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The Girls' Mom

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Everything posted by The Girls' Mom

  1. So, I'm at the checkout, and a young girl (probably 19-21ish) is my cashier. She's chatty and friendly. The bagger, a young man (mid 20s) comes and begins joking around with her/us while bagging. He starts joking around about how she's not all THAT nice, etc. I said, well she looks like a nice girl. He said: "Well, nice isn't a word for wh*re......... uh....her" Complete, utterly awkward silence follows. For the entire duration of my massive buggy full of grocery checkout. Poor girl was red faced, and he had the look of "Did I really say that out loud?!"
  2. You could easily find them if you looked for them. If I had wanted anything, I knew and/or dated people that could get them. Thankfully I never had the desire. The area I lived in was pretty drug heavy anyway, especially among my extended family.
  3. First, I would meet with your dad on neutral grounds (park, restaurant, etc) so the kids can see him. This is what I do with my dad, for various reasons, and it has worked out well. Second, your only real choice in dealing with his ngeativity is to ignore it. You cannot make him change or seek help. My dad is around the same age, and has been out of work for quite a while except for the occasional odd job. No one will hire him because of his age, experience (he's been a faux painter for years) and probably his appearance. It is tough, no almost impossible, to get a job right now if you are older and have limited experience.
  4. I voted that, yes, there does seem to be a double standard. In our house, we try to keep to the same one. We both feel free to comment on the beauty/attractiveness of the opposite sex. (i.e. dh thinks Helen Hunt and Leelee Sobieski are gorgeous, and I find Vin Deisel (don't hate) and Nicholas Cage quite pleaseing to the eye, and we talk about that sometimes) Leering/lusting after said person is NOT ok, nor is veiwing pornographic photos of them.
  5. We scrape, not rinse. The only foods I seem to have trouble with is avocado and dried on sour cream or cheese. If I had to rinse, I would just wash by hand.
  6. I remember liking boys and such at a young age too, but what I see in girls today seems different. It is much more intense, and goes beyond check yes or no type stuff. And with today's technology, the hurt and bickering after a break up gets out of control. I'm friends with most of my girls friends on FB. The things I see on there make me question the parenting of these girls. And I'm not talking about trashy people that don't care about their kids. These are seemingly involved, caring parents.
  7. By 12 weeks with my twins. And I'm a big girl..lol. I looked about 6 months pregnant by about the 4th month.
  8. If you read through some more of the related posts, a judge had to find him competent enough for consent to marry. It is legal. Piper was at their wedding, and they know him to some extent...that is why it is associated with his website. I think she is a stronger woman than I. I could only hope that I would have made the same choices. Ten months is plenty of time to know whether or not you love someone enough to marry. (I did it in 9!) Or to love them enough to commit to taking care of them for the rest of their life.
  9. My oldest dd is in 9th grade this year, and I admit that despite my conviction to homeschool it has been SO tempting to send her to school this year. But we are working through it. For us that has meant changing priorities a bit, and outsourcing some classes (like Latin and Geometry). ETA: Some of the big draws of school for us are the extra curriculars. My oldest loves singing and acting, and it has been hard to find affordable outlets for that here.
  10. Normal here too...but not really appropriate IMO. My girls were 9 when we moved away to TX, and 11 when we moved back. They were horrified at the changes in their friends. The make up, boy drama, and overall cattiness astounds them. Sadly, it seems like they are losing those friends because they just aren't into that stuff. (And yes, these are all public schooled kids)
  11. Gosh, I did that last night. I needed a time out. (and yelling I'm DONE as I headed to the car wasn't my best moment :glare:) No clues about when it ends, but you have my utmost sympathy. :grouphug:
  12. My dd15's best friend was bitten by a bat on Sunday. It attacked her in broad daylight. This resulted in 8 shots due to the possibility of rabies infection :( So, remember to get your pets vaccinated, and go to the doc if you are bitten by an animal of any sort.
  13. I'm following you in Google Reader :) My link is in my siggy....there is a lot more than just homeschooling on mine.
  14. Kraut is a condiment..lol. I've only ever had it on a dog or brat, and MAYBE at a German restaurant once.
  15. I've read that putting a ceramic egg or golf ball in the nest can help. (I guess a peck or three at a hard "egg" is enough to make them stop) If they've really gotten a taste for them though, it may be tough to stop.
  16. I have a friend who is trying to get her son graduated by 2014...he is a little behind and is finishing up some 9th grade work. He has a learning disability in writing, which makes some things more difficult. They are also very limited financially. What I am looking for, to help her, are some out of the box ways to get him through the credits he needs to graduate. He would like to go to a bible college eventually. I think he needs 13 credits through our umbrella school, and has to take the basics. I think we are going to try to go with lit. based courses for English. I am going to try to help them through math...He is currently being tutored but they really can't afford it. A website listing various course descriptions would be helpful for his mom as well. I have one (from Indiana PS I think) but any others you know of would be great.
  17. My oldest sleeps like the dead. Nothing wakes her up. My dh is similar. The twins, on the other hand, have mom radar. I can be as quiet as a mouse, and they'll still wake up when I do. I'm a pretty light sleeper....if anyone is moving in the house, I'll hear it.
  18. Before putting her down, I would try to rehome her with someone that isn't around children. (I had to do that once with a chihuahua mix that hated small kids)
  19. 3D movies make me sick for days...even the new ones. The last one I saw was Avatar, and I had a migraine and nausea for 2 days afterwards, starting about 5 minutes into the movie. I refuse to go now, even though there have been some that I would have loved to see in 3D.
  20. Definitely. Mine were doing it as soon as they could stand on a stool and reach the sink. (sigh...they WANTED to back then!)
  21. My three girls have shared and rotated chores for years...but since they were around 7 or 8 they have done the following: Wash dishes Empty the trash Wash/fold/put away laundry Cleaned their rooms. They also helped me dust, vacuum, clean bathrooms, etc. as needed. My now 11 year olds also cook their own breakfast and lunch, feed and water the chickens and cat, collect eggs, and help with general outside labor.
  22. We got an offer today! It was pretty good too. We have a counter offer in right now (nothing major). Praying all goes well :D
  23. I have three girls, two are twins. Get any one of the younger ones and the oldest together and they get along great. It's the twins that bicker the most..lol.
  24. My friend has a son named Kyler...it suits him very well. Keegan is one of my favorites. Kelsey used to be more of a boy's name.
  25. I did that sooo many times as a teen. And yes I had a clock. Sometimes, in a sleep haze your eyes fool you ;) It usually made me mad because my hair was a pain to deal with, so I would end up staying up just so I wouldn't have to shower again to fix it. I never woke other people up though...I was used to being up before everyone else so I was quiet...lol.
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