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Everything posted by SeaConquest

  1. I would join this FB Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/964284686950034/ It is all about So Cal charters, You can post your question there and get specific feedback about the various options for charters in her county. They are all very different, so some will be a better fit for her needs than others.
  2. I don't think you are correct: https://www.payingforseniorcare.com/medicaid-waivers/assisted-living.html
  3. I believe that Medicaid covers assisted living in a great many states now. Isn't the trend toward expansion?
  4. My husband has bartered his boat repair services in exchange for use of a power boat (we have a sailboat, but occasionally like to go fast).
  5. I got all the Island level books free through our charter school, but, if money was tight, just the TMs are fine. I would start with Island.
  6. I was thinking within an hour or so of Cotati, give or take.
  7. I sneeze if you pull my hair near my temples. Happens every time at the salon when they color my hair. Every night, when I lay down to sleep, I can remember my dream from the night before. If I lose one sense, I feel like I have lost them all. I refused wearing hearing protection in the Army because I felt like I couldn't shoot as accurately. Touching my belly button makes me want to vomit. I can name a song in a few notes and a language in a few words. I have an irrational fear of decapitation.
  8. Lol! You haven't met my 2 year old. He could never be strapped into anything and loves to hike for miles and miles! I appreciate all the ideas. Keep them coming! What do you all think about renting a beach house near Point Reyes or Bodega Bay?
  9. My sister lives in Cotati -- near Santa Rosa -- in Northern California. My mother wants to try to plan a family vacation this summer for all of us (my family, my sister's family, and our parents) -- preferably, renting a large house somewhere not too far from where my sister lives. She mentioned wine country and the Russian River. I am a So Cal girl, and know little about things to do in this area of Northern California. If you were to plan a family vacation for two families with young kids (ages almost 3 to 7), where would you go? What things would you recommend that we do? If it were up to me, I would just hit up wineries and Yountville's finest restaurants all day, but I don't think that is exactly what my mom has in mind with kids. ;) Any suggestions from the Hive?
  10. I would look in San Diego County. I believe Sebastian was able to arrange tests at some of our private schools -- you might want to PM her for details. I believe she used one of these services: http://aptestservice.com/ http://www.totalregistration.net/ The best private schools (ie the ones with the most APs) in SD would be The Bishop's School in La Jolla, Francis Parker in Linda Vista, and La Jolla Country Day School. You might also contact Torrey Pines HS, La Jolla HS, and public HSs in the San Dieguito Union SD. Best of luck!
  11. We have done WWE2 + MCT Island + R&S spelling, and it has worked out well. We also added in literature (we used Mosdos and Junior Great Books). I wouldn't worry about not having done FLL (we didn't) before beginning MCT Island, however, I would not attempt WWE3 without having done WWE2 (unless it was with a much older child).
  12. How old was he when he took the class? What level W&R did he take? What was the workload like?
  13. Bumping again, because someone must be taking these courses. They have a bunch now.
  14. I second GSWF to begin. It is very incremental. Re CAP French, unlike the CAP Spanish program, the video teacher for French actually seems to have a pretty decent accent. My concern with beginning CAP French is that I'm afraid that they won't publish subsequent levels quickly enough. Has anyone heard what they plan re the publication schedule?
  15. My ex-DH's parents were diplomats, and I have several friends who went on to become FSOs. It is very competitive, but I wouldn't worry about the political leanings of the ugrad. The best preparation for the exam is a broad liberal arts education. I agree with 8 that learning a critical foreign language would be an advantage. Study abroad in the language, IR-related internships, and military service are also a plus. If he is a policy wonk, he might also look at the Rand Graduate School. I used to dream of getting a PhD there: https://www.prgs.edu/ ETA: And, of course, Georgetown's Foreign Service School: https://sfs.georgetown.edu/ SAIS is another good one: https://www.sais-jhu.edu/ Rankings: http://foreignpolicy.com/2015/02/03/top-twenty-five-schools-international-relations/
  16. We have been toying with the idea as well. Trying to find a way to make it doable financially, and then we will be off. We have friends here in San Diego that just went full-time. Are you a member of the FB Group Fulltime Families? It's great.
  17. I went to Montessori, and did a lot of Montessori activities with Sacha at home. But, in hindsight, I would choose RE. I agree that Montessori can be rigid (I am a linear-sequential thinker, so it was great for me), but it is also easier to implement at home.
  18. Gil, you recently described MM has "fun" on another thread. I think this is definitely the case of one man's trash... ;)
  19. We used MCT Island with WWE2 this year, and it has worked great. We plan to do WWE3 and MCT Town next year. We do MCT orally, though, and have skipped the writing assignments, so it hasn't been overkill for us.
  20. My DS is little, so we are still working on the basics, but I plan to put together a cryptography study in the near future. He also takes guitar lessons, so I am think of putting together some kind of guitar appreciation study, across a wide variety of musical genres. ETA: We are also doing home-brewed Canadian and California history next year, with field trips galore!
  21. Thanks for this. I still have the book sitting in my cart -- waiting for payday! We have the game Prime Climb, but haven't really done anything else. We will see how it goes. What else did you order?
  22. My very extroverted son is more globally gifted. I doubt that he is PG (he's never been tested, but just my guess), and is also less pointy than some of the kids discussed on this board. I think that all of those things shape my answer because I think that my DS is both himself and very well liked by his age peers. He is still very young, and has much growing and changing to do, but he generally doesn't have any problem fitting in with others in a variety of environments. I would say that the only social challenge I find with him presently is that, while he plays and enjoys sports, he doesn't seem to be as sports focused as many of the other boys his age. My son would much rather talk about Minecraft or Pokemon, or invent complicated imaginary games with friends vs. shooting hoops or playing football.
  23. Treasured Conversations would be my suggestion.
  24. I am the same way, except I would even leave the oven on if I was just running to the store, library, etc. for something quick. It would never even occur to me to turn off appliances except a gas stove.
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