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The Girls' Mom

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Everything posted by The Girls' Mom

  1. Yes, we've skipped. Especially if it is a read aloud that is boring ME to tears. For instance...we just dropped Ghengis Khan and the Mongol Horde. The first part was interesting, but we have no desire to read about battle after battle. (bunch of girls here) So we are getting our info from other sources.
  2. For us, I had 'the talk' with her, but reassured her that dh knew ALL about it, and that she could go to him at any time if she needed to. We are pretty open about bodily functions around here, so we pretty much act as if it's all no big deal, while stressing the importance of marriage being the only appropriate place for se*xual activity. That said, my oldest is VERY easily embarrassed by such talk, regardless of our attempts to make her comfortable with it. The younger two are completely comfortable about it. I've not had the complete talk with the younger two yet, but it's coming up soon. They know about periods, puberty and such already though.
  3. Buy the land next to my inlaws we are eyeballing and build a modest house. Pay off the debt of immediate family. Set aside a small amount for each of my girls to get their lives started on. Start a small church with a HUGE missionary outreach program, helping people get their lives turned around and back on their feet.
  4. The hand holding wouldn't bother me...but is he asking you to pray OUT LOUD for the person next to you? That would freak me out. I just don't pray aloud in public!! (and since I am running headlong into being a pastor's wife someday this really worries me!!!) :tongue_smilie:
  5. Sort of. I usually decide what I'm getting them, run it by him to see if he has any objections, the I do the shopping. He's a Christmas Eve/last possible minute shopper/planner kind of guy, and HATES shopping...so he's more than happy to let me handle it.
  6. If it were my dh, I'd say a braclet or two :) I have the beginnings of a bracelet collection from the different countries he's been to. Textiles or dishware would be my second choice. :001_smile:
  7. One wouldn't think going to the State Fair would be a way to feel way older than you are. BUT.... Two days after riding ONE ride (other than the benign ferris wheel) I'm still SORE. Said ride also played havoc with my ear and sinuses. (it was one of those spinning rides and I swear it slung my brains into my ear! :glare:) All the photos taken of me with my girls...my gray hair is BLAZING. Not to mention that the part of the fair my dh and I found most exciting: The livestock exhibits and the handicrafts. :001_huh:
  8. I would consider lightening your load immensely before sending them to PS. At those ages...why kill yourself with a foreign language? How much Language arts and math are you doing? 5-7 year olds don't really need that much yet. At PS, the teacher generally has to teach to the lowest common denominator. This means your above grade level kids will likely be bored, unchallenged, and will not be moving forward with their learning.
  9. Personally, I think the best way to teach art is to unschool it. Have some quality art supplies available, and give them the freedom to use them. Also have a couple of very visual art history books lying around..one with lots of color photos. Then, take them to an art museum of some sort at least once a year or so. If they want to learn more about a certain technique or artist, then pursue it further. I'm an artist that has self-taught over the years, and personally I have found formal instruction of art (other than music) to be stifling.
  10. Perhaps not all of the family, but maybe the doc will for the immune comprimised one. I used to get knocked flat out by strep everytime I got it, and would end up needing rocefrin shots. So my doc started giving me an antibiotic script whenever my kids got strep. I could then fill it as SOON as I started having any symptoms.
  11. Best job was in accounting at a credit union, although I didn't appreciate it at the time :glare: The worst was an admin assistant for a family owned company. It was a man and his sons. They were very macho types, and also had a tendancy to fight with each other. They also liked to try to one up each other, and pretty much always gave me conflicting tasks. The last straw for me was when my title of admin assistant became "personal" assistant and I had to handle scheduling of his proctologist appointments. :001_huh:
  12. Congrats!! Our 18th Anniversary was yesterday too...we didn't do much for it though, other than remember that it was! lol.
