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Everything posted by Lilaclady

  1. So sorry Bill. Hoping for the best for you and your dad
  2. congratulations Julie. I don't know how the rehearsal dinner goes as well but just wants to congratulate you and your son
  3. You may need to shop around. look for used book sales at the libraries and also in your homeschool communities if they are available. I spend a lot on books but that is because i tend to buy for even 3 -4 yrs out.
  4. I will do Lof before doing Aops. My dd did that and it helped her with Aops which is more challenging than Fred. Se actually did Lof prealgebra with biology before aops. We haven't used RSVP so can comment on that.
  5. Praying for her and the physicians and medical personnel that will be doing the procedure. Praying that her fear will subside and she will have a good outcome
  6. for me, it will be hard to keep a 7th and 2nd grader together. so I will keep the 7th on his own and just do ancients with the 2nd and 4th graders. your 7th grader should be able to do his readings independently and not take so much of your time so you can work with the younger ones.
  7. I wouldn't say it was rude because it seems to be behavior that have been done before. For me, my kids are still small but they know that no snacking right before dinner, unless they were so hungry and dinner was so late. Also they cant pick another snack unless all of dinner was finished. sometimes after about 1hr after dinner, they might have a sandwich but it is rare since they head to bed pretty soon after dinner.
  8. i just started a thread on the Gen ed page. My student got a silver. This was also the first time and only missed one question of the subset. We are quite pleased. I must say though I did not see any medallion in the packet, I will have to call them about that.
  9. i am just happy to follow you guys around Ruth. I have greatly enjoyed your science enquiries and do plan to make use of some for next fall. good luck to you and the boys
  10. The point of the test is for you to be able to see what he can do without any aid. He should not use the chart during the test. You might need to work on having him do some practice tests now without the chart so he is used to it before the testing. Good luck
  11. we got our result today. My student did well considering its the first time. good luck to all
  12. good job and keep it up. i always try to start the school year early because life throws curve balls on our schedule so it is nice to have some breathing room.
  13. Encouraging news with your dad. Wishing you the very best Faith. Stay strong. Will be praying for you all
  14. Mep is a great program I believe for really developing understanding in math. It introduces concepts in a fun and spiral way so the kids are doing the same hings but it is does not seem like the same things. It is a really good program and like serendipitous said, it might be better to start small so you can get used to it. Good luck
  15. Mep is a great program I believe for really developing understanding in math. It introduces concepts in a fun and spiral way so the kids are doing the same hings but it is does not seem like the same things. It is a really good program and like serendipitous said, it might be better to start small so you can get used to you. Good luck
  16. She has been on my mind a lot. Praying for her and her family
  17. There is a reason I don't bother reading comments section anymore. It seems people now use it for their personal 15 minutes of fame rant. People say things that I am sure they will not say out to others in their presence. It is such a shame
  18. For us they need to ask so that I know if it is food we wil be using and I don't want to run out off. They are usually able to have as much fruits as they want but I do ration the sweets and the snacks.
  19. I refrigerate. My kids love them but they are a bit expensive so I don't buy as much as they will like. Yummy though
  20. So sorry for your loss. Hugs to you and your kids.
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