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Everything posted by MomOfABunch

  1. Yes, this is almost exactly the child I'm working with! It's only been a couple weeks now, but I think she understands much more than she is able to show. I wish I could figure out a way to help her show it.
  2. Thank you for the response! I will take a look at the book you suggested.
  3. Thanks for saving me the time of investigating further!
  4. The Robinson Curriculum was mentioned in another thread. What are your thoughts? If nothing else, it looks like a compilation of a TON of great resources in one easy place. I'm thinking about getting them, and a kindle.
  5. I would send her to preschool in crocks/sandals. Put tennis shoes and socks in her backpack. If it's that important she wear them, the teachers will get her to put them on.
  6. Wow! Good job! How did you study? What did your study sessions look like!
  7. I'm having the same issue with pants and my 3.5 year old. Mostly it just let it go unless we have to go somewhere and then sometimes I bribe him with gum.... Then I put him in his car seat and put his socks and shoes in the car.
  8. No advice, but my DD does exactly the same thing. If you figure out how to help this, please share.
  9. Can you take a (tasteful) video of how fluently he does it at home and show them? Or time him for a few days and show them how long it's taking him at home? See what they say. If he's doing it in one setting but not another, it's not an ability problem it's likely a generalization problem.
  10. I didn't read the other responses. I would definitely get an evaluation. If it's nothing, great, you can stop worrying. If it's something then good, you caught it early and you can do something about it.
  11. It can be a huge PITA. It depends on the laws in your state whether it's worth it or not. In my state, DD qualifies, but doesn't get cash if our income is too high. BUT, she does receive Medicaid because she *qualifies* for SSI. So for us, it's worth it because of the Medicaid. Medicaid reimburses our family health insurance premium because DD is on that policy also.
  12. OhE, no no, AAR for the littles. You must have seen the post I did earlier. I have a new (non-verbal)'student who is stumping me. DD is quite verbal. I've heard about rapid prompting; the place I work for doesn't like it, so it's out for this situation.
  13. The best way I've found to organize cards in in a 3 ring binder. Put each set in a ziplock Baggie. Tape one side (not the zipper side) and hole punch through the tape. Put hole punched Baggie into binder. I can't figure out how to post a pic...hope the above made sense!
  14. What is in the activity box that comes with the deluxe package? Is the deluxe package worth $40 more than the basic package! TIA!
  15. Looking for ideas for activities for severe/profound kids who are cannot reliably point to or grasp objects, also non-vocal. Can at times shake head for no and make a sound for yes, but not reliably. Any ideas appreciated!
  16. Wow! How exciting to be done! Good job mama!
  17. I don't understand why OP is getting such a backlash here. Clearly, she "caught" them so that they wouldn't know their sister told on them, thus preserving trust between the siblings. She "caught" them so the issue could be dealt with without affecting the sibling relationships. Why OP has the rules she does about electronics is irrelevant. The issues here are taking without permission and lying and should be handled as such. Our opinions and feelings about electronic usage are also irrelevant. If OP had said her boys were sneaking a toy or something else instead an iPod, what would your response be?
  18. How is it Friday already? I have low expectations today because I'm not feeling very well: Shower Take a nap Feed kids something...if they're lucky. Try to talk DS1 into making lunch Chemistry - DS1 Reading with DS2 Reading with DD grocery shopping?? I put this off all week. Now we're out of everything :(
  19. Yes. Or at least once a week. Teach them where things are supposed to go and enforce it.
  20. Thanks for all your ideas. I think I got my answer on the special needs board. It's my DD who is 12 who is having this issue. 5 year old is doing ok
  21. It's raining here too. get DD on the school bus - DONE Catch up on laundry after procrastinating all weekend on it Breakfast Lunch Dinner Pick up main floor of house Mop? Work on grocery list Paperwork for work DS1 - school DS2 - reading DD - reading
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