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Everything posted by MomOfABunch

  1. The memory work and history songs are what is interesting me in CC. But I also love SOTW and have used it in the past.
  2. Are there? I didn't know that! That would sure make things simpler.
  3. Has anyone used SOTW and Classical Conversations Timeline cards? Did they work well together? How did it go?
  4. Is Miquon enough math by itself?
  5. Yes, it works really well. Oldest DS is the only one that I trust to be able to find his things when it's time, so he gets to keep his things how he wants to and he works mostly independently. The others? They're all about the same level, which helps. Phonics things in the phonics basket, Math in the math basket, Science in the science basket, etc. When it's time for handwriting, grab 1 basket. Want to do science outside today? No problem because it's all in the basket. Missing school stuff really frustrates me.
  6. You really are getting a lot done! Give yourself credit. One out of the box thing I've started doing that's really helped with the toddler situation is staggering mealtime. I strap toddler the destroyer into his high chair for 20 minutes for his breakfast, snack and lunch which gives me 3 20 minute blocks and I do reading, math and spelling/writing with DS2. I give him food in really tiny pieces so it takes him forever to eat it. DS2 eats when he's done working and the toddler climbs on the table, runs around or destroys something. I focus on DS3 during the toddlers nap (he's 4, so if nap doesn't happen, it's not the end of the world) and DS2 plays with Legos or something by himself. DS1 is usually done working by mid afternoon and takes DS2, 3 & 4 outside and runs them for an hour right before dinner while I work with DD. DS1 gets up with me before the littles do and I go over anything he needs then. He also has a tutor for math because I.just.can't.do.everything. I really, really feel your pain about the toddler. It's ROUGH! Something else that's helped is that I got a bar height table that toddler the destroyer CANNOT climb up, as hard as he tries. He's got to get quite a bit taller before he will be able to. Having him not able to reach the big kid school things has made things easier. I was soooo tired of flying math manipulatives, pencils, ripped papers and kids crying because the toddler destroyed something of theirs! (I hope I don't sound too harsh!! It's just that I've had 3 toddlers in the last 5 years....) FTR, toddler the destroyer is currently 22 months old.
  7. I think something more hands on and possibly faster paced may work better.
  8. Talk to me about math options. DS2 just finished Singapore 1A and he hated it. He did well with it, just hated it. He got through basic addition and subtraction. What could he do next? He wants something fun....
  9. What does memory work for the early grades look like at your house? DS2 is now in 1st grade and I'm not sure what exactly memory work should be for him. DS1 was in public school at this age, so this is my first HS 1st grader!
  10. 5 was a game changer for me too. I had to stop working full time; I just couldn't juggle everything. My #5 is almost 2 and things have gotten much, much better. Still busy, but mich more manageable than when he was a little baby. It will get easier *hugs* Didn't you move recently too? I'm sure that's adding to the problem.
  11. Mine is yellow too. I love it, so bright and cheery!
  12. I'm not sure yet which area. DD can get the ID waiver in a matter of months there and there are lots of work optioons for me across the state. Real estate looks to be much cheaper than suburban DC and I would love to have a pool. Free/cheap kids activities sounds wonderful. I'm looking to make a move from DC. I hate it here.
  13. Last week was a bust because the little boys had camp 9-12, which threw off our entire schedule. Little work was done by DS1. I did find a place for him to do math contest prep and tutoring for his AoPS. That's 2 things off my to do list. Now to negotiate with them about scheduling and pricing. For this week: - DS1 needs to get back to work and I need to figure out a good schedule for the others. - I'm going to try waking DD up early and doing 30 min with her before her bus comes for school. The afternoons are just too crazy and I'm not getting to her. - I want to get calendar/morning meeting going with DS2&3, probably right after breakfast. - I'm going to continue to organize the school room in the hopes that it will be done sometime this decade....
  14. I'm considering Arizona as a possible location for us to move to. Can you tell me about it? Specifically, I'm interested in: 1. Homeschooling 2. Dual enrollment for high schoolers 3. Special needs (autism) services, waivers, etc. 4. Private day schools for autism 5. Where to and where not to live 6. Anything else I should know Thanks!
  15. Parsley, green peppers and coffee. Other than those, I'm not picky at all.
  16. So before I interview them, I'm supposed to come up with house rules and things to ask them. Any ideas?
  17. It's cheaper than the 25 hours of childcare I need while I'm at work.
  18. I'm seriously considering an au pair. DH works full time and has gone back to school, full time starting in the fall. I work 20ish hours a week and we have 5 kids. This year I worked in the mornings and he worked noon until late with evening classes. That won't work this year. And he's taking on more courses. I have a new job, still 20ish hours a week but mostly late afternoons/weekends. I need someone to watch the kids when I'm not here, 25 hours a week at most, and mothers helper type stuff when I am home. I've been looking at different au pair agencies and they typically work 45 hours a week. Since she would be in the house, I could get what I really need, which is a mothers helper from 7-8 am during morning/breakfast, 6-8 pm during dinner/bedtime and when I'm working. Doing something with the little boys while I work with the older boys would be very helpful too. So pros/cons? We would have a bedroom for her if we moved DHs office into our bedroom. Not ideal, but with the schedule he's got going, he will almost never be home to use it.
  19. I got way off plan these past couple weeks. The kids had camps and I've been running everyone around and fell into eating out far too often. My gym routine didn't happen much either :/ It could be worse, but I gained back 5 pounds and I'm bummed about that. Resolving now to get back on plan and go back to the gym!
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