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Everything posted by elizam

  1. I personally think it is better to have a policy if it will be followed by every member. My ds was dimayed when he was in 8th grade to have several classmates moved up to high school early. They don't act especially "spiritually mature"--in fact, some rarely attend and others are just typical teens and even so typical as to be very cliqueish and wanting to move up to be with their friends. A few kids told ds he should move up as well, that anyone could. Well, that led to a very humiliating situation where ds got the runaround and I was told he just "wasn't as mature as those other kids" and "should be a good example to the younger kids" by staying in his middle school class. Also, the accelerated ones supposedly were moved up by parental request. But I guess that didn't count for me since ds was not considered as "mature." Yes, maybe that all sounds very sour grapes, but it was painful. My mother agreed with me that it was terrible to do to a kid that age.
  2. When my ds was missing, the detective was able to contact him via Myspace...we gave him the passowrd and he got into ds' account. We also found out ds was alive by checking it and seeing that he had logged on the previous day.
  3. I have to remind myself too that these people who comment don't "get it" and usually aren't my "type". They are usually the ones who were more "typical" in school whereas I was more of an independent thinker. ;)
  4. Yes, I understand what you mean. So many times our socialization "problems" have stemmed from OTHER kids being mean, excluding my kids for no reason, etc. They are almost always PS kids, too.
  5. Praying here....my 15 ds actually ran away and was gone the weekend a while back...it was terrifying, to say the least. :(
  6. All of the homeschoolers I've known to go to community or other colleges have done very well and have been appalled the behavior and lack of knowlege and skills of many of the **PSed** students there. I graduated in the Top 50 of my senior class and saw a lot of bad behavior and kids struggling with not being ready academically or socially in college.....all those kids of whom I speak were also PSed.
  7. I remember hearing this when one of mine was a baby. I don't remember how long ago it was, somewhere between 15 and 5 years ago. Anyway, I gave my babies a little water each day, mostly in the summer. I remember telling my mom sarcastically, "I am so hot! It is 100 degrees outside! I feel like a nice glass of MILK--NOT!" Milk does not quench my thirst when I am sweaty and hot. I remember my babies not even loving to nurse when they were like that. So I'd give them a little water and then nurse once we got to an air conditioned place. They never suffered from malnutrition or anything. To me, it is a common sense thing.
  8. so sad, and infuriating! http://www.tcpalm.com/news/2008/may/23/st-lucie-teacher-has-class-vote-whether-5-year-old/?feedback=1#comments
  9. 'm sorry! Big hugs to you! I may be in this place where you are very soon.
  10. John Rosemond's column this week recommended several: http://www.rosemond.com http://www.rosemond.com/view/389/21753/Weekly-Column.html
  11. I never knew it till now, but my ds recently read a book about the Hitler Youth and how Hitler brainwashed schoolchildren that they should turn their parents in.
  12. So sad! My dd's Christian dance concert is June 1 and she and her friends are dancing with their dads to "Cinderella"....now I'm really going to cry my eyes out! One of the Dance Revolution teachers also had a son who accidentally ran over his younger sister. The dad had 8 dc, I believe.
  13. I forgot to add that Sophie's Choice is second. I just HAD to see it...and wondered till I did why my mother would be so controlling and mean as to say, "no you cannot go see that" when I was in high school. She knew me better than I knew myself. After I was grown and watched it and hated it, I called her and thanked her for not letting me see it at age 16.
  14. Yep....that is by far the worst, scariest, most disturbing movie I've ever seen and I wonder what kind of person could think that stuff up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Yes, I've been there, done that, even down to the ADHD son. I can't remember a field trip we truly liked. We all learned more going as a family than as a huge group. As a homeschool group, we were treated more like a herd by the place we were visiting, and were often criticised later for not "acting enough like PS kids". There were always issues such as excluding by other kids, fights being picked, etc. Ds always seemed to be the one bullied or excluded or annoying to everyone. It never got better. But we did like doing stuff as a family.
  16. I doubt the PS would allow it, but it might be worth a try!
  17. give my dc Nordic naturals 3-6-9 I can't decide if it really helps much or not, but I hear it certainly can't hurt. There is a good article on fish oil on this website: http://www.additudemag.com
  18. I sort of liked I know Why the Caged Bird Sings, but it was TMI for my age, I think...the other one is called Go Ask Alice, and I hated that one! It was not required reading in my classes. Actually, I don't think either of them were.
  19. another book/movie taht I wish I had avoided is Fast Times at Ridgemont High. I remember hiding it and my mom found it and was angry. I wondered how in the world she knew anything about it! Movie reviews or just the title, perhaps? Did she leaf thru and come to the part with the banana?
  20. ME TOO! What I don't get is why I even wound up watching the movie when I knew what was going to happen from reading the book!
  21. Oh dear...I don't know how I typed 1923! I meant 1973!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D
  22. i have a dc who did this TODAY! I also have one who is now 15 and in PS and he still hates tests! We just use the CAT and get thru it, with promises of rewards after. I also don't do any other schoolwork except reading, and I allow outside time in between tests. I encourage them to get up extra early and get it over with before anyone else is up! Keep in mind it DOESN'T matter and no one is going to make you quit hsing or anything awful.
  23. Ok...I totally hated the the first time I watched it. I don't even remember why I watched it again! But I did................ and now I LOVE that movie! :D:D:D
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