....options. Can he partially enroll? Maybe for a couple classes and personal development, basic skills or study hall or something? Or electives? After school activities to keep him busy? I know one family who sends their (high school) son for the last 2 classes of the day (band and math) and he does marching band in the fall and track (I think) in the spring. He's busy from about noon to 5 most days of the week. Also, remember that it doesn't have to be permanent. You could try it and see how it goes, and pull him out if it's not working.
  12. ((((((Hugs))))))) Don't feel bad about making good decisions based on the needs of your child AND the needs of your whole family. My DD with Autism goes to school. The boys don't. I went through a lot of heartache with this decision, but it is what is best for her and for our whole family. Her school has a lower ratio than what I can offer her at home and she gets her therapies there. I still work with her a bit at home, but if I skip a day, a week or even more, it's ok because she did work all day at school. Some days it's more important for me to just be her mom. Because I spent all day with the boys, I can send them outside to play for a bit when she gets home and give her my undivided attention. I could never seem to fit that in when I homeschooled her. I still feel guilty about it sometimes, it doesn't seem "fair." But then when I really stop and think about it, she is getting exactly what she needs. It just happens to be different than what the other kids need. And that is 100% ok.
  13. http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/361425-aops-or-college-algebratrig/ http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/553416-rethinking-math-from-aops-to/ These posts may be helpful.
  14. I would not start school under those circumstances. Moving is a lot of work! At the most, I would have the high schooler do a little math every day, but not if you have to do it with her. I would get moved and unpacked and then start school. I may have the high schooler do shortened breaks or do school on Saturdays or something to make up the time, if I absolutely had to have her work done by June. I wouldn't worry about it for the younger kids.
  15. I buy ready made pizza from Aldi, in the refrigerator section. They're huge and $5.99 each. 2 feeds my family of 7 with leftovers. This costs less than the cheese alone does if I made them from scratch.
  16. I'm right there with you. The only AoPS books my collection is missing are Pre-Algebra and Calc.
  17. This is a great idea! I would buy it for DD.
  18. I sent the tantrumers to the basement to match socks and gave the little 2 cookies while I had a cup of coffee. It took them an hour to match a basket but they came back with better moods. I keep threatening to have school on the weekends because the big ones seem to fall apart without morning structure. Maybe that's what we will do after lunch. Thanks for the hugs! They made me feel better.
  19. 3 kids have had giant tantrums, I broke a baking dish while washing dishes and the baby had an insanely gross diaper, which of course he put his hands in - all before 9 am. I want a redo.
  20. Yes with a normal sized car. No with the minivan. I just refuse because it's really hard for me. I suppose I could if I really, really wanted to and there was an oversized spot.
  21. Hahaha. I've got 5 and trust me, the extra one doesn't magically make the house clean! The fact that 7 people and their stuff live here make the messes. Having the toddler does motivate me to keep things reasonably picked up because anything that gets left down gets destroyed by said toddler.
  22. My oldest boy is the one who always bothers me first, even when I just go to the bathroom. And he's 13. I feel your pain. The oldest one should be the LAST one to interrupt you.
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