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Everything posted by MomOfABunch

  1. The other preparing for high school thread got me thinking, but I didn't want to hijack it. Chronologically, DS will be in 8th grade, but when he was in public school he skipped a couple grades. So I'm going to call this coming year 9th for him. Here's what I have been thinking to do. Comments? Other ideas? Please help me think this through. Math: continue with AoPS for Alg 2 English: I'm thinking about using the Well Trained Mind Academy for writing and literature. He's completed WWS 1 and most of 2 as of now. I was thinking about the Rhetoric class. Committing for a whole year makes me a little nervous. If he does rhetoric and lit, is that 2 credits or 1? If he doesn't do rhetoric I'll have him do WWS 3. He can continue Classical Roots Vocab. That's lit, writing and Vocab. Am I missing anything for a good, solid English class? History: I'm on the fence about WTM Academy History. I'm leaning more today towards outsourcing the lit and using HoTW at home. Science: this year we did Mr Q Advanced Chem. It's been fine. Is this series "high school material?" I'd be fine with him doing Mr. Q advanced Bio or Physics next year. He's done it mostly independently. It "gets it done." I'm planning later on to DE science at CC for a better lab experience. Arabic: we've been using an online self paced program for this. I plan to continue with it. Latin: He completed GSWL. I'm on the fence about making him continue. He doesn't hate Latin but doesn't really like it either. He did French 1 last year and did well, but hated it and asked to quit. I had him complete the class, but he didn't continue this year. Is this enough? He could do more elective classes, but I'm concerned about the workload already. He tends to do better with block scheduling. Fall semester he could do Math and History. Spring he could do Next Math and Science. Arabic and English would go all year. That would then only feel like 4 classes at a time. Unless we do History through WTM Academy. Then History would go all year too. Hmmmm.... He does tae quan do. Would that be better as an extra curricular or PE? Does he *need* PE?
  2. I think what you're describing is large family stuff. I have 1 at school and 4 at home. Evenings are HARD. The only solution that really helps me is to hire help for cleaning and meal prep. Then *I* have less to do, less chores to assign and check up on, and more time for the kids. Managing a household with many people is a large job itself. Outsourcing classes for oldest DS has helped a lot. Next year he will do more. For us, I wish I could bring DD home so we stop being slaves to the school bus schedule! But she's in a good place getting what she needs, which I can't give her at home now. Her school has a 1:1.5 ratio. We don't do that many trips these days, but if we do, I take her out of school.
  3. Breakfast - DONE Catch up on laundry Put away laundry Pack 4 boxes (moving in 4 weeks) pick up playroom Vacuum playroom Lunch Dinner
  4. Only 2 hours? That's a doable day trip. Awesome!
  5. This is fantastic info! Thank you! I'd love to get some additional info about drs.
  6. Hijack away! That is a good question. By the time we move, I will have teens too.
  7. TEACHH through a particular agency or University? Raleigh is looking pretty good. The only thing that was on my original list it doesn't have is proximity to the beach. But I guess you can't have absolutely everything!!
  8. That's good to hear! Yes, mariposa is the one I found. If there's another ABA school around there, I can't find it. As far as the waiver, of course you're right, it's not a guarantee. For her case though, I'm not terribly worried. In VA she bypassed the waiting list due to her need.
  9. That's not a bad idea. I will if no one has any info here. I'm pretty sure both classes were offered this year?
  10. That sounds like a great place to homeschool! I hadn't thought to ask about traffic patterns, that is helpful info. When you say clog, is that moving slowly or completely stopped? Coming from the DC area, I'm used to the latter. Can you guide me a little on location? Or where to stay away from? I'd like to be no more than an hour from Cary, for DDs school. Whatever county we end up in will transport her, so I would not be driving her daily. But I don't want her too far. I can't find any other ABA schools, so pretty likely that's where she would be. She would attend until she ages out at 22. I want to be close to one of the universities for dual enrollment and classes for myself also. I'm looking for acreage, hopefully on a lake or large pond, which there seem to be a lot of! I'd also like to be reasonably close to a secular homeschool group or co-op. A couple more questions: What are the state homeschooling regulations? Easy or hard? Has anyone done dual enrollment at chapel hill or duke? It would be fantastic for that to work out
  11. I posted this on the chat board but didn't get much response, so I thought I'd try here. Has anyone done both the ancient history and literature from WTM Academy? I'm thinking about it for next year but I'm a little worried about the workload.
  12. Tell me what you know about Raleigh! I'm looking to move in the not so distant future, and have been trying to figure out exactly where. Raleigh seems to fit most of my criteria: - proximity to good higher education - reasonable cost of living - looking at acreage properties - good sized city, but not too big - will be moving from DC - special needs private school - it looks like there is an ABA based school in Cory (DD gets private day through her IEP) - DD can get a similar Medicaid waiver to what she has now - what is the homeschooling scene like there? - what else can you tell me about Raleigh? TIA
  13. No one? Ok, has anyone taken these classes separately? Can you tell me about them specifically their workload?
  14. DS2 will be 6 in May...how did that happen? I guess I'll have to start thinking about this! ETA: after thinking about it: Singapore 1 FLL 1 WWE 1 AAR STW 1 Tag along with DS1 for science SSL 1 Arabic - learn to read and write the alphabet + some kids videos
  15. Has anyone done WTM Academy History and the corresponding Literature class? How was it? I'm considering it for next year but I'm slightly concerned about the workload? How much time did your child spend on each class? TIA
  16. AoPS Algebra one covers chapters 1-13 I think
  17. I started outsourcing math for DS1 with Algebra 1. I could work the problems correctly and give the teacher manual explanations, but I couldn't answer his "why" questions. I thought they should be answered! He's been very happy with AoPS online classes.
  18. Somewhere down the road, I hope I can have as nice a setup! We're planning an addition in the not so near future. I want to do an over the garage master bed with office space. Then move all kids to the main floor. That will leave the entire downstairs 3 beds and a family room for homeschooling, hanging out and doing projects and things! But that fantasy is a ways away still.
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