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Everything posted by SeaConquest

  1. We are using New American Cursive books one and two this year. Next year, I'm buying their software so I can put WWE3 and TC copywork into NAC cursive. Eta, I'm not sure that I will require WWE3 dictation in cursive next year. Copywork is one thing, but dictation requires juggling a lot of skills at once.
  2. My DS7 (1st grade) and I are finishing up SOTW3 this year. We've been listening to it, along with Hakim's History of US on audio. I am skipping SOTW4 in 2nd, and instead will do a combo of a History of US, California history, and Canadian history (my kids are Canadians from my DH). I just want to give him another year of maturity before I discuss things like the Holocaust with my Jewish kid. He's very bright, and not super sensitive, but these are heavy topics. And I've come to realize that, just because he can, doesn't mean that I should. Good luck with your decision.
  3. Sacha is SEVEN!!

    1. Loesje22000


      Fun Age!

      They change so much between 7-8

    2. quark


      Yay! Wishing him a great birthday, lots of laughs and fun!

    3. Kerileanne99



      Happy Birthday!

  4. My husband would often take our boys in the ladies' room if the men's room didn't have a changing table. He would knock to announce his presence. All the women would just swoon that there was a father actually changing dipes. He never once received a side-eye.
  5. Yes. That is the way that I would look at it. He has options that she doesn't.
  6. San Diego really doesn't have bad traffic, and the traffic we do have isn't really in my area. I'm an LA native, so that shapes my perspective. But yes, if I was commuting in traffic on a regular basis, it would be annoying.
  7. Your German bona fides are intact. I spent two years working (and driving!) in Germany. Best drivers in the world!
  8. Our old Ford Explorer died, so I got the new car too. It looks like this: https://www.velocity-group.de/media/image/38016839_2015_ROUSH_Lufthutze_Motorhaube_4.jpg The kids and I are loving it. :coolgleamA:
  9. Have you ever wanted to learn to drive a stick? It's not too late! :) I learned on a stick. I liken it to riding in an English vs Western saddle. I've had 3 sports car in my life -- two manuals and one auto with a manual option, which I didn't enjoy. I think I am just a purist when it comes to driving sports cars. :)
  10. Forgive my city girl ignorance, but are all tractors manual transmissions?
  11. Honestly, I think for teens, this would be a big deal. Perhaps, they aren't supposed to be drinking. So, instead of calling someone for help, they ride with the drunk driver because they don't know how to drive a stick.
  12. If you can't drive his car, you are a one-car family. If your car goes in for service, you don't have a backup for you to drive. He'd either have to drive you places, or you would need a rental. That would annoy me, but JMHO.
  13. I was thinking that if the driver became incapacitated for some reason, the passenger could help bring the driver to safety. If your DH has a manual that you can't drive, you are effectively a one-car family. That seems like a big deal to me.
  14. We just bought a new car -- a sports car with a manual transmission -- which led me to wonder whether people still teach their kids to drive a stick. This is my first poll, so hopefully it works!
  15. For the programming crowd: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/pine64/pine-a64-first-15-64-bit-single-board-super-comput?ref=HappeningNewsletterJan1916
  16. Sacha started his first one class today (at AAA) and he loves it!

  17. I used to think that organ donation was prohibited by Jewish law until I found the Halakhic Organ Donor Society. Now, I carry a card in my wallet that gives me the confidence to know that I can help in a way consistent with Jewish law.
  18. I am absolutely astonished to report that I did not win the Powerball.

  19. Going without a garbage disposal is my number one pet peeve when living outside the U.S. It drives me crazy living without one. So gross and unnecessary. Embrace technology.
  20. I often explain to people that a sailboat moves about as fast as most people can run or walk. That usually helps to put things into perspective for them when they think we can just sail up to the Bay Area for a weekend.
  21. 30-50 foot sailboat. You would sail (tack) from Panama to Hawaii and then to Seattle north from there. It would take you at least a month in each direction. Probably closer to 3 months up to Alaska, weather permitting.
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