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Everything posted by MomOfABunch

  1. I was supposed to work today, but we have another snow day!! Everyone slept in :) Today I'm going to focus on finishing up the toys and school stufff on the main floor and then move to the basement.
  2. We worked on cleaning the basement and I finished packing the giant pile of school stuff on the dining room table. The search continues for several toys with missing pieces :/ We have more toys and educational stuff than I thought....
  3. I would love it! But I love anything I didn't have to cook myself....
  4. During the week too. I work 2 days a week, so not those days, but the others, yes. It's taking me a LONG time to get boxes packed because of all the little "helping" hands!
  5. Today I am going to finish packing the toy and school things, pack DD's extra clothes and work on cleaning the basement.
  6. Tonight I cleared out the little boys closet and worked on packing the toys and school stuff we won't need until after we've moved. DD has a Dr. Appointment, so I won't get as much done as yesterday.
  7. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=emUlHFWcHck This looks really cool! I want one!
  8. I got so sick of this exact problem that I added checking the bathroom and household supplies to the weekly chore rotation. I try to keep 4-6 weeks of everything we use often in the linen closet. It's not perfect, but it has helped a lot.
  9. The renovations on our house are almost complete! (There was a house fire last April). The contractor says no more than 3 more weeks. We have to be out of our rental by the end of March. So...moving! Moving with 5 kids is an interesting experience. I hope to stay ahead of this move so it is as stress free as possible. Help me stay on top of it! I've been working on using up what's in the pantry and freezer. We packed all the boys clothes they won't need before the move. This weekend I will pack DD's and possibly mine. I've separated out toys and school things we will use until we move. This weekend I will pack up what we won't need before then. Today we cleaned the main floor, magic erasered the playroom walls and spackled the obvious spots. Need to sand and paint spots when dry and look for additional spots to spackle. 99% of toys are out of reach to prevent messes. Landlord is listing the house on Thursday and says prepare to show the house by next weekend. *Joy* This Weekend -------------------- Pack DD extra clothes Pack my extra clothes Pack not needed toys and school stuff Spackle, sand and paint Clean basement and close off for kids
  10. You're welcome :) Isn't flexible scheduling one of the benefits of homeschooling? For math and languages, it's best not to skip a year. If there's any way to keep up all those languages, I would certainly do it. That will benefit him, I'm sure, come college application time. If you think about it, public summer is 20-30 school days of only one subject.
  11. You have gotten some great advice already. Things that help me when I get overwhelmed by household responsibilities: - switch to paper plates until the kitchen gets caught up - switch to easy food (frozen meals, pb&j, tuna, etc.). Teach oldest child to make easy food meals for the other kids - institute before meal chore time for kids and don't feed them until their assigned jobs are done (sounds harsh, I know) - focus on one room at a time, get it clean and declare it off limits to the kids (so they can't make messes in there) - collect up things the kids leave laying around, box them up and have them do extra chores to earn them back - take a day off school for "clean the house day" to get things back in order. Require everyone to help. No screens/social activities/anything fun until all assigned jobs are done and designated area are clean
  12. Could he do a class over the summer? That would free up time during the year. I would bump science or history to "summer school" to make room for all his languages.
  13. Good point. I was thinking there were more mr. Q high school courses! A&P course description says "This high school-level curriculum will provide the student with an introductory look at the anatomy and physiology of the human body." That does strike me as a .5 credit class. Bummer because the advanced chemistry is the perfect level for DS to do almost by himself.
  14. Wait. 8th graders can take AP exams? How did you do that?
  15. Wednesday is speech day, 7:30 am...oh the sacrifices we make for our kids! DS1 Chemistry - DONE DS1 Math - DS2 Math - DONE DS2 Reading - Breakfast - DONE Lunch - DONE Dinner - take DD to speech - DONE drive DD to school (45 min each way :( ) - DONE Wash laundry - 3 loads done Fold laundry - 1 load done Put away laundry - Pick up playroom/dining room - Vacuum playroom/dining room - Clean kitchen - Pack 4 boxes -
  16. I don't have any advice about programs, but I wanted to say *hugs* and what a good thing you are doing for your nephew!
  17. It's an online shariah program: http://www.shariahprogram.ca It's fantastic. DS and I have been using it for a year or so. The mufti can be a bit wordy sometimes, but his teaching method is solid. Arabic grammar has never made sense to me before these courses.
  18. Breakfast - DONE Catch up on laundry - CAUGHT UP!! Put away laundry - TOMORROW Pack 4 boxes (moving in 4 weeks) - DID 1 pick up playroom -TOMORROW Vacuum playroom - TOMORROW I DID GET THE FAMILY ROOM PICKED UP AND THE FAMILY, DINING ROOM, KITCHEN AND FRONT HALL SWEPT AND MOPPED!! Lunch - DONE Dinner - DONE
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