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The Girls' Mom

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Everything posted by The Girls' Mom

  1. Just an FYI, Nutramigen has milk proteins in it. (Or at least it did 10 years ago). If you look at the ingredient list, casein is in there. My twins had a horrible time with my milk, and formula, including Nutramigen. Blood in their stools and all. As much as I hated to, I ended up putting them on Soy Formula and they thrived. In hindsight, I wish I had someone council me more on cutting out dairy from my diet, and perhaps it would have helped :confused:
  2. My dh is trying to finish up with work in his office....I think he made the mistake of answering a call after hours. Sarah is behind me on their computer playing some game. Miranda and Kelsie are in their room trying to beat each other senseless with various weaponry. (They are playing Smash Bros. on the Game Cube) And here I sit.:chillpill:
  3. Yes, I do. It's how I keep in touch with many friends and family across the country.
  4. My dd volunteered at the vets office because she has always wanted to be a vet, and also saw some hard things. But it was good for her, because she saw the realities of the profession, and decided that it was something she didn't feel like she could do. She's got a soft heart for animals, and she knew she would never be able to make the tough decisions in putting one down. Thankfully she found this out long before she sunk massive amounts of time and money into a career she would have been miserable in. Sorry for your daughter's tough day, and I hope it gets better.
  5. Ours slept in her kennel for the longest time, but suddenly, for no reason we could fathom, decided that she despised sleeping in it. So now she sleeps on the couch on her blanket. Better than a frantic, yapping dog all night. If it weren't for dh, she'd sleep in my bed though..lol.
  6. You might be a homeschooler if your 13 1/2 year old looks at you in a panic when someone asks her what grade she is in, because she never can remember! (I have her all confused because our school year begins in May AND she essentially skipped 8th grade)
  7. Oakcliff? Can't imagine why not ;) If it's not in a scary area, it would probably be worth it if you guys are hanging around for a while.
  8. What an awkward position to be in. Can you pay the restitution until you find a new job? And let him know that it's only temporary?
  9. Oh yes, I've been *ill* many times! :) The pop thing I think is sporadic. Most people I know say coke, and then you specify which kind of coke you want. I had never really heard pop used much until I made a friend who was from Illinois. She also said weird things like express way. :auto:
  10. When we lived in Minnesota briefly (talk about an accent difference!), for the life of me I could not get people to understand the words foil or pinto beans. I would actually have to give definitions. :lol: My poor MIL came to visit, and it was like she was from another country. She dropped her photos off at Walgreens to be developed and requested 'one air'. The poor girl was like :confused::confused::confused:. I had to translate for her.
  11. I'd say that she's probably got a real southern accent under there, but I do believe she over does it on purpose. She's just a little too drippy sweet tea Suh-thun to sound real to my ears..lol. That and the way she throws 'ya'll' into every sentence. ;)
  12. YES!! I can spot the fake ones in a heart beat. Ok, here's a weird one. We've moved from TN (born and raised) to TX. I cannot hear much of an accent difference, neither can my girls. But apparently WE sound very Tennessean to Texas folks. I've heard more "ah, so that's where the accent comes from" :confused: I know I have a strong southern accent, but I just can't tell a difference?
  13. It wasn't in her eye, but a good friend of mine had celluitis in her nose and sinuses twice, and recovered completely both times. Praying for your daughter!! :grouphug:
  14. I've used them in hard to reach fixtures (stairwells, etc.) but that's it. It cannot use them in lamps for reading: instant migraine.
  15. My name is Apryl, and I'm the Curator of Mammals at the Herrell Zoo, Senior Editor at Thesis Central, and Head Chef of the 3 Girls Cafe.
  16. We've had a little trouble with ours too...but they were better than AT&T..lol.
  17. I would recommend getting a good study Bible in either NIV or NKJV that has notes. And I would also recommend a good Bible backgrounds book that explains some of the customs and culture of the times. Zondervan makes some good ones. If you decide to read through it, and would like some further explanations on anything, feel free to PM me. I am a Christian, but I won't preach. I love the study of the Bible and it's history...and I remember all too well what it was like to be preached at when I didn't want it. We have a ton of reference books here and I would be happy to help you out. :)
  18. I just leave ours out on the counter in a covered dish...butter will keep for a long time with no refrigeration.
  19. I keep meaning to boil some eggs and keep them in the fridge for breakfast....guess I'd better get on that! lol. Maybe some grilled chicken or something too. I'm not big on sausages, etc. for breakfast. I could live off of cold cereal every day of my life...but I know it's not that good for me so I'm trying to lay off it.
  20. I've been getting lots more exercise lately. And as usual, when my activity level goes up, so does my hunger...like exponentially. I have quite a bit of weight to loose, so this isn't a good thing. Anyway, do you have any tips for fending off the ravenous hunger?:lol: Does it get better? I get plenty of protein. I'm trying to cut back some of the carb/sugars I eat. My typical breakfast is a cup of tea (no sugar) and a bowl of oatmeal with craisins. I plan to switch back to homemade oatmeal, so I know that will help some (I got lazy). My lunch is usually either a salad with a small amount of meat or egg, or a avocado and onion quesadilla or something similar. Snacks are fruit, or occasionally crackers. Dinner usually involves meat, veggies and a carb. I like nuts, and eat them occasionally, but usually end up eating too many.
  21. I send him to the man cave. Seriously, it's just best for all if he disappears into his office for a while. Same goes for me.
  22. It runs in my dh's family too...although there has only been one official diagnosis. I have strong suspicions that my dh, my MIL and one of my dd's are all on the spectrum. My dd has many of the exact issues that the one diagnosed cousin has, we just never had her tested. I just took the test for dd...she scored a 37. We continually work on some of her 'issues' without calling them that. She's obsessed with cats, she hates organized activities (camps, group classes, most sports, etc) She is often shy. She can't understand other people's feelings well. But we've always just helped her work through things like that without sticking a label on them.
  23. We do quite often, but the girls cook their own lunches. We usually will have quesadillas (with avacodo and onions..yum!), eggs, soup or leftovers. I do have one that eats a cold sandwich more often than not though.
  24. My mom passed away when I was 19, and although we had a poor relationship, I still miss her very much. I miss the fact that I never got to see her as a grandmother, and that my kids never knew their grandmother. I also just miss her...the parts of her I loved.
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