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Everything posted by MomOfABunch

  1. Lol. My first 2 are twins. That's been my only real concern for the OB ever since - I want the early ultrasound to know how many there are!
  2. I would think so! I have found 5 and 4 to be quite similar. Congrats to you on #5 and your move!
  3. We just moved in April. I plan on never moving again. Unless it's to an estate with a pool and a live in maid!
  4. Interesting. I'll check out the links. DDs psychiatrist recommended this for her.
  5. Jawm or not, it's your choice. I was just wanting to connect for a min with moms of larger families and not get the "do you know what causes that!?" Type of response I get irl. ETA: When I was pregnant with #5, a coworker actually asked if I had cable "because then you'd have something else to do at night"!
  6. Test was negative.... But I did it in the afternoon. I'll try again in the morning tomorrow. Still late, which is not usual fo me at all! Thanks for the support :). You guys are the best.
  7. Ok. I remember 3 being a change. 4 and 5 weren't that much different than 3.
  8. I'm late.... This could be #6. I'm having very mixed feelings. I *just* got rid of all the little baby stuff. Testing tonight. Youngest is 20 months old. Please tell me 6 is pretty much like 5....
  9. I'm interested in the keto diet. Does anyone follow this? How is it going? Can you share some easy recipies?
  10. I'm with you. I purposely bought a place that would not have the neighbor kid dynamic. I have enough of my own kids.
  11. I always used baby shampoo around the face. I don't see why you couldn't use it on the rest of the dog.
  12. No kidding. I was on the fence but I think he just sold me with this email! DS will take the test and then see what he needs to do.
  13. In case this is helpful for anyone, I emailed Derek Owens about this. He had this to say: "Thanks for the email and I'll try to help. The online courses are very flexible, and your son could do part of my Algebra 2 course if needed. For example, he could do the last two chapters on trigonometry, and then move on to Precalculus. If you want, he could also take the second semester exam for the Algebra 2 course. If he doesn't do well on some sections then that can tell us any other sections of the course that he might need to do. If he does do well then that gives you some documentation of him successfully mastering the Algebra 2 content. Let me know if you have any other thoughts or if you want to take a different approach, or if you want me to send you a copy of the exam." Flexible is helpful!
  14. I finally got out of DS what he's having such a hard time with - last two topics covered in Alg B: special functions and sequences and series. I'm less concerned than I was initially because, after spending time with these myself, they are not easy! I think what we're going to do is get through class next week (last class) as best he can and then go back and spend more time with these 2 topics. DS seems to understand the concepts, he just needs more practice. Then we'll make a decision about what to do next. Are these topics covered in regular (non AoPS) Algebra curriculum? Are there resources to help him with just these topics?
  15. I'm in the planning stages of an Intro to Homesteading class. I just posted about it yesterday, in fact! Gardening, small animal care, beekeeping, alternative sources of energy, canning and dehydrating, etc.
  16. In ABA land, this is called an activity schedule. If you search that on teachers pay teachers or even google, you will find a wealth of pre-made resources. HTH!
  17. Hmm...maybe it could be separated into a multi course sequence. *Back to planning*
  18. I'm thinking through things to put together to make a credit worthy elective class. We're venturing into small scale homesteading and DS needs an elective for next year (9th grade). Topics that could be included: - gardening/basic agriculture (small scale, not big farms): plan and implement a garden, ongoing maintenence, harvesting - basic cooking using food from above garden - basic nutrition - basics of canning and dehydrating - animal care and maintenance (animals we would have on our property): chickens-design and build coop, raise chicks, egg collection, possibly other birds, goats or sheep - field trips to experience larger animal care: horses, cows - field trips or local class on beekeeping - alternative power sources (we aren't doing this at our house, this would be conceptual or field trips) I was thinking about a portfolio with lots of pictures of the various projects, as well as a some research and writing about various topics: ex. the pros and cons of different chicken breeds, the history of beekeeping, important factors in designing a chicken coop, how to decide what to grow in your garden, pros/cons of alternative power sources, etc. etc. Thoughts? What would you add? What would you call it?
  19. Nope, no videos for Alg B. In the last 4-6 weeks of class, this has become an issue. Not unworkable, but he's been complaining. I've had to coach him through utilizing the online community and emailing the teacher.
  20. I think this is exactly what will happen, but I have to let him come to that conclusion on his own. If I force it, he will balk. So I don't want to start a new program that will make it impossible or very difficult to go back to AoPS later. I may just have him take the summer off or do Number Theory or C&P at his pace and then make a decision for fall. Possibly he just needs a break. His complaint that there are no corresponding videos for Intermediate Algebra is valid though. Are videos for those topics available elsewhere? Khan Academy, for example? I don't have enough math background to evaluate this.
  21. This is from the math sticky at the top of the forum: ART OF PROBLEM SOLVING ALGEBRA 2 (Level: Challenging) Textbook: Introduction to Algebra by Richard Rusczyk. Algebra II is Chapters 14-22 of the book. Online Class? Yes, see here. 15-weeks, fast-paced, text-based chatroom (no video or audio). The textbooks are written directly to the student and may be done (self-paced) without the online classes. Where to buy: AoPS Bookstore (and sometimes, used on Amazon.com). In Europe? Buy from: UKMT Teacher Guide/Additional Materials: Yes, a Solutions Guide (discount available if purchased with textbook). Placement: Are You Ready? and Do You Need This? I'm on my iPad and can't bold, but this says that Algebra 2 (now Algebra B) covers Intro to Algebra ch 14-22, which it does. I'm still confused on what class to have him do next if he leaves AoPS.
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