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Everything posted by MomOfABunch

  1. I passed the BCBA exam!!! Finally!!! Celebrate with me!
  2. OMG, I thought that I started early and was ahead of this move!!!! I'm wishing I had everything packed last week! Tomorrow I have to finish packing the kitchen, the kids clothes and the basement closets. And move the baby furniture (why are cribs so hard to take apart!?!) I packed a bag for each kid with 4 changes of clothes and everyday must haves. I think I'll be really happy I did that in a couple days. I was able to hire someone to do the carpets and the move out cleaning. I was going to do it myself, but with the issue with the water, I had a much shorter time table than I was planning. They will both be here on Tuesday. Also, the rental furniture pick up is on Tuesday. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel....
  3. We have water! We're moving as much stuff as we can today. Planning to move the kids and start sleeping at the ne house tomorrow!
  4. Sunday we can start moving into the house. But today there's still no water.... We have to be out of the rental by the 31st. Mattresses will be delivered Monday, so I was hoping to move the kids Monday afternoon. The rental furniture gets picked up Tuesday from the rental house. Idnib, silverware helps!
  5. Idnib, how is unpacking going? How's the new house?
  6. Contractor promised there would be water by Wednesday. Going to check this afternoon. Today, pre-moving errands in the rain! We get possession of the house Sunday. The end is in sight!!
  7. Teen numbers are confusing for a lot of kids, because of the odd way we name them in English, I think. What kind of manipulatives are you using? I prefer base 10 blocks so kids can really see the difference between 10 and 1. I've had a few kids (at school) that had a really hard time with this. What worked with one, was to stop isolating the teens. He learned how to show tens (10, 20, 30, etc.) with base 10 blocks AND counting by 10s. I used a 100s chart and a table headed 100s, 10s and 1s to show him how to sort the base 10 blocks. From there, he learned to show various 2 digit numbers. 1. Find it on 100s chart. 2. How many 10s and how many 1s. 3. Show me with blocks. 4. Great job, what number? 5. Find again on 100s chart. (And maybe write it). Don't forget your visuals, they can be magical! I also really hammered in place value. This number is the ones, this number is the tens (and hundreds too, if it's not too much). The base 10 blocks really help with this. Eventually the teen fell into place by working on all double digit numbers. In the beginning, if the kid called 13 10 and 3 or three-teen, I let it go, as I was focusing on the counting aspect of the numbers. Once the concept was solid, I tackled that as a language problem. "The numbers between 11 and 19 have strange names in English, aren't we silly?" 11 is called eleven. What's is called? And so on. Did any of that make sense? I'm pre-coffee....
  8. Thanks! I'm sure this is my karma for the last thread I posted about how she was doing so well :/
  9. Since we go all year, I take days or weeks off when they're needed. The summer class is always something that's all or mostly independent AND it's just for DS1. The others don't need to work through the summer (yet!). I just have to check him to make sure he is getting it done, so it's not very involved for me. Arabic does goes all year, but we do it together a few times a week and there is a religious component to it. My DHs' native language is Arabic. We would do this even if the kids went to B&M school. Also, Lori is right, if you did try 3 semesters, you wouldn't have to do it every year.
  10. Glad it's not just me! I feel like the worst mom ever :/ I filled the pill sorter on Saturday, so the dose was wrong from Saturday afternoon until last night. Uggggg.....at least I know the meds as really helping her!
  11. I'm glad your meeting went well. If you're in the northern VA area, I can connect you with a fabulous advocate (should you need one down the road).
  12. I've struggled with this too. It can be hard in our crazy busy household to make enough time for DS1 to get his work done. We've settled into a block schedule that is working pretty well. Roughly, we have 3 semesters, but it's not exact. If history takes until February, literature will wait and go into the summer, for example. I have found that 4 academic classes going at a time is good for right now. Arabic we spread over all 3 semesters, so it's very slow and steady (we're deep into grammar and diagramming sentences - often it takes a week to really understand 1 lesson). So, next year will look like this: Fall: AP Computer Science History Spring: Literature Review for AP CS exam (Possibly begin Bio if review is going really well) Summer: Biology All Year: Math Rhetoric with WTM Academy Arabic (spread over all 3 semesters) I really, really, really wanted to make history and lit from WTM Academy work. But it just won't; the schedule is too rigid. HTH
  13. Tell him to check out theautismhelper.com. It's not just for kids with autism.
  14. And.............it's my fault. She's continued to have a hard time. After speaking with her teacher at school 3 times throughout the day, I decided to switch her AM and PM risperdal doses. 2 weeks ago her dr switched her to .5 mg am and 2 mg pm. Before it had been 1 and 1. So, I got out her pill sorter. Know what I've been giving her? .5 mg AM and 1 mg PM. #mommyfail
  15. I buy from there all the time. Most often, I get unit studies for science and social studies. I look for things that are adapted for non-writers or can be easily adaptable. My favorite stuff is from theautismhelper. If you were to create science and social studies units in a similar style for a wider variety of topics, I would buy them all! What do I pay? We'll that depends. If I'm just window shopping, I go for the free or under $5. However, if there's a readymade unit for a topic I have to cover, I will pay more.
  16. The note from school was that she had an "emotional day" today. I really hope this is just cycle associated headache/cramps and/or anxiety about our upcoming move and not a meds issue.
  17. I'm still working this out, but here's what I have so far: Math: AoPS Precalc Medieval History and Lit - WTM style Rhetoric I - WTM Academy Arabic - online class Still working out: Science - Bio or Chem AP Computer Science, maybe AP Psychology, maybe Another elective, maybe
  18. Thanks you guys. It's been a while since she had behavior like this. I'm hoping that since the Tylenol helped, she just has a headache or cramps or something and it won't last long! I wish she would just tell me with words!
  19. Still no word on the well issue. The rental house has been rented for April 1. This is making me crazy.
  20. Thanks :). Yes! I heard something about a cabana boy. What is a day off? It's been so long, I don't remember....
  21. Yes!!! I could go for that, some fruity drinks, and the beach.
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