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Everything posted by SeaConquest

  1. I backed their other project, Prime Climb (which we love), so I wanted to pass along this new math game for the littles by the same folks. I don't know how this compares to the Right Start cards and games (and would be interested in people's thoughts on how they compare), but I thought I would share: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/343941773/tiny-polka-dot-the-colorful-math-game-for-young-ki
  2. Thinking of turning Sacha's year of chemistry into a year of formulating DIY Asian beauty products. A win-win for us both!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ebunny


      Brilliant idea! Do you plan on getting down to the equations or just the conceptual parts? (pH levels etc)


    3. mathnerd


      Please write a blog about it. It sounds very interesting - project based learning of chemistry!

    4. SparklyUnicorn


      That sounds really cool.


  3. Update: I am down 17 pounds since I started Victoza in February 2015. I stalled out for awhile, but my doctor added phentermine to help with the Victoza afternoon drowsiness and kick start things. It seems to be helping, and I feel good. Slow and steady.
  4. If you can afford it, I would go to Santa Barbara. The water is still pretty cold, but there is so much to do and see. Avila is also a sweet spot (I was married there) -- close to SLO and Pismo -- but yeah, cold. I adore the entire Monterey Bay area, but definitely not for swimming.
  5. You might also check out the Behrman House materials. They are excellent.
  6. Even my 2.5 year old enjoys playing with Dragon Box Numbers. It is very intuitive. Re Slice Fractions, my older DS breezed through the Beast Academy 3D fractions chapter. He attributed it solely to Slice Fractions.
  7. Yes. That's why we have Ikea furniture with littles. I sold off all my gorgeous Cantoni furniture, but man, I miss luxe living. But, I would never allow my children to to disrespect someone else's home like that.
  8. Oh my gosh. That is so awesome! Huge congratulations to you both!
  9. Quoting myself. I read this article the other day, and it has been weighing heavily on my mind re my youngest: http://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2016/03/10/469929700/a-late-birth-date-could-boost-the-risk-of-an-adhd-diagnosis
  10. I actually really enjoyed the essay, and agree with your DH's opinion. I thought it was a wry and clever parody.
  11. We need a genuflect emoticon. I cannot imagine doing all of this with six kids. You must have incredible energy. Brava, mom!
  12. We have an iPad and an inexpensive Asus laptop for my son (7) -- both devices with insurance that covers every possible mishap. He uses them both, but really loves his laptop. He programs, takes classes online, and watches videos with it. I am not sure about the limitations of what a Chromebook can do, which would be my concern.
  13. Dovetailing on this, I would recommend reading 8's ebook on how she plans their studies. It was very helpful for me. http://www.treasuredconversations.com/homeschooling-at-the-helm/
  14. Has anyone used both, and feel that they can give me a comparison of their strengths/weaknesses? Thanks so much.
  15. I bellyached enough to my DH about being a teacher, but not getting the benny of a real summer break, so he is letting me send my youngest (2) to "camp" at his preschool. Both kids will be at the same camp for two glorious months from 9-3:30. Pinch me. :svengo: Oldest is doing 1 week of surf camp, 4 weeks of theatre camp, 4 weeks of sports camp (flag football, watersports, golf, and tennis), and probably 1 week of rock band camp. We take off from Memorial Day to Labor Day. :thumbup1: ETA: The only way that we are able to afford camp is with financial aid and spreading payments out over the year. The YMCA and many other non-profits run camps that offer financial aid.
  16. My youngest has an August 8th bday, and I can already see in his preschool class how being one of the youngest has negatively impacted him. The expectations for behavior (especially when compared to the older girls in his class) just feel age-inappropriate for him, on some level. I have no idea if we will homeschool him, but, I can definitely understand why red-shirting him would be a good idea.
  17. I think that Yael probably answered this, but there isn't one unified "Orthodox Jewish" opinion on the science v. literal Genesis interpretation of the Torah. As was mentioned, there are certainly some Orthodox Jews (for example: some that follow Rabbis M. Schneerson or M. Feinstein) who do not "believe" in evolution or modern cosmological thought re the age of the universe, although I know plenty of Chabadniks who do. The point that I was trying to make was that traditional Jewish belief and science are not *necessarily* at odds with one another, as there are many Orthodox Jews who hold such views (the Rabbinical Council of America, A. Kaplan, G. Schroeder, Y. Levi, J. Sacks, N. Slifkin, and many others). Even Maimonides, one of the greatest rabbis of all time, wrote that he did not believe that Genesis was intended to be interpreted literally in all parts. Although you didn't ask about the Reform and Conservative streams of Judaism (which are the majority of Jews), it also bears noting that these branches of Judaism also accept modern scientific views re evolution and cosmology. So, while there are certainly "Young Earth" Jews in Orthodoxy, they are far from the majority. If you are looking for further reading on this topic, from a variety of Jewish perspectives, this Wiki site can point you in the right direction: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_views_on_evolution
  18. Aish is a reputable site for information from an Orthodox perspective. The author of the post has written many excellent books on this topic. He is an MIT-trained, Orthodox Jewish physicist. There is no contradiction in traditional Judaism with modern scientific thought re cosmology and evolutionary biology, and faith in G-d.
  19. That bird was also a sign. You know it's bad when the very symbol of our country is telling you to buzz off. Birdnie, on the other hand, looked like freaking Snow White today.
  20. I think the bird was sending you a message.
  21. I changed my political party to No Party Affiliation because I was so disgusted. If things continue on the present course, this will likely be the first time that I vote for a Presidential candidate not from my usual party.
  22. That's basically what we are doing, along with WWE, TC, and maybe CAP books and Bravewriter classes. We finished Island and are currently doing SG orally. ETA: we're almost through WWE2.
  23. I might binge eat some at my little's preschool Purim carnival tomorrow. :leaving:
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