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Everything posted by MomOfABunch

  1. Thanks! It looks like you have to pay for the premium account to get that, which explains why I don't have those options now.
  2. Is there a way to configure MFP to track NET carbs?
  3. If I gave 1 credit for Latin 1 for the first half of Henle first year how much more is needed for Latin 2 and then 3?
  4. Which kindle device is th best for immersion reading? And can someone give me step by step instructions on how to set that up? Thanks!
  5. This is a fantastic program that I use often with clients!
  6. It's a running joke at my house that which ever kid is cleaning is my favorite kid. In all seriousness, there are times where I may *like* (as in enjoy their company) one kid more than another given a certain situation or day or whatever, typically based on their behavior. But they are all my babies and I love them all equally. Clear as mud?
  7. Thank you so much for all this information! If makes me feel 100% better knowing that I can still use Amazon, even if I have to pay shipping. Kiwi mom, yes, I would be very greatful for that contact!
  8. Amira, that's exciting! Where are you moving to? Arctic Mama, thank you! We're looking at Doha right now. I guess most of my questions are about setting up for the kids, what kinds of materials are available locally for their schoolwork and details like that. Should I plan out their curriculum and bring it all from the states? I've gotten pretty spoiled with Amazon prime. I'm assuming that I would lose that convenience. My high schooler has been doing AP and CLEP tests. Can he continue to do those? How will he do the tests?
  9. Check Amazon for these. I'm on my phone so I can't link, but there's several options for under $50.
  10. I'm seriously considering a business opportunity in the Middle East and would like to hear about experiences from people who have lived or are living there. I have lots of questions about daily life and other little things.
  11. I was watching a show at someone else's house and I want to know how the story ends! The name of it is Buddy wa la ta. No, I don't speak Thai. I just got sucked into this one show. Can anyone help me find it online? Preferably with English subtitles?
  12. I was watching a show at someone else's house and I want to know how the story ends! The name of it is Buddy wa la ta. No, I don't speak Thai. I just got sucked into this one show. Can anyone help me find it online? Preferably with English subtitles?
  13. I loved to use a wrap, a ring sling (maya wrap was my fav) or a mei tei when my babies were itty bitty. When they got bigger I mostly used a wrap or ergo. Hop over to thebabywearer.com to see loads of pics and more info than you ever wanted about babywearing. Oh and they have a for sale/swap forum that is fantastic!
  14. Thanks everyone! I know it will be ok. Thinking about getting 4 kids ready and out the door in the morning is making me have 2nd thoughts though....
  15. DH and I decided to put the little boys in school next year. My high schooler will still homeschool, with a mix of outsourced and CC courses and DD with special needs will continue going to her ABA based private school. The little boys will go to Montessori school and aftercare. This decision was really, really hard to make and I'm sad about it a little. But my work schedule has slowly increased this year to the point that the last couple months I feel like the little boys are not getting enough from me. I'm happy that we found a great Momtessori school that's priced reasonably so all 3 can go. The school is PK-3rd grade, so this arrangement will work for 2 years before my "oldest" little boy ages out. By then my DH will hopefully have graduated and we can re-evaluate. Maybe I can work less and go back to homeschooling them at that time. It's a hard decision! And weird to feel sad and happy about it at the same time. I need support.
  16. There is a SRA program for reading comprehension called Corrective Reading that works wonders. I've used is for many olde students who can decode around a 3rd grade level but don't really understand what they're reading. For the situation you describe though, I would consider hiring someone to do the paperwork for him.
  17. A definite yes here. Not to be a downer or anything, but the 2 years before DD started her period were really, really hard.
  18. I'm going to have 3 homeschooling next year. We'll pretty much continue on with what they're doing now. DS1: Roman Roads: The Romans WTMA Rhetoric 1, possibly Computer Science - Teen Coder AoPS or DE Calculus AP or DE Chem or Physics Latin 2 - Henle DE Arabic DS2: Story of the World 2 Physical Science with Living Books Singapore Math 2/3 maybe Beast Academy McGuffy Readers, maybe switch to a program WWE FLL Spelling Workout Beginning Arabic DS3: Tag along with DS2 for History/Science Learn to read - McGuffy or other beginning reading program HWOT Singapore Math K/1
  19. What chapters are not part of traditional Geometry curriculum and could be left out, if one were behind schedule? Thank You!
  20. I want to hire out all the cleaning, organizing, meal planning, household shopping and cooking. Seriously. I'm so far behind on the cleaning and organizing. (In my defense, I work and homeschool....)
  21. This is yummy! I actually made it for Thanksgiving :hurray:
  22. I would like to seriously clean up my family's diet. We eat moderately healthy now, but I want to completely eliminate processed food and sugar. i'm talking grind my own wheat berries, cook everything from scratch. I would like to come up with a weekly meal plan with a shopping list If you cook like this, where do you do your shopping? I'll be cooking meals for 8 people, so buying bulk 50 lb bags of oats, wheat berries, etc. is probably the way to go. ETA: I got a dehydrator recently and would love to use it more.
  23. DS1 did placement testing the CC this week. He placed into English 101 and Calculus 1!! I'm a proud mama!!
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