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Everything posted by MomOfABunch

  1. And crash and burn. Well, truthfully, everyone got sick. When we get well, it will be back to block scheduling.
  2. Some good ideas! Florida is on the short list, though hurricane season makes me think twice (I grew up around Orlando). We've lived in CA before, so that's another maybe. We were in LA and then the Central Valley. Loved LA, the Central Valley not so much. Before our large family, we had an apartment in Venice Beach. I LOVED being able to walk to the beach. I did not love the weekend beach crowd outside my front door! I like the idea of Atlanta, mostly because of the cost of living and that it's a big city. Too far from the beach though. I went to Savanah as a child and remember big trees with moss hanging from them. I'm a little wary of the South since my husband and children are Arab. I've never been to Texas. Though it sounds like it meets the criteria. The Carolinas are a possible option. I've vacationed there and liked it. I think I'd prefer the Atlantic or the Gulf to the Pacific. I grew up in Florida and I was shocked when we lived in LA and you couldn't always swim in the water because it was too cold! VA Beach may be good too. We're in VA now, so that doesn't really feel like much of a change! I highly doubt a move abroad is in the cards soon, but how fun if we could do that!! Portugal sounds lovely! I've never been there. Before I got married and had kids I travelled a lot. 2 places that stood out as possible places to live we're Scandinavia (though that doesn't really meet the pool criteria) and Italy. I did live in the UK for awhile. As far as schools, DD gets private school placement through her IEP; our county pays for it. Since it's on her IEP now, the law says that wherever we move would have to honor that placement (provided there was an acceptable school). They also provide transportation. The boys homeschool. Thanks for dreaming with me!! It's cold in DC and the kids and I are down with colds.... I suppose this is your typical February run away from home daydream?
  3. Dream with me! It's February. It's cold. I'm dreaming of moving somewhere warmer. Right now I'm outside Washington DC and sooooo over it. Probably not reality, but you never know! I want to live somewhere that meets the following criteria, not necessarily in this order: 1. I want a pool. And I want to be able to use it for a majority of the year. 2. Near a big city but not in it 3. Reasonable higher education choices. DE before age 16 a bonus! 4. Accepting of my family that is of middle eastern descent 5. Good private school(s) for autism (private day) 6. Good medical services for autism 7. Another bonus - Medicaid offered for adults with eligible dependents 8. Near the beach
  4. I'm looking for pre-made do a dot marker pages/worksheets. Do you use any you love? TIA
  5. DS1 - geometry with AoPS. We started ancient history/lit in January so we will continue with that until finished then move to the next time period. Pretty much the same for the rest- when finished with WWS 1 move to WWS2, vocab w classical roots b to c, mr q bio or physics, continue with Arabic and Latin. That about covers it! DD - still going to ABA private school and doing great! Working on pre - reading, pre-writing and functional skills at home DS2- 1st grade - not really sure here. This is the kid that is giving me fits this year. We'll see how much we get through this year and just continue on through. DS3 - some kind of boxed pre k or k/4 program. This kid is itching for more to do DS4 - will be 2! He'd probably like to color if he can learn to stop eating everything by the fall!!
  6. Thanks! So if DS mostly using AoPS for his math, is Alg 3 necessary? Before or after Geometry? Would the Alg 3 topics also be covered in AoPS Precalculus?
  7. I was there about 15 years ago. It was just for a couple of days but I remember it being an absolutely charming country. I was passing through on my way up to Scandinavia from Western Europe. They do you have absolutely beautiful knitted things! Also lots and lots of things made from Amber. I believe, in the summertime, that Amber washes up on the shores of Riga. The people there were very, very friendly. English wasn't that useful there, though most people did speak German or Russian. This could have changed since I was there. I remember feeling pretty safe there, and the streets were very clean, compared to some of the surrounding countries. The architecture there is very very interesting. Also in Estonia, which is another very interesting country.
  8. We always have frozen pizza on grocery shopping day. Shopping, putting it all away AND cooking is too much for me.
  9. Does Algebra 3 cover material above and beyond algebra 2 in other programs? Does it need to be taken to complete the traditional Alg 1, Alg 2, geometry sequence? What do you call it on a transcript? Thanks!
  10. We had a problem with this at one point. I put passwords on all the electronic devices so no kids could get on without my permission. It was really hard for a couple weeks, but then they got used to asking first and it became not such a big deal. I also instituted "technology time" for a set period in the evening after all school work and chores were completed. That helped a lot.
  11. We're trying a new school schedule for DS1. It's been almost a week and so far so good! We've been having major schedule issues this whole year, and have tried several other things that have crashed and burned. I "gave" him every other day off. Really, I condensed his 6 day schedule to 3 days with a "day off" in between. The work load is exactly the same. So day 1 he has one chapter or lesson for all subjects and day 2 on the calendar is blank, but anything that wasn't done on day 1 is to be done on day 2. He's so excited by all the "days off" that for the first week all year he's gotten all his work done with no complaining or fighting! I hope the honeymoon for this lasts awhile longer....
  12. You've gotten some really good suggestions. I only have one thing to add, but it's not a curriculum. Get the book The Verbal Behavior Approach by Mary Barbara. It's a fantastic resource for teaching language.
  13. Thank You! I'll be honest, I have no clue what that meant but DS read it and said "Oh! So the charge is important!" And is now doing the questions and getting the correct answers.
  14. DS has questions about this chapter and I have no clue. Does anyone know? The problem is as follows: Write the chemical formula for: sodium nitrate sodium sulfate sodium carbonate sodium phospate sodium hydroxide sodium chromate silver nitrate silver sulfate silver carbonate silver phospate silver hydroxide silver chromate and so on for a dozen more examples. The parent book has the answers but doesn't have an explanation of how to get the answers. DS and I both have read the student chapter several times and don't get it. Please help! TIA
  15. I'm using HoTW with my 7th grader; there was some serious hand holding in the beginning, but it's working fine now. The chapters are very short. I have him read and outline, then answer the questions in the study guide. Then we do the short essay questions together. It's definitely more challenging than he's had before for history, but my goal was to push him a bit this year.
  16. So DS loved Getting started with Latin and completed it very easily. We moved into Cambridge and he now hates it. I need another text. The thing he liked about GSWL was the easy to understand layout, ie complete one lesson and move to the next. What would you recommend?
  17. A good idea, but she cannot move her hands enough to use an iPad
  18. All the experiments in Mr Q advanced chem are cooking and baking
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