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Elisabeth in IL

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Everything posted by Elisabeth in IL

  1. That is a very good thing. I'm off to check the library. I hope that it isn't already checked out!
  2. While it isn't important for me to go, it is important to my kids. They keep asking but life expenses keep getting in the way. :sad: I'd like to go just to take them while they are young and still live in a bit of a fantisy world.
  3. About 2 years ago we were in a really rough place with my dh having 2 periods of unemployment in a year. We had a couple of people hand us a card with money. On the card they stated how God led them to give it to us and that they were praying for us. It was hard and great all at the same time. We felt loved by them and a bit embarassed. The love won over the embarassment!
  4. I personally love this song and I love to sing it on a Sunday morning or in my car with the kids but I found it strange to have Idol singing this song. It left me feeling uneasy even as I sang along. My dh didn't have any such feelings but even still today it leaves me feeling conflicted.
  5. Very Sweet! Congratulations!!! Take care of yourself and the wee little one.
  6. My dh took all three of my boys to Turkey Run State Park in Indiana for a father/son mini-vacation. They will hopefully return safe and sound on Tuesday night. I have 3 full days and almost another 2 full days to myself. Now, what to do......? I'm sure that I will think of something!!! :D
  7. I think everyone was a bit surprised about this elimination. All the singers are good this year so if your voting population has other plans that night, you are out of luck.
  8. My dad never finished college and my mom was an RN before the time a bachelors degree was required. They never pushed higher education but they gave us the best primary and secondary education that they could.
  9. I love the smell of pine at Christmas time. Partylite used to have a candle called Balsam Pine - Yum!!! :)
  10. I was one of the people that thought it might actually be worth it even if not the best thing financially. I'm so glad that you, your dh, and kids are going to have the chance to make beautiful memories together. We never know how long we have on this earth so it is best to live for today while planning for the future instead of planning today to live in the future.
  11. I've always known what I wanted to be when I grew up and that was a wife and a mother. When I went to school I was asked why go if all you are going to do is stay at home. My response then and now is that I went for me, my future husband (who knew if I'd actually ever find one), and my future children. While I don't use it exactly, college helped shape me as a person and gave me experiences that I'd never have had if I hadn't gone. I'm glad that I spent that $20,000 to $40,000 on me. Was it a waste? Nope, because I'm me and worth every penny spent!!! :D
  12. Mine was in English Lit. and French. I almost had a minor in Family Studies.
  13. Wheaton College with a double major in English Lit and French.
  14. Yikes!!!! Here's praying that you find safe flights for everyone!!
  15. :D Haven't we all done that at one time or another. :D
  16. I think that this can happen at any age as long as you are willing to be involved in your dd friendships. When they are young, they need you to help them know what is appropriate or not within their friendships and they need you to help them get together. I know that I was around 5 when I had neighborhood friends (mostly in the summer) who I'd play with but my mom wasn't friends with their moms. Of course she was always neighborly. Our house was the house everyone came to play at so mom was able to keep an eye on us.
  17. I think that tomorrow's big show took away some of their practice time which is what hurt their performances tonight. It'll be interesting to see who goes home on Thursday.
  18. In College I was one of the town's people in the Music Man. It was fun and nerve racking for me. :)
  19. My nephew wants to do this. He is a level 9 or 10 gymnast but the only diving team that he knows about is for highschoolers. He will be in 9th grade this next fall and planning to begin. :) Congratulations to your dd. She will probably have a blast!
  20. I always have something to take the kids to in the afternoons but I wish that I could stay at home more. I don't go out in the evenings other then monday nights when I work. I actually live a pretty boring life. :glare:
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