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The Girls' Mom

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Everything posted by The Girls' Mom

  1. We have a JRT. I try not to bathe her too often because she has sensitive skin. HOWEVER, she is a nosey little rascal and we live on a farm. At least once a week or so she manages to find something smelly to roll in, or mud to trounce through, or a hole to dive into. So, it probably averages to about once a week.
  2. I jinxed myself. Not 20 minutes from posting on this thread, I had the sighs/huffing/you aren't listening to me/that's not what I said!/What are you stupid? look/and an incredulous stare. All from about 5 minutes of going over missed problems in a math lesson and assigning the next one. :glare:
  3. Yeah, my kids' version is "That isn't what you said!" ...it makes me question MY sanity some days. They are also stubbornly resistant to understand the concept of paraphrasing, which makes me look like a liar when they try to correct me :glare:
  4. Or asking for help with an assignment, only to be met with "I KNOW!" and "that doesn't make sense!" before you can actually get a complete sentence out. :glare:
  5. I wish I had been, but in a different family in a different place. School was my sanctuary from home. I also lived in a very rural community that wouldn't have offered much in the way of enrichment, or even books..lol.
  6. :grouphug: There are still jokes from the time I caused my cake taker to burst *into flames*
  7. Yes. My kids don't have an off switch. I feel mean for making my half-grown kids ask for food...but I would be bankrupt otherwise! I mean does a family of 5 REALLY need to go through 6 gallons of milk in a week?! I don't think so! (Especially when only 4 people are really drinking most of it) I have to hide cheese...seriously. If I don't the 3lb bag I got to last a week is gone by Tuesday. :glare:
  8. I hate those ads. I mostly hate that some rather inappropriate stuff can pop up. :glare: I wouldn't really want to be associated with that.
  9. I need to do this so much. We break ground on our house build in a week or two, and I know we will be hemorrhaging money for the next year. :glare: My biggest issue is food! I spend way too much on groceries, and we STILL run out of stuff before my next planned trip. I cook from scratch and plan, but still can't seem to make it work out :lol: But maybe I'll try this for a month. I'll have to figure out a realistic goal for stuff..
  10. :grouphug: My dh works from home too, and we've interrupted our fair share of calls. The dog is the worst culprit. She barks like a rabid pit bull if ANYONE pulls into our driveway. Thankfully, 99% of the people he talks to now KNOWS he works from home. He does, at least, keep himself shut in his office during important calls. We've been doing this for 7 years now, so the kinks have gotten worked out. What I hate is the fact that he wears the earpiece thing, and I can never tell if he is talking to me or someone on the phone when he walks through the house..:tongue_smilie:
  11. Normally, mid-to-late October. But I think it will be early this year, and probably not as pretty. Leaves have already started dropping, and it isn't even September yet. We had a record setting summer that was hard on the trees.
  12. We just priced metal vs shingle here for our new build, and metal was going to be more expensive. They DO last longer though. We've had two houses with metal roofs and neither had problems with cell phone reception.
  13. :grouphug: We hate it too. My dd15 can't have anything related to a melon, bananas, or pineapple. I hope her list doesn't grow...she already hates veggies!
  14. For my girls...yes. All three of mine have some very good guy-friends. And it seems to be just that..friends. I think it helped that in their circle of friends only one "couple" exists, and most of the kids just don't date. Now, that said, one of my dd's best friends is a guy. And she has a very huge crush on him. If he ever wanted to be more than "just friends" she would go for it in a heartbeat. He knows that she likes him that way. But she keeps the boundary, because she knows that he only likes her as a friend. (she hopes all the time that it will change, but knows that it may not) She doesn't want to ruin their friendship by making it weird, so she keeps her feelings in check.
  15. *I* don't suffer from it, but everyone around me does :D But yeah...I turn into evil Apryl.
  16. Ok, I voted yes, because they will know HOW to iron. WILL they actually USE the skill? Probably not :lol:
  17. Yes. Although my 15 year old thinks it is awful when I make her iron her OWN clothes.
  18. Pee standing up :lol: Well...since the bathroom is the first place I head anyway....wait...if I'm a man that may mean my bladder is suddenly bigger than a pea. In that case it will be to NOT head for the toilet!!!
  19. My dd12 stepped in a hole while running on Monday and fell, hurting her leg/ankle. It swelled a little, but she could put weight on it. We iced it down and gave her Advil. She has limped around on it all week, saying that it didn't hurt to put weight on it, but it felt "loose". Fast forward to today, it is STILL tender to the touch and it began throbbing and having a sharp pain instead of the dull ache. She can still put weight on it without making it hurt worse. It has become red right at the ankle bone. It is still swollen...but it never swelled a lot. Think she tore/broke something? FWIW, I do have a doctor's appointment for her in the morning. I feel kind of bad for putting it off this long, but we had a super busy week, and it really seemed like a sprain. I should know better. I sent my oldest dd to school with a broken ankle when she was 8. (she popped the top off of the lateral malleolus and she too could still walk on it)
  20. No on the undies, yes on the socks. (I fold matching socks together)
  21. :iagree: FWIW, the same thing can happen with come colored pencil work.
  22. My oldest usually works in her bedroom. She is easily distracted..lol. So for us, it actually works better for her to be by herself. She's also very...fidgety...so she doesn't distract the other two when she's madly tapping her pencil or humming. My other two do their work all over the house. Mine are all largely independent workers though.
  23. Chalk us up as some more folks who don't know many people in real life who are paying their kids way through college. It just doesn't happen that often here. In our extended family in particular, you pay your own way or you don't go. AND not going to college does NOT = truck driver. Dh and his brother went to tech/vocational schools after high school (working their way through, btw) and both have decent/good jobs. In fact, my dh who went to school to be a mechanic is doing very well in the company he started out as a grease monkey 20 years ago. I think you'll find the view on college as an absolute need is about to shift drastically. We will not be paying for our kids to go to college. They will have room and board if they choose to go to a CC or local college. They will be encouraged to work and save for their classes and to snag any scholarships that they can. That is all IF they choose to go.
  24. Run :) There really is no other appropriate thing to do...just get way from the nest as quickly as possible and brush off any wasps that are on you. I am the queen of yellow jacket location. Put a mower in my hands, and I can almost guarantee I will find a nest within 10 minutes :glare: It is why I no longer mow. First time I was attacked it just hurt. The second time, the stings swelled up bigger than the first. The third time I felt very, very bad and had to load up on benedryl. Not fun.
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