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The Girls' Mom

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Everything posted by The Girls' Mom

  1. The round ones. You can get the assortment pack at Walmart, Hobby Lobby, Micheals, etc. The easiest yarn to work with is just the plain cheap yarn. After she gets the hang of it, then I would move on to the more 'fun' ones. :) Hope she has fun!
  2. We've only used the round ones. The girls have made hats and scarves with those. I saw today how you can easily make flat panels too, for shawls, or pieced throws. With the long ones, you can make much larger flat panels and such.
  3. They usually come in a package of assorted sizes, which is handy. My tip is to watch a youtube video of it done. The written directions can be confusing. It's very easy though. All 3 of my girls love it, and we've had it for a couple of years now.
  4. We moved out of the Knoxville area last year, and will likely be moving back in a year or so :) We lived north of Knoxville, in Clinton, so I'm not much help in the housing department (although you may find that Fountain City has grown a bit in 9 years) There are several homeschooling groups in the area, and Knoxville Christian Academy runs an umbrella program for homeschoolers. They also allow HS kids on thier sports teams. There's also a very good Children's Hospital off of 17th St...I think it's part of Fort Sanders. I've had all three of my kids there at different times for one thing or another, and haven't had any complaints.
  5. unsweetened tea in the morning, water the rest of the day.
  6. All of the artificial sweeteners will give me migraines, but it seems to need to build up in my system a bit. I can drink a coke zero once in a blue moon and generally be fine. If I drink one every few days, I'll start getting migraines.
  7. :iagree: Guinea pigs are much less stinky, especially if you keep their bedding clean. They are cuddly too...we had them for quite a while.
  8. We had one for a while. He was cute. The girls liked playing with him. He liked to get inside our couch, and you couldn't get him out until he was ready. But don't underestimate the smell! lol. It permeated our entire house. A year later, I still get a whiff when I turn on the dust buster I used around his cage. We ended up giving him to a family that had ferrets before and knew what they were getting into.
  9. That's what we had today. If you would rather not have BBQ sauce, do a dry rub (tons of recipes for it on allrecipes.com). Just cook it long and slow and you can't go wrong.
  10. My daughter was on it for a year or more. I took her off of it because it made her extremely weepy. She's on Advair right now with no problems that I can see.
  11. I only have a high-school diploma. I have some college credits, and CCU credits, but not many. I think perhaps some college level Lit and English classes would have been helpful, but I've managed to learn on my own so far. In my opinion, the most important thing is to be willing to learn what you don't know. I like what a previous poster said...I've unschooled my higher education :)
  12. The more stuff in my salad the better! I like a green leafy mix (spinach, romaine, and mixed greens) Then add: avocado cucumbers tomatoes shredded carrots chopped broccoli and cauliflower strawberries or craisins red onions mushrooms ahh...just about anything really. If I'm not watching the calories, then add eggs and ham. Top it off with a good vinegrette :)
  13. 1) Do you believe a young woman should stay home with her parents until she is married, no matter her age? I would like for them to at least for a while, just for the stability alone (econonmy being what it is and all) but do I think that will happen? Probably not. I'm ok with it either way. 2) Do you encourage your daughters to attend a local college and stay home during that time or go away to college? Or do you leave that up to them? We'll encourage them to stay local, unless God calls them elsewhere. The support of family can mean a lot. 3) Do you believe it is God's plan for every woman to be married? No. The Bible specifically says otherwise.
  14. My dd and I have been recently seeing a doctor for this...unexplained fatigue. She was tested for food allergies and it came back with egg, wheat, soy, dairy, egg, corn and seasame. I wasn't tested, but since I was having trouble too, I decided that we would BOTH eliminate those things from our diet. It has only been a few days, but I swear I can already feel the fog beginning to lift. Anyway, you may want to cut some of the major allergens out of your diet, or maybe even go get tested. The more I read, the more I realize that a good portion of our immediate and extended family are suffering from fatigue due to food allergies.
  15. I've started losing weight again, after being kind of stalled out... :party: And, I have been eating plenty, and haven't really been hungry between meals like usual. I guess cutting out all wheat, corn, dairy and eggs can do that for ya. :tongue_smilie:
  16. In the past, I've made basic white sauce, only using chicken broth for a good portion of the liquid. You can add finely chopped chicken if you want some in it.
  17. I think it comes partly with age, and partly with training. In our case, my oldest is the noisemaker, and my youngest twin is the one that needs silence. We've worked a lot on comprimise. Mostly that the younger one needed to learn to cope with some distractions, and the older one needed to quit being so fidgety. The first year we HS'd it was hard, but with time and age it has gotten much, much better.
  18. 8 times since I moved out of my parents' house. Over 20 times over the span of my life. And I cannot imagine not telling my kids of an impending move, but then we are pretty open with our kids about things that will have an effect on their lives.
  19. I ran across this website today, and thought I'd share: http://www.sense-lang.org/ You can even set up a virtual classroom. There's a short review of it on my blog too.
  20. I really don't know how many there will be. An open invitation has been extended..lol. But usually I do make enough for an army, and then enjoy leftovers for a long time (freezer, etc.) I tried tapioca starch for gravy tonight. It wasn't horrible, but I need to remember that it doesn't take as much as corn starch would. And I wasn't asking for justme personally. I know there are other people with similar restrictions on here...thought it would be helpful to start a thread ;)
  21. So, what do you make for Thanksgiving that is gluten-free, or in our case this year..egg, dairy, wheat, soy and corn free? So far menu plans for me include: Sweet potatoes with brown sugar and "not butter" Turkey Ham Mashed potatoes with rice milk or chicken broth. Various veggies Some sort of rice dish most likely.
  22. DD13, sitting behind me on the kids computer...playing some game and sticking pennies to her face :confused: DD10 DD10...I haven't seen since lunch. They are in their room, I think watching Saddle Club on DVD and playing. :tongue_smilie: DH (my other kid) is watching Avatar on TV, and keeping the dog company.
  23. I'm wondering the same thing. I'm definitely going on her allergen diet with her..so we'll see.
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