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Everything posted by AnnetteB

  1. We are still waiting on a W-2! We always set aside the November property tax money first, then we usually pay an extra housepayment. Anything left is put in the bank to cover medical, rx, dental and other necessities. No big party here, but very happy to have the money back for our use :)
  2. Me, too. I do what I can and they help each other, but the day usually gets abbreviated.
  3. BJU Readers having workbooks to accompany them in the early years. They are colorful and fun. We use them in 2nd through 3rd or 4th grades.
  4. Nearly every day:glare: We have some real picky eaters here. We offer them something simple when they whine about the main offering. We also have to make alternative dishes for the kids with allergies. It is a bit like running a small restaurant....
  5. Sorry, I don't know how to just pick one line out to comment on. Dd, 14, reading over my shoulder now asks, "Why do I have to read Moby Dick?" :lol: I don't make them read over half the stuff they required when I was in high school, but I thought that she should read Moby Dick because of all the references to it in our culture. I do have a policy of letting the kids put a book down if they really dislike it after a few chapters. This is an interesting thread.
  6. Bookkeeping, typist, computer input and receptionist work were my first paid jobs other than babysitting. Sort of a Girl Friday? I did a short stint as a pharmacy assistant and delivery person, too. I was a credit checker for First Interstate Bank before my long maternity leave :tongue_smilie:
  7. We don't care here. Occasionally, we watch golf to see the sunny blue skies when we have grey and rain.
  8. I'll just give you the math trail for one of the dc. This boy knew how to divide before he started formal math. We worked through ABeka K through 5 then switched to Saxon 65 and went through Algebra 2 all at his own pace. We also used Key to Fractions and Key to Decimals. He took to chess easily and enjoyed Snap Circuits. He just earned his college degree in Computer Science and did very well in all his math courses. One term he borrowed our Saxon Algebra 2 text to brush up on something. Some of the other children have doubled up on math texts to slow them down a bit and let the concepts sink in, but he didn't need that double-dose. I don't have any regrets about using Saxon or ABeka and continue to use them. Ds, 20, is about to complete Advanced Mathematics on his own time:001_smile:
  9. I love this idea! I can't imagine having family treat you this way.
  10. We would eat them. We forget and leave rice out all the time:glare: We treat it like bread since there is no meat or egg in the food to go "bad."
  11. I'm new to the board, but I can see that discussion can quickly give way to attack. If the participants treated the discussions more like a debate and just calmly stated their position/opinion and a couple of points and then left it at that religion and politics could be discussed briefly without hurt feelings. As a child, my dad would state his own opinion so forcefully that no discussion was encouraged...it was like his word was forced on me. I know that this was the experience in many homes. As an adult, I enjoy discussions with others with different views if both sides will actually listen and think about where the other is coming from. That being said, I am so strongly rooted in my own beliefs/opinions that there is little chance anyone will sway me, so the discussions are really just an exercise. In the real world, I think we would all be more hesitant and careful not to offend.
  12. That is what all the fuss is about? It seems short and sweet to us. Is there any way that we could talk NBC out of running ads for ED medications? Those make the kids really uneasy.
  13. We prefer breast meat here. There isn't much on those little wings.
  14. My dd sent me the link for blogspot and I just followed the prompts :) I wanted to send you the link, but it has stored cookies and takes me to my own page :glare: I am sure you can just go to blogspot.com and give it a try...it is free. This is a bit like the blind leading the blind
  15. I am just thinking aloud...Could he possibly take on a short project to help with the transition? I'm thinking of something like painting his room, choosing a color, sanding, prepping, and painting. A bit of real life work that could count as life skills? If it were spring, I'd suggest planting a small vegetable garden and hammering together a birdhouse. Home education can allow him to learn how to cook, or make a short Lego action movie with your digital camera if you have one. He is going to miss his friends and you will have to fill the void with "quality time" together. Can you go for a walk or do a short unit study together? We have watched and discussed some of the movies in "Movies as Literature" for a change of pace. I hope that he will soon be happy to be home again.
  16. I think that they lost a future customer and any referrals.
  17. Your boys are a great age to be helpful with the moving :)
  18. oh dear, I hope that he finds a new and better position quickly. The layoffs are happening daily here in Oregon, too. There are many ways that we can teach the children for little or no cost. Do you have a good library system?
  19. I dreamed of having a horse since I was a little kid. When we moved here 17 years ago and could have one our kids were little and horses looked too big, so we bought a Welsh Pony, Pollyanna. The children all treated her like she was a doggie and had little interest in riding, lol. The neighbors bought her from us and she now lives on the other side of the fence. Dd, 10, now dreams of owning a horse someday. I think we are horse owner wannabes.
  20. Dh's Granny read them to her three children so many times that they all memorized lines and poems. They loved them.
  21. We base a lot on their energy level, too. I wanted to say that young eyes get tired easily and headaches can be the result. We have found that the kids vary on how much reading they can do without eyestrain. Some fonts and type size are worse than others.
  22. We've parted with a lot of junk, er stuff, over the years. De-cluttering seems never-ending around here. Some we pass along, some to Goodwill, some off to the dump, and I have never regretted anything. We serve gravy from two pottery mugs at Thanksgiving and no one notices. I don't like to keep things that are only useful one or two days out of the year.
  23. Ds, 20, loves to talk mathematics until my head spins. The other day he enthusiastically explained Dd, 14's Algebra 1 question until she cried. He loves math, she hates math, and his enthusiasm added to her frustration. She doesn't blame him for her tears, but she doesn't see the point in advancing any further in math. She has only recently "hit the wall" and we are now letting her work through "Math at Work" for a breather. Dh and Ds, 22, have mathematical minds as well. When the three men get to talking in depth, I put my fingers in my ears. :tongue_smilie:
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