  13. I have found that just like I have to coax my non-voracious readers to read, I have to coax my voracious reader to do other things. I don't worry about discouraging reading with her...she loves it so much that I couldn't quench that thirst if I wanted to...so I DO tell her that she's reading too much and needs to do something else for a while. It's never dampened her enthusiasm for books.
  14. My girls loved it! In fact its on the shelf of books they won't let me get rid of :glare:
  15. If you are in the DFW area, I belong to an awesome group. We have no labels other than homeschoolers, and there really ARE all types in our group.
  16. I would take him back. The steroids should have made him much better within a day or two.
  17. Could a cat have sprayed near a door or window? Have any ammonia based products in the house that could be open or accidentally mixed with something else? Bring any new books in? (I ask because my dh "inherited" a bunch of books from a friend that had way too many cats, and those books STINK even after months of being in a tub with coffee and baking soda and fabric softener! )
  18. I sympathize greatly with fellow migraine sufferers. However, only about a third of mine are incapacitating. The other two thirds I am able to go about my day, although not comfortably or happily. It's a state of nausea (but not so bad as to vomit), extreme pressure in my head, eye pain, and some fogginess. I'm not functioning very WELL, but I can function. Then, unfortunately there are the ones that make me want to curl up into a ball in a dark room and put my head under 10 ton rock. With those, all life gets put on hold.
  19. Breakfast: eggs, toast, waffles, cereal or muffins. With milk or juice. Lunch: leftovers something on a tortillia or bread...lol. this varies from lunch meat to nut butters, etc. Snacks: fresh or dried fruit Dinner: Some of our most often made are: Spagetti/pasta type dishes usually with ground turkey or italian sausage grilled chicken/fish with rice and veggies Mexican style dishes (tacos, pulled chicken on tortillias, tamales, etc.) usually with a side of beans and rice. Baked potatoes with toppings. Soups and stews. (most often chicken soups or potato soups) Casseroles (these get experimented on a lot so content varies!) Dinner Salads (usually with grilled chicken)
  20. Same here. I *could* stretch it to $400 a month for the 5 of us, but that's only if we are eating no meat, and very few fresh veggies or fruits or milk. That's not even counting toiletries. I rarely buy prepared food. The meat we eat is usually ground turkey or chicken (thighs and legs often!) We drink water for most meals, and use around 2.5 gallons of milk a week. I still regularly spend $180 a week on groceries.
  21. I have identical twins. I wouldn't have chosen to have them separate...now any way. I was terrified when I found out I was having twins, but it really wasn't nearly as bad as I imagined. (In fact, the two of them as infants were easier than my firstborn alone!) I carried them to 34.5 weeks and delivered them naturally with NO complications. They had to stay in NICU for a week until they could regulate their temps. I did breastfeed them for about 3-4 weeks, but they were having some serious allergy issues that led to bottle feeding. If it hadn't been for that, I wouldn't have had any trouble. Now that they are older, they are each others best friends (although they wouldn't admit it) They do fight some, but so do all siblings.
  22. I would definitely ask for a nebulizer if he's having to dose before they want him too...it's obviously not as effective as it could be. At that age, there is a high probability that the inhaler isn't getting all the meds to his lungs. There are times that my 13 year old has to neb and use the inhaler, especially if she's fighting a respritory virus. (add me to the list that was surprised he got sent home with a SAT of 90)
  23. Blogs with lots of photography appeal to me. I need visuals..:tongue_smilie: A great way to follow blogs, btw is to use Google Reader. I put the subscribe button up on the toolbar, and whenever I find a blog I like I just have to hit a button. Then when I'm in the mood for blog reading, I go to my Google Reader link and they are all sitting there nice and pretty for me, and it only lists unread posts. I can easily skip through things I don't feel like reading.
  24. Hmm...my kids have gone to bed with wet hair more times than I can begin to count. With the exception of my oldest and her allergy/asthma issues (which are very much inherited in our family), they are as healthy as can be. I imagine it might fall under the old wives tales category :confused:
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