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The Girls' Mom

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Everything posted by The Girls' Mom

  1. When I pulled my 6th grader out, she was her music teacher's star pupil. He was very angry, and actually said that I was "ruining her life and she'd never be a leader" and that I "was robbing his other students of a good role model". That was totally going to change my mind because I'm absolutely going to put all the other kids before my own. I guess I did ruin her. I mean, what kind of person does well in college and has a gaggle of friends everywhere she goes?!
  2. I will have two seniors, so we will be in the "get everything they still need on their transcript done" mode. A lot will depend on what the co-op schedule looks like for this fall, since we use it for science and some other things. One dd will be schooling entirely at home, most likely. English: EIL Math: TT Pre-Cal US Gov/Economics: This will be a combo of various texts I have at home and online videos. Science: Likely Physics of some sort. We are still trying to decide. She wants to join a robotics club and wants to tie her science into that somehow. My other dd: English: Either DE Eng Comp. or something at co-op Math: DE Pre-cal/Trig Science: Hopefully something at co-op. Otherwise it will be Physics or advance Biology of some sort. US Gov/Economics: Same as dd above. Plus a generous helping of college applications and part-time jobs.
  3. I'm one that will eat pretty much anything...that would be a tosser, sorry. 1. cooked rancid beef will smell up your house and spoil your appetite for anything else...regardless of whether you eat it or not. 2. Gone over ground beef is pretty much just asking for trouble.
  4. Agreeing what the others said, and putting another plug in for HomeLife. We've used them the entire time and I have graduated one through them. Very easy and uncomplicated. Plus, their handling of transcripts sent to colleges has been a breeze.
  5. I contributed to the grocery rush today. But, I had two extra kids over the past two snow days and had to restock before the weekend hit. Plus, Blue Bell ice cream came back to my area and it was imperative that some was consumed immediately.
  6. I would put preference of instructor first if at all possible. That said, sometimes it just isn't possible. We ran into that for our DE this semester. I really wanted dd to take a math class with my prof from last semester. It just could not work out.
  7. I can drive pretty much anything. I love that I can. I used to think that I would absolutely teach my girls how to drive a stick, but it has been most impractical to do so. Do you know how hard it is to find manual trans. cars these days? In theory we could teach them to drive our tractor, but it is so old and stiff that I have to use every ounce of my weight to even push the clutch in. They weigh a lot less than I do..lol. Anyway, in today's world it just isn't necessary.
  8. Complain away. Day two of cancelled school, college and co-op. This is the first week of the semester at college. Chaos will ensue. Apparently there is more of this white atrocity on its way. I told summer it needed to return back in November and we had our first cold snap. I'm not a fan of this freezing stuff that makes people in TN forget how to drive.
  9. "The best part of waking up, is Folger's in your....." It seems like a sacrilege to treat coffee in such a way. That stuff is the nectar of the gods. At least in this house..lol. ETA: And yes, I changed my profile picture days BEFORE this thread! lol.
  10. We did very unstructured science before middle school. Reading through their choice of library books and doing fun experiments was the main portion of it. Sometimes they would do a project report on something, usually by making a little book. I took pictures of their activities and kept any written projects they did. It worked well for us. Mine all transitioned just fine into high school level science courses, and I have at least one that is headed into the STEM fields.
  11. Our CC does require ACT scores for DE students, so it isn't unheard of. However, the scores required aren't terribly high. Why do you think she isn't ready for the ACT but is ready for CC classes?
  12. We did for a few weeks. We pulled them out in October and took a camping trip before we even thought about starting school. Then we kind of eased into our school work. Then we did a lot of local field trips the first year. My oldest was NOT happy at the time about leaving school, and I tried to show her the perks of not being stuck in school all day. FWIW, she thanks me for homeschooling her now. The hardest thing for my girls was the transition to more freedom. I had two third graders and a 6th grader. They were kind of conditioned to have every moment of their day scheduled and rules to follow for all of it. After several meltdowns, I ended up setting up a much more rigid schedule than I had planned at first just to get them through the hump.
