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Everything posted by MomOfABunch

  1. Ok, I just spent the morning reading about math options. I'm going to show Derek Owens to DS and see what he thinks. I like the self paced option with grading and support available. One question though. If we leave AoPS now, is DS done for good? As in if he does Alg 2 and Precalc with Derek Owens (or something else) would he be able to jump back into AoPS for Calc if he wanted to? Or is that a rediculious question even? Math parents, help!
  2. Ok, that's what I thought. I didn't think Precalc was next, but I was confused by their course descriptions. He's been doing the online classes, and up until the last few weeks, the pace has been fine for him. He's been very independent and required/wanted little to no involvement from me. He says not having the videos for this class is really a problem. In the last few weeks getting the homework done on time has become an issue. He was going to do the next class this summer, but now wants to do no math. Ok, I can agree to taking the summer off of math. I can't quite tell what exactly the problem is. When I sit with him, he can do the work. His grandfather (much more math inclined than me) was working with him yesterday and seemed to think that difficulty-wise the work was fine for him. No, it's not easy. But he can do it. I'll check out WHA. My requirements for math are that it's thorough and a class or access to a tutor who can answer questions. So the next course should be Alg 2? He's done Alg A, B and Geometry
  3. DS1 has been doing AoPS. He's just finishing up Algebra B. He wants something challenging but not AoPS next. I was planning to do AoPS all the way through so I haven't given it much thought, but I want to try and accommodate this request. Is Algebra B sufficient for Algebra 2 without AoPS intermediate Algebra? Should he do Precalc next? I'm a little confused on how to compare their courses to others. TIA!
  4. You guys have some good ideas! A lot of other businesses make reference to paths, journeys, alternatives, etc so I don't want that. Oh, Behave made me laugh! But no, not very appropriate! I like Foundatins of Behavior. I wonder if that's different enough to get the llc.
  5. Not sassy. Something professional, yet clever. I liked Behavioral Foundations because that's what we do...work on important behaviors that lay the foundation for other skills. And the abbreviation of Behavioral Foundations is BF...BF Skinner is the "father" of today's ABA. Did that clarify?
  6. I'm starting a small business and I need a clever name. We will provide behavior intervention services, 1:1 ABA, IEP advocacy, skills assessments, etc. I wanted to call it Behavioral Foundations, but someone is already using that. I'm looking for a new idea!
  7. Woa...information overload! Ok, I'll give a few of these a try.
  8. Given the behavior you described above, I would do NP and think about finding a developmental Ped. Your description sounds like more than just sensory seeking behavior.
  9. Words Their Way is a great spelling program you may want to try.
  10. I want to streamline my shopping and use a spreadsheet with everything typically kept "in stock." Does anyone else do this and have a spreadsheet or template you are willing to share? No need to reinvent the wheel if someone already has done this! Thanks!
  11. Thanks! What if I want to scan in text, a worksheet or something, to have it read aloud? How do I do that?
  12. What are the options for read aloud apps or settings? I have an iPad, so what is available there? But I could also get a kindle if it's really that much better.
  13. We school year round also. We do more school in the winter and summer and more outdoor stuff in the fall and spring. This summer DD12 goes to summer school, DS12 will be doing history, math, foreign language, and finishing chemistry if it's not done by June, DS5 will be doing reading, spelling and math. I may send them to camp for a week or 2, we'll see. We're going to the beach in May. Possibly Williamsburg or Hershey park in September/October when the weather cools a little bit.
  14. I feel your pain. That's a difficult age! With one particularly demanding toddler, I remember putting him in a backpack carrier and pacing/rocking back and forth while working with kids sitting at the kitchen counter :/
  15. Hmmm...I haven't found my vegetable peeler yet. I'm looking forward to setting my school room up. As part of the renovations I added a bedroom. It's sole purpose is homeschool/toy storage. I'm so excited!
  16. Getting there :). I found the can opener yesterday. How about you?
  17. Done! Moved! Rental house emptied and finished! Today was the first full day in the new house without worrying about the rental house. It's so nice to be back in my house :). Now on to unpacking and organizing and shopping!
  18. 95% finished! Sleeping at the new house tonight! The rental furniture people showed up today instead of tomorrow. 😳 That was interesting. They totally rolled with it and we're really nice that we weren't ready for them. Very stressful. I may have threatened to murder all of my children......j/k (or was I?). Finishing up the last 5% hopefully before the carpet cleaners arrive at noon tomorrow. Am I supposed to vacuum before they come?
  19. Lol. No, but that is an awesome cake!
  20. Board Certified Behavior Analyst. It's the certification to practice ABA (applied behavior analysis).
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