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Everything posted by MomOfABunch

  1. I misread this as vinyl PINK flooring 😱
  2. This. Also I recently set up a big play yard in the living room so my 4 and 6 year old could play without the 1 year old destroying their stuff every 5 seconds. The bigger boys and their Legos, blocks, etc. go in and the baby stays out. The room looks so.much.cleaner!
  3. Yes, you need lots and lots of salt! And water. I've been aiming for 3-4 liters daily.
  4. I've been eating mainly eggs, cheese, jerky, meat, nuts, spinach, berries, bulletproof coffee/tea and heavy cream. I didn't much like meat before I started but after a couple weeks, my tastes changed. I've always craved sweet things. Now I don't really want them and find cakes and such sickeningly sweet. I don't eat pork either, so don't worry about that. At first I found a few meals that I liked and rotated them. In the beginning I had to plan and measure everything. After a month, I could relax slightly. It helps me to prepare my food for the day in the morning so I know I have a plan for the day. That way I don't get tempted from what I feed the rest of my family if it's not LC. The first couple weeks are rough, but with planning, it's ok! And it's not bad at all after you get the hang of it.
  5. This past week was tough. I had my period and gained several pounds back 👎 But I stayed on plan and exercised most days. My period is over and now I'm back down for a total of -28 pounds!
  6. Where do you live? I wish I could find restaurants with prices like that!
  7. I'm looking at Roman Roads right now. The format is what I'm looking for. The only thing I'm not sure about is how religious it is. I want something secular.
  8. Thank you for sharing this. I think it's exactly what I'm looking for!
  9. I can't believe it either! I've struggled so much and NOTHING worked for me before. Absolutely nothing. I've still got a long way to go - my highest weight was 262. I don't ever want to see that number again. 5 kids ago, I was about 160. That's my goal for now.
  10. Update: he's decided to stick with AoPS. Switching at this point is too complicated. I found a tutor he can work with on an as needed basis so he can use the texts and skip the online class.
  11. This gives me hope! I just finished keto week 4. I'm down a total of 27 pounds!
  12. Does a program like Omnibus but is secular exist?
  13. Good for you!! Are you doing anything besides LC?
  14. I'm struggling with lit planning for the fall. DS will be in 8th but I may want to count this year as 9th down the road, so I need a HS level (easier is ok). I'm looking for an easy to implement plan/program that will cover classic literature. I'm unsure if I want a specific time period or genre; I need help! I was ready to do Ancient history and lit, but now he's changed to human geography instead. Should I keep Ancient lit or do something different? I feel overwhelmed by choices.
  15. It is helpful to know how you all got started and what pieces of the kit you use.
  16. I made Bbq chicken for the kids and leftover potato salad. I had deli meat wrapped in cheese slices with mustard, blueberries and cream.
  17. If you've never had it before, start slowly, maybe 1/2 a tablespoon, and increase slowly. It can have a laxative effect if you're not used to it.
  18. Coconut oil helps me. And lots of water.
  19. First, kudos to you for doing an amazing job! Before thinking about academics for this child, I would spend some tackling behavior and compliance. It sounds like his behaviors may be either for attention or to avoid working, or a combination of those. Something I have learned is that problem behaviors occur most often when the demand is too high or when reinforcement is too low. So, to start, I would lower the level of his work to things you know he can already do while at the same time increasing the amount of reinforcement for staying on task and completing simple tasks. Once his behavior settles down, you will slowly increase the demands. Reinforcement can be anything he likes: attention, time with a toy/game, food, etc., whatever he finds motivating (this can change.) Don't feel bad taking the time to do this, you will be setting expectations and routines for how work is to be done in your homeschool, as well as teaching what the behavioral expectations are. In B&M schools, September/October is often devoted entirely to this. If you haven't already done so, I would set him up with an independent work schedule, like a to do list. Start with 1-2 things and when the list is completed, he gets_______. For the time being, I would not expect his to be able to be instructed in a group. His only goal during group time would be to have appropriate behavior so that the others can learn. That being said, is there any group work that you can make easier on yourself? For example, if you're reading Story of the World outloud, can you get the CD? That way, the group is still going, but you would be more available to work on behavior. So to start: 1. Decrease his work. 2. Increase reinforcement. 3. Ignore inappropriate behavior and instruct the other kids to do the same. 4. Work on teaching him to ask for help or ask for a break with words instead of with behavior.
  20. http://www.thegreatcourses.com/courses/36-books-that-changed-the-world.html Has anyone used this before? I just saw it and thought that if its good, it may solve my literature issue. I was all ready for the Ancients next year but DS would like to not do the 4 year history cycle for HS. He's going to do Human Geography in the fall, so I need stand alone literature. How does this look as a backbone? I'd have him read the original works as appropriate and add in assignments. Is there anything absolutely essential for lit that is not on this list?
  21. I've used several kinds and now I stick with green mountain prefolds and Thirsties covers. Simple.
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