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Everything posted by AnnetteB

  1. ezEating.com and/or Myrecipes.com ??? Bobsredmill.com lets you search their recipes by their products, ie: buckwheat, oats, etc. Happy Hunting :)
  2. I just read your post aloud and everyone in the room groaned, "Ew!" :lol: I guess that I will not be trying that recipe addition around here.
  3. We fill large plastic, glass, and metal canisters with flour, rice, etc. and then use packing tape to seal the original bags closed until they are needed for refills. Otherwise, we would risk bugs in the flour or attracting mice. We store buckwheat in the freezer in a ziploc.
  4. Justice vs. Mercy was a funny one for our family since we have a daughter, Mercy :) Most of us went with "justice" because we have a desire for justice to prevail in matters of law.
  5. I'm with you. Charity begins at home and some of these "mission trips" are far more vacation and expense than they are worth. We turn away the neighbor kids that come to the door selling candy, coupon booklets, wrapping paper, and cookies, too. We pay property taxes that support the public schools and that is enough. Sometimes I feel like I am mean to say, "No," but honestly, I would never go asking for money or let my dc do it.
  6. I am so glad that we are raising a more polite sort of teenager here at home. Our children have never referred to anyone that way. We teach them early that if they can't say something nice they shouldn't say anything at all. We talk to them when/if they refer to someone as "fat" or "old" or "funny looking" so that that sort of thing won't come back to bite them. Learning self control is just one reason on the long list of "Why we Home Educate." Too many schools and parents brush swearing and insults aside as something that all the kids do.
  7. Now that there is Draino in the pipe, I wouldn't touch it! Even splatters of that caustic stuff are dangerous. I'd pour boiling water carefully in the drain and wait awhile. Later, when it has cleared, taking apart the drain and cleaning it out may be a good idea. If you have to take it apart be sure to wear gloves and eye protection. Regular doses of baking soda, vinegar and boiling water help keep drains clear.
  8. My first thought is that it sounds like attitude. My second thought is that the television and headphones would disappear.
  9. I do believe that it is all multiplication and division as you come to them from left to right. There are websites that describe the order. The mnemonic: "Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally" works, too. Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication or Division, Addition or Subtraction working left to right. http://www.mathgoodies.com/lessons/vol7/order_operations Maybe this will be helpful. :)
  10. Our ds, 20, came out an INTJ and he loves languages, puzzles, and tangled yarn, lol. He got so caught up in these tests and profiles this morning that we thought we would never get him away from the computer.
  11. I am an ISTJ barely. It gives me a 1% on the S. Does that mean I am practically on the fence? I did find myself waffling over questions like #31 You value justice higher than mercy. I love my dd, Mercy, but I do like to see justice prevail! #28 Do you find it difficult to talk loudly? Ask my kids, I can yell if I need to, but I prefer not. I found myself argueing with the test questions and wondering what that means about my personality. I like the part where it tells me that I share traits with Eeyore :D
  12. My gp told me not to have any more children when I first complained that I was tired beyond belief and not "bouncing back" from baby #7. He told me to lose weight and wondered aloud why I had so many children. I went home feeling miserable. How do you excersize and lose weight when you feel so sluggish? I struggled along with self-help and vitamins until after baby #8. Continual m. bleeding signalled something was really wrong. The nurse practitioner didn't think my symptoms were thyroid related, but she humored me. She also ran blood tests looking for cancers. My tsh was in the high 20's and I started thyroid replacement immediately. My kids were amazed to see mom out working in the garden with energy they hadn't seen in a couple of years. I hoped that it was just a post-pregnancy issue, but my thyroid has quit and replacement is my only option. It turns out that EVERY adult woman in my extended family has thyroid disease. One caution: You're replacement needs are not a constant. Too much thyroid rx and one can become hyperthyroid and suffer thyroid storm. It is a good idea to have bloodwork done to monitor levels until you can tell the symptoms of highs and lows. Thankfully, it is just a little pill and not too expensive. (I have to break mine in half to avoid food coloring in the one that would be the correct dosage, but the bottle lasts 200 days!)
  13. My mother wanted to homeschool me when the local ps refused to admit me, but she was told by the ps that it was illegal. I was enrolled in a distant private school until we moved to another district. I wish that I had been educated at home. I have learned more teaching my own dc than I did in the ps. (New Math and "mean girls" certainly had something to do with my decision to home educate my own)
  14. I would not ignore it, but try to teach her how to share and behave graciously. I was unaware that my niece "had to win" and that at home they always let her. My sil sat silently by and watched four of us play a friendly board game. I was unfortunate enough to win that day. My niece ran from the table in a huff crying. I actually apologized for winning, but she hasn't spoken to me in 8 years. I would never have played a game with her if I had known what would follow. She is a doctor now, married and all grown-up, but she still has to be first and win at everything. It isn't healthy.
  15. We've used both and prefer the Vocabulary from Classical Roots series because there is less involvement from Mom. The older children appreciate curriculum that they can do on their own. Now that I have five students and no infant, toddler, preschooler to chase after, we still prefer the independent study. (although, today we do have an infant and toddler in the house! No schoolwork is getting done at all)
  16. :lol: Keeping the library books separated is a challenge! We have 96 items checked out just now. I have a pretty good sense of where each of our own books are on the nine bookcases, multiple wall-mounted shelves, and the underneath shelves of the coffee tables scattered throughout the house. The organization is rather loose. We have a health section, Bible study, garden, knitting, quilting, woodworking, math, art, science, American history, World history, biographies, etc. They have to be sorted sometimes by size. Elijah has a shelf section of K & 1st workbooks, but the other children have stacks or totes with their schoolbooks inside. The photo is of a new little shelf I made to hold our frail collection of grandparent and great-grandparent's books.
  17. Rules of the Game series. My older children cruised through them and didn't complain even once.
  18. Dh uses higher mathematics in his work...communications and phone systems. Low-voltage electricians have to compute resistance and more. It is all beyond me. The boys all say that they use their higher math skills in their work, too. The girls shudder. It must be a genetic thing with us?
  19. No. This ape had been out of control before and the owner allowed it to drink wine. They obviously were not fit owners.
  20. We have always schooled in the dining and living areas of our home. The sleeping arrangements have fluctuated with the ages and stages of the children. Currently, Elijah has been "camping" beside our bed for nearly a month. (sometimes they get a little clingy before a growth spurt) The dds, 8 & 10, share a room and E. is usually in there with them on the bottom bunk. There is a bunk and a daybed in that room. Dd, 14, has a room of her own that she inheirited when ds #2 moved out. Dss, 20 & 13, share a big room. Technically, Elijah has a room of his own, but he doesn't sleep in there. His train set is spread out on the floor now. The room is best left as a bedroom and we give it to guests. Dd and the grands will have it for a month or so this summer!!
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