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Everything posted by SeaConquest

  1. I know you all are on the edge of your seat about what I have planned for my rising second grader, right? Lol. :lol: Without further ado: Math -- Beast Academy is working well. We will move up to level 4 with a little CWP 4, Moems, Borac, and Hands on Equations thrown in. Logic -- Mindbenders Book 4, Balance Benders Book 1, Visual Discrimination, Logic Countdown, Advancing Through Analogies Science -- Conceptual Physics, How Things Work, and Exploration Education Literature -- Athena's Intermediate Lit I and II, Mosdos Ruby, and working through the Mensa reading list Writing -- A combo of Treasured Conversations and WWE3 Grammar, Vocab, Poetry -- MCT Town level Spelling -- I don't think Sacha is getting much out of Rod & Staff 3. We are switching to Megawords 1 next year. Cursive -- New American Cursive copywork with the Startwrite Software History -- We are going to take a break before starting SOTW4 to do a year of a Canadian (not sure what resource yet), California (Beautiful Feet and Harcourt Reflections: California, A Changing State), and U.S. History (continue History of US) combo. SOTW has not been intense for my son to date, but we are Jewish, and several people have recommended waiting on SOTW4. So, I am taking their advice to do something emotionally lighter for a year before beginning modern history. Latin -- Getting Started With Latin and Minimus French -- Getting Started With French Hebrew -- Shalom Ivrit Books 2 and 3, Lashon Hatorah (grammar), Bright Beginnings (Torah), Aleph Bet Quest Script Writing Book Computer Science -- Youth Digital Mod Design 1 Extracurrics -- Guitar, soccer, tennis, Parkour, and theatre Charter school classes -- still TBD, but likely art, music, Spanish, and engineering/Lego
  2. Raises hand, sheepishly. I have no defense. Planning relaxes my anxious mind. Running out the door now, but will post my tentative plans. Gosh, it feels good not to be alone in this. :)
  3. Thank you! I've been waiting for this sale. :) Jim Weiss MP3s are also on sale from PHP.
  4. My adrenaline junkie of a husband wanted a GoPro for Hanukkah. I did the research and ended up buying this: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00VFVUAMQ?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o04_s00 If you research it on Cnet, and other review sites, the cam is highly rated, and will save you a lot of money. There are tons of accessories for it as well. These days, GoPro is not the only name in this game. Good luck! ETA: What sold me on the cam was watching side by side YouTube videos comparing this to the GoPro.
  5. Agreeing with the others. I would think shellfish or sesame oil. I once had a severe allergic response to marshmallows, even though I've eaten them my whole life.
  6. We are with a charter in SD County, which has locations in other So Cal counties as well. The answer is going to depend widely on the charter, and sometimes, even with your facilitator. I specifically chose this charter because I have free reign to do what I want with my AL. My EF gets the books that I need without any discussion. Mine is in 1st, but currently has 3rd and 4th grade math books, middle school science and history books, and 3rd grade language arts books. The only area where I have had difficulty meeting my AL at his level has been in some of the field trips and enrichment activities. For example, we are studying geology this year, but he was not allowed to go on a field trip to the gemological institute because he wasn't yet in 4th grade. When I gave them pushback about it, they said it was the institute's rule. They also wouldn't let my son join the FLL team yet because of age. Stuff like that. We have onsite enrichment classes at the school, but I have kept my son with his age peers for those. I am mindful of the fact that he is still 6, so he takes the art, music, etc. classes at the charter with friends his own age. My advice is to ask a lot of specific questions about this issue with the charter's director, and, if they hedge or him and haw, find another charter. Depending on the county, there will likely be many options. If you are in So Cal, I would be happy to recommend more flexible charters. I don't know as much about the Nor Cal charters.
  7. Our parents surprised us with tickets to the Pac 12 Championship and a Hanukkah trip to Maui!! Sans children!!! Steve and I haven't been on a vacation alone in 7 years. Wow. I am still in shock!!

  8. They operate in San Diego County, but I don't know anyone who uses them. In which county are you? Have you schooled through a charter before? What you described is pretty standard for charters. I would want to know whether you can choose your own [secular] curricula, who their vendors are and the ease with which you can add to their list, and whether they have an onsite learning center, field trips, and other opportunities to get together with other kids. I would also try to connect with your local homeschooling community to see if anyone has any experience with them, and can recommend a facilitator. 2k seems to be the going rate for funds for the elementary level at a lot of charters in So Cal. Shop around to make sure you find a good fit for your family. ETA: This FB group should help you: https://www.facebook.com/groups/964284686950034/ Another: https://www.facebook.com/groups/SOCSfamilies/
  9. My kid has a Wii U. He plays it quite a bit. But, I wouldn't buy another gaming console if he didn't use the others.
  10. I bought: Sea World and Aquatica passes that were on BOGO special A week of surf camp for my older that was 25% off 2 pairs of Clarks wedges from 6pm.com. Paid less than $100 for over $300 shoes A Samsung Galaxy Note 4 for $75 off at Tmobile Several books on Amazon Season passes for a local outdoor ice rink Still debating season passes for a So Cal ski resort. Would like to teach my older how to snowboard this year.
  11. I love it when books I was going to buy suddenly turn up at my library.

  12. I did the same thing, but it was from last year. ETA: Got the 2015 link above. Thanks! What looks good to everybody? What shouldn't we miss?
  13. Do you have a link to the sale? I cannot find it for the life of me.
  14. I went to two of these types of schools. The reason people make less is often because they are wealthy enough not to need the money. They go into low-paying do-gooder work because they can afford it.
  15. Melatonin is my go-to travel secret with kids and time changes.
  16. This is a very dangerous thread. And now I kinda want a shakti mat.
  17. A lot of us are using Beast a few grade levels ahead. So, I imagine that BA looks different with a Ker or 1st grader vs. a 3rd grader. Having said that, your DD sounds especially mathy. :)
  18. I'm banking on dual citizenship paying off. McGill is dirt cheap for Quebec residents. A few months living with Grandma will take care of that.
  19. Just to update again, I received the materials from Mekor Judaica, and Lashon Hatorah seems the most user-friendly for dikduk if taught by a non-native speaker. I purchased several other books, but, for now, they all intimidate me. My initial impression is that Bright Beginnings and Lashon Hatorah will be the easiest to implement.
  20. Fall Break for mom! Sacha is at surf camp this week. (I realize that is a very San Diego sentence.) :)

  21. I have wishlists for every subject. That's the only way I have been able to keep track of all the awesome recommendations I get from reading this board. Whenever someone recommends a book that I think we might find interesting, I just add it to my wishlist for the subject. Then, when I approach planning for the year, I just check the wishlist for a given subject to see if any of the resources will work for the year. I haven't come up with a better system for keeping track of everything. I do bookmark pages of interest, but, if it is a book, I just add it to the wishlist.
  22. This looks cool. Thanks for sharing it. At what age did your DD start taking this exam? Do you guys do the other exams they offer as well? Sacha hasn't had any Greek roots yet, but I expect that MCT will take care of that over the next couple of years. What prep do you do?
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