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The Girls' Mom

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Everything posted by The Girls' Mom

  1. All of mine have seen it (11 and 15). They enjoyed it, and it spurred some good questions from them about the time period.
  2. "We thought you was a horny toad!" - O' Brother Where Art Thou
  3. DD15 is a self-declared meat-atarian. She loves meat..all sorts. She also likes pasta and cheese. Veggies are NOT on her list. She also loves oranges (but I think it is because it is one of the few fruits she doesn't have an allergic reation to) The twins have similar tastes and aren't picky at all. Some their favorites: Grilled tiliapia Pizza Baked Ziti Beans Chili Veggies: Swiss Chard Broccoli And Sarah will just about founder on asparagus :lol: We all love sweets...we have a problem :glare:
  4. I think I would find a new realtor. It is senseless to pay 11K for paint that the new owner will likely paint over anyway. A fresh coat of neutral colors done by yourself should be plenty. I would fix the things you know would come up at inspection and leave it at that. Or ask said realtor if she is paying for the 76K worth of upgrades.
  5. Oh good! I couldn't find anything reliable about it online.
  6. I forgot to add oil to my bread dough. :glare: It makes 3 loaves, and has already been kneaded. I'm going to attempt to work a little into it when I shape it into loaves, but overall...how bad is it going to be?
  7. 56 inches or 5ft 6 inches? I can see the later being off the chart in height, but not the former. My 11 year old dds are 5'5.5" and 5'6" at last measurement and are both around 130lbs. You can see photos of them in my blog. They are big girls, but not overweight. The ped was fine with their numbers at their last check up.
  8. Just my opinion here... I have had all sorts of pets, running the gamut from rodents to reptiles to horses...and just about everything in between. I will never, ever have another pet bird in the house. They are noisy. They throw seed EVERYWHERE. And yes, the cage is as big of a pain to clean as any other caged animal. Some people love them. I just can't..lol.
  9. I am a sharing within reason kind of parent. There are things that my kids don't need to hear about in detail. But they know in vague ways the life I had before them ;)
  10. Mentally, I had always said Pin Interest. Then my pastor came up to me and said: So you're a PINtrist addict too? I was completely at a loss for what he was talking about. He said "you know, on the computer?" :blushing:
  11. A magnetic whiteboard...as big as I could find. And, small lap size whiteboards.
  12. hmmm.... He works hard at a job he doesn't love to provide for us. He tells me that once the kids are grown he doesn't want me to go to work, but rather be a full time artist :D. He is very supportive of our homeschool. He's a good dad that loves his daughters. He has a kind heart, especially towards the elderly. He never lets a day go by without hugs, kisses and "I love you" He forgave me for something huge, and took me back..unconditionally. He makes me know that he loves me for better AND for worse, no matter what. He is awesome in the kitchen when it comes to making sweets.
  13. I usually just slice it in half, scoop out the seeds, lay it cut sides down in a baking dish, bake at 350 until it is tender (about 30-45 minutes). Then I scoop out the flesh and mix it with butter, salt and a little maple syrup. Sometimes I'll throw it back in the oven for a bit, but not always.
  14. We did once, and they kids STILL talk about it years later. They loved it. I may do it again this summer since we'll be back where we can. Just dig a trench in the shape you want it, then load the trench up with seeds. If you over plant, you'll have a better chance of it surviving hungry birds and squirrels.
  15. No. IMO, that is no different than divorcing to remarry. It is still being unfaithful to your spouse.
  16. I answered soul, but it's more complicated than that. I made a vow of "until DEATH do us part". Not until he is incapacitated beyond what I deem acceptable. He will have to be dead in the ground before I would move on to another. I did not always have that opinion, but once I became a Christian, that vow means so much more to me.
  17. Any cut of beef will work. Some you may just have to cook longer than others. In fact, I have a pot of stew cooking right now made from a cheapo cut of steak.
  18. Boys :glare: Prior to 10th grade I was in Beta Club and worked on the school newspaper. I wanted to play basketball, but our family schedule conflicted too much. By the end of 9th grade I was more interested in boy chasing than extras for school. In 10th grade I met my now dh. By 11th grade I was married. 11th and 12th my extra-curriculars revolved around my co-op job at the credit union and making enough money to eat. :tongue_smilie:
  19. So true! I changed schools for my oldest dd in the 3rd grade because of that! She was light years ahead of most of her class, and instead of giving her work on her level, the teacher filled her days with peer-teaching the other students. It was crazy. (Unfortunately the other school wasn't any better at meeting her needs!)
  20. Definitely! We are moving from a home IN Fort Worth with a yard the size of a postage stamp to a piece of property that is over 15 acres. I ordered seeds a month ago :lol: I'm so excited to have a REAL garden again.
  21. We struggled through a bit with my dd (same r issue) until her speech corrected at around 9.5 years old. She had trouble with spelling too. I never found a remedy other than just plugging along and helping her out when she had trouble.
  22. I have an 11 year old with this type of anxiety. Add to that the fact that we have a metal roof, and her bedrom is on the 2nd floor....she's up every time it rains :glare: We've been dealing with this for quite awhile. She finds reassurance from looking at the weather radar on her sisters iTouch. I have also been very matter of fact with her when she wakes up afraid. I acknowledge the fear, tell her she'll be ok, and make her go back to bed. Rinse. Repeat. The good news: Just this week, she stayed in her own bed during a LONG storm for the first time ever. There is progress!
  23. "Cabbage Roll" soup. Throw these in a pot, in whatever amounts pleases you: Ground beef Tomato Sauce or Paste Chopped bell peppers chopped onion Shredded cabbage cooked brown rice (put in last, after cabbage has cooked) Salt pepper and garlic to taste. I will usually cook the onions and peppers with the beef before draining and throwing it all in a pot. Cook until the cabbage is as soft as you like, then toss in the rice. Shredded cabbage sauted with butter, salt and red pepper flakes is also delish. Coleslaw Stir Fry
  24. No. It would go against every ideal we have in raising our children.
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