  13. My oldest dd is a literature and language nut. She is working at a library and LOVES it. After she gets her Associates in German, she plans to pursue a degree in Library Science. Anyway, she gets to work with kids, help out with crafts and the various after school programs they have, help choose literature for library book orders, and helps with their media. It has been a great fit for her.
  14. I love them and desperately miss the extra spaces we had in one of our previous houses. We had a full basement, PLUS an attached full one bedroom apartment. I loved having a place for the kids to be wild and rambunctious with out it echoing throughout the house. I loved dh having an office (he works from home) that was so far removed from our main living area that we didn't have to be conscious of our every noise during the day. Right now we spend a lot of time in our smaller less separate spaces. I hang out upstairs in my office area (really just an open loft area at the top of our stairs) and the girls pretty much live in their bedrooms. This is because dh cherishes his TV and quiet house, which really limit what we can do downstairs. His office is right off the living room, and our dining and kitchen are open to the living room area, so unless we are very quiet, there isn't much use of the living room during the day.
  15. They know my last name but can't spell it correctly..lol. And several relatives just cannot get one of my dds names right. It isn't even an unusual name.
  16. Oh I forgot about the peeing! When I first became pregnant with the twins, we had to take a road trip from TN to MN and back for dh's job interview. Apparently I conceived about 2 days before the trip. I think we hit every rest stop on the 18 hour drive there and back. Between the nausea and the peeing, that was one miserable car ride. I took a test as soon as we got back home and it was negative. Since I had a history of early miscarriage, I was supposed to call the doc the moment I knew I was pregnant, but they wouldn't believe me since I hadn't gotten a positive test yet and my period wasn't due..lol.
  17. Yes, with each of my pregnancies. I would have severe breast tenderness, and nausea...and somehow just know. Oh and the intensification of smell. I knew within a week of conception usually. Then the anxious wait to "prove" it with a test. Even though I never kept track of ovulation, I can pinpoint the exact day of conception for all my kiddos.
  18. I feel like I could have written most of this. My dh and I do not connect emotionally like that either. His idea of love: working and providing for his family. If I come to him with "feelings" it usually ends badly and in a huge misunderstanding. Unfortunately, he lives in a house full of emotional females, so he is generally disconnected from most of our lives. Art is a HUGE part of my life. In fact, I was, at one point, going to make a career of it. (reasons why I didn't are another story) But he doesn't get it. At all. In fact, it is usually pure misery on his face if he has to deal with or talk about it for more than a minute or two. It hurts because it is such a part of who I am, and part of me thinks that if he doesn't like it then he must not like a large part of who I am. However, he happily funds my art to keep me happy. (or at least to keep me from going off the deep end) He just doesn't want to be involved in it. This includes going to events, etc. Honestly, we operate so differently that we kind of live separate lives in the same house now. Just about the only thing we do together is go to church and watch TV. The girls don't often share the struggles they have with him, because he would make them seem small and unimportant. It isn't intentional, and he never WANTS to hurt our feelings, they just don't make sense to him. We all love him, but we've also all come to realize that he's never going to be any different. I struggle with this on a daily basis. I AM an emotionally driven person. I've lived with this man for 23 years and the struggle hasn't gone away...I've just developed a thick skin and coping mechanisms, including getting my emotional needs met through other means. (not talking about an affair or anything.)
  19. Ours is 16 years old. I'm in the same boat. There are too MANY choices!!! We need to bite the bullet though. Dh and I both have pain issues.
  20. I would think so. The mental work required to recognize letters and associate them with words and the motor skill development required to write are two very different things. Most kids I've run across develop the latter much later than the former.
  21. For the worst day or two, being anywhere in which I cannot get to a bathroom every 30 minutes or so. Physical labor for a day...it causes pain and flooding. Swimming (but mostly because I don't like swimming anyway). Other than that, not much. That isn't to say that I beg off doing some things that I just don't feel like doing because of it. I *could* do them if I wanted to deal with it, but I'd rather not.
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