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The Girls' Mom

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Everything posted by The Girls' Mom

  1. He sounds sweet. But I would be amazed to see a chi/JRT mix that was calm...lol. I have had both breeds, and neither would be considered calm. :lol:
  2. No more dangerous than talking to people in public. I'm not throwing our SS numbers or anything out there, and I'm careful not to post things I might regret later. Other than that, I don't worry too much.
  3. For one, if she believes celebrating Christmas will send you to hell, she needs to re-examine what salvation is. I know that there are some traditions that have been incorporated into Christmas that have pagan origins. However, there are many non-holiday traditions that have seeped into christianity that have pagan roots. I feel like, for us, it is a celebration...that's it. We don't treat it as Jesus' birthday (because it isn't). We do some advent stuff, but over all it is mostly a chance to spend time with family and to give them gifts. We celebrate Jesus on a regular basis, not just on December 25.
  4. They are very easy to hook up...works like a DVD player hook up with similar cables. You have to have a wireless router for your internet. As for watching the soccer through it, it depends on where he watches it through. If you go to the ROKU website, you should be able to see what "channels" you can get and whether you have to have a subscription. You cannot just browse the web on it. (as far as I know)
  5. My dh's family is pretty civilized about it all. Of course, there is a lot of stewing and backhanded comments involved, but it is over all rather quiet. My mom's side...sheesh. It is all out war at times. There have been brawls that would make WWF look tame. Jerry Springer stuff. My dad's side...I don't think they fight? :confused: Honestly, I prefer the quiet fights..lol.
  6. Wait....It's a BOY thing? I think my girls missed the memo :glare::lol:
  7. I know...lol. You wouldn't believe that bathroom jokes made around here lately. I think we are driving our girls crazy :lol:
  8. Diverticulitis gone wild. He's had some flare ups in the past (undiagnosed...he never really went to the doc for them) and we think that with his neck surgery, which was just 3 days before it ruptured, and the medications he was on for that, he couldn't fight off the infection this time when it flared up. It went wild and ended up rupturing. All the docs and nurses were astounded that he had that happen at his age (38).
  9. You can also crack them, mix em up a little and freeze them in muffin tins or ice cube trays. When they are thawed, you can cook as normal. Egg nog?
  10. In October, my dh had an emergency surgery to remove part of his colon, which had ruptured and caused infection. He came home with a colostomy. This week he was able to get it reversed and all the plumbing reconnected :D. After a week in the hospital (again) he came home today and is doing well. We are so glad to finally put this whole ordeal behind us, and hopefully not have to see the inside of a hospital again for a long while! Anyway, I wanted to thank everyone here that has said prayers for him. They have been well received and much appreciated.
  11. I don't make them sit and eat every bite of whatever disliked thing it is, but they do have to try a bite...every time I serve it. They have changed their minds about MANY foods this way. Also, if I didn't require it, nary a vegetable would pass the lips of my oldest dd. She has said repeatedly that if it were her choice she'd eat meat and pasta for nearly every meal. ETA: I forgot to answer the main question...Yes, I do make myself occasionally eat things I don't think I'll like. But I'll eat practically anything that isn't an insect or an internal organ...lol.
  12. Actually, recent legislation has made it much more hands off in TN. There are ways to make it almost as easy as it is in TX (having lived in both as well)
  13. East Tennessee. You have lakes, mountains and all 4 seasons. Homeschooling is easy, especially if you register with an umbrella like Homelife..they are completely hands off. Housing and cost of living are very affordable. We are actually moving back there in the spring. :D
  14. :grouphug: Praying! Do they think it is an infection? One of my dd's had a huge infected lymph gland at around the same age. She required surgery too, but made a quick recovery.
  15. :grouphug: good luck. I attempted to tell my dad and stepmom that a couple years ago, since neither of them had a job, and had a child at home still. I just made my stepmom mad, and still didn't stop the gifts. :glare:
  16. My SIL has a huge phone phobia. She'll talk to me for hours...if I call HER. But she has rarely calls me, and I'm probably one of the few she's actually comfortable calling. She absolutly hates calling people. I don't mind at all, if I know you don't mind me calling. I don't tend to call my other friends, mostly because they have busy lives and I don't want to interrupt something. Texting seems to be the preferred method of communication among my group of friends anyway.
  17. I was 16 and my dh was 18 when we got married. We will be celebrating 20 years next year. In today's world, I think 16 was a tad too young. But I do think that it is ok for 18+ to get married, if they have prayerfully considered it and it isn't rushed into. Most of the people I know (that are still married) got married in their late teens/early 20s.
  18. Yep. Really. It took me 3 years to get diagnosed with a heart problem because they wanted to treat me for anxiety/depression instead. Not one single doctor wanted to do any sort of heart testing, until I landed in the ER with a skyrocketing heart rate. Maybe I just look depressed. :tongue_smilie:
  19. It doesn't surprise me in the least. Especially since every.single.time. I go to the doctor for ANYTHING they want to prescribe an anti-depressant. Got migraines? Try an anti-depressant. Got a stomach ache? Try an anti-depressant. :glare: It's astonishing really. I have found it extremely difficult to find a doctor willing to look for underlying causes for illness, preferring instead to try to pawn a drug off on me. Even my teen dd, when dealing with allergies and insomnia, was asked if she thought she'd like to try an anti-depressant...because she was run down and tired. (Could it have anything to do with the mile long list of allergies she has?) Don't get me wrong, I am glad they exist for those that truly need them, but they are WAY over prescribed IMHO.
  20. I will try not to take every differing opinion as a personal attack. My inlaws, overall, have been very good to me. The biggest gripe I've had with my MIL is that she takes it personally if I don't agree with _______. And she has some very different ideas about some things than I do. So, I tend to make her mad a lot, unintentionally. Thankfully it blows over quick. ;) I hope to be able to let them be adults and make their own decisions without giving my unwanted input. (unless they really need that input :lol:) I have all girls though, so I don't really have the DIL friction to worry about.
  21. Love all the photos! Such young looking moms too! Here are mine: TwinDD1 TwinDD2 DD14 (who only has purple hair on special occasions, but would wear it all the time if her dad would let her) Me.
  22. If they have a scripture quote, or something from their devotionals, it doesn't bother me in the least. My dh posts something to that effect nearly every day. It's the ones that say things like "Re-post this if you believe in Jesus" that really grate on my nerves. Yes, I believe, but no, I am not reposting your stupid chain letter via FB.
  23. I just bought a very cute one at World Market. They had a lot to choose from, and I think they were around $20.
  24. This will be our 3rd move in 2 years. I have massively de-junked each time, and I am still looking around going :001_huh: I think this stuff breeds when I'm not looking!
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