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Everything posted by maize

  1. When you have been on meds for awhile you can often get refills through a family practice doctor if that is less expensive.
  2. This looks interesting (it's a graded series) but I can't find a lot of information about it: https://www.amazon.com/Lese-u-Lernprofi-3/dp/3619346208/ref=mp_s_a_1_5?crid=2STMPN3ZVCU6J&keywords=koppensteiner&qid=1692844469&sprefix=koppensteiner%2Caps%2C274&sr=8-5
  3. And disability lawyers work on a contingency basis, there are no out-of-pocket costs for a disabled person to get legal representation.
  4. I'd like to get a smart watch, and I mostly hear about Apple watches. I don't have an iPhone; does anyone use an Android watch they would recommend?
  5. https://www.amazon.com/dp/3619044635/?coliid=I14M5B7PE0DTJE&colid=3OVFPK39V9F35&psc=1&ref_=list_c_wl_lv_ov_lig_dp_it
  6. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B118F2GB/?coliid=I3MKOP2GIM2HZH&colid=3OVFPK39V9F35&psc=1&ref_=list_c_wl_lv_ov_lig_dp_it https://www.amazon.com/dp/3619141703/?coliid=I35TGACNPUGK8B&colid=3OVFPK39V9F35&psc=1&ref_=list_c_wl_lv_ov_lig_dp_it https://www.amazon.com/dp/3619141711/?coliid=I2Z51WRMP08U9I&colid=3OVFPK39V9F35&psc=1&ref_=list_c_wl_lv_ov_lig_dp_it
  7. Ex: https://www.amazon.com/dp/3619044627/?coliid=I30MUB7ZYX5IYF&colid=3OVFPK39V9F35&psc=1&ref_=list_c_wl_lv_ov_lig_dp_it
  8. I found a few early reading books and workbooks on Amazon. They seem to start right out with multisyllabic words but with syllables in alternating colors--so, one syllable written in red letters, the next in blue.
  9. I've met someone who believes the moon landings are fake. It was at a meeting of a little homeschool science group; just a few families that met every other week so the kids could do presentations for each other on what they were learning in science. It was a neat idea and the friends who invited my family were great. The first day we went though one family's presentation was all about how the moon landings were fake. We didn't join the group.
  10. Re: "young" homeschoolers doing the talking-- it's like my mom always said: "if you want parenting advice, ask a parent with one child." Mom had ten kids--she knew enough to know how little she knew.
  11. I would have talked with her. I'm generally in favor of more communication rather than less unless there is a known issue with the other person turning communication against people somehow. A person I had known for years and been quite close to? I would definitely have made time for a call.
  12. I think a gift card to a grocery store or restaurant or door-dash would be great. Or something like a visa gift card with a note suggesting it be used however it would be most helpful--ordering food, or paying for a housekeeper to come in, or buying diapers.
  13. Oh interesting! If family is nearby do they help? My mom was able to come help for at least a week or so after most of my births, it made a huge difference (especially as my husband wasn't up to helping much). We've never lived near family.
  14. There are plenty of churches that don't do greetings as part of the service; if greetings detract from your church experience you'd probably be happier attending a different church. Human touch can be an element of community-building; I'm one who appreciates touch--I'd be quite happy to hug everyone every day. But I understand that lots of people feel differently. I have one son who very much does not like hugs--or to be touched by other people in general--and I respect that. I would hope that a religious community would be able to respect and accommodate individual preferences regarding physical contact as well.
  15. Thinking more, I think one advantage of being a child in a large family is that any sense of parental expectations can be diluted among the children. Growing up, my dad often said he would love for one of his daughters to become a doctor because he had been so impressed by the female doctor who was on the treatment team when my sister had cancer. I think that, had he only had one daughter, that daughter might have felt a need to make dad's dream come true. As it happened, my dad had six daughters; I know several of us considered the medical school path but ultimately none of us opted for it--and none of us felt the personal weight of potentially letting down a parent. So much is family and individual dynamics so I don't really know how much of my experience is generalizable--but I was often grateful to have so many siblings (9 all together) that my parents' attention and concern was never focused exclusively on me!
  16. I tell my kids that I very much hope to be a grandma some day, but that with seven kids it's pretty much assured that SOMEONE will have kids and I'm not expecting any particular child to produce grandchildren for me 😀 It really would be quite statistically unlikely for none of them to ever have children...
  17. Writers of articles can write anything they want. That doesn't make the thing true. What this article-writer wrote is nonsense.
  18. For Air Force ROTC, almost everyone commissions into active duty Air Force. It sounds like army is different. I didn't know anyone who went National Guard or Reserves.
  19. If he's going in as a sophomore he may need to double up on the ROTC classes that are usually spread across freshman/sophomore years. I did that; they were easy classes. Time commitment that sophomore year was maybe 6 hours per week required. I did more than that, but by choice. Moving forward, there can be bigger time commitments that come with cadet leadership positions. We had plenty of cadets though who were doing extracurriculars and working part-time.
  20. I'm sure it is no more problematic than any other hose. Don't drink from it unless it is designated for drinking water--that goes for any hose (there are hoses that are designated safe for potable water use, used for filling RV tanks and such; they are usually white).
  21. It's been a few years, but I joined AFROTC at the beginning of my sophomore year and commissioned when I graduated. They did help pay for my last two years of school. ROTC was the best part of college for me, I loved all of it.
  22. I've never seen a full service station--not even one with a full service lane--in my current state. I loved the service stations in Japan with all the attendants cheerfully calling out "irashai!" I didn't have a car myself so I only experienced them when riding with someone else.
  23. We use sand timers a lot--also silent and provide a visual reference for time remaining
  24. Congratulations on passing the test!
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