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Everything posted by Lacie

  1. I would copy the pages of the site, if the brother suspects that the blog might be used as evidence to make him pay his fair share the posts might be deleted. And then I would show it to your husband.
  2. If she doesn't go on the applesauce only day, why can they not just switch the snacks. They can offer pb on the day she is not there and applesauce only on the day that she is?
  3. Growing up we had a kitten born in our house that was hoarse from birth. She was perfectly healthy otherwise, but just couldn't talk.
  4. Couldn't you hide some of your frozen food in the snow? Maybe in a small cooler and as deep as you can get it... Seems to me like it would works, but I don't know. Good Luck.
  5. We buy Smart Balance Light with EVOO. It might have soy oil in it though, I don't remember. It works for us. Pumpkin cannot have soy protein or any dairy.
  6. Warm bath (if you can get in the tub), gentle massage from either the hubby or kids, alternate heat and ice Just a few ideas, hope they help you. Sorry you hurt your back.
  7. It sounds like she just wasn't ready, even though she thought she was. Now she misses her long hair. You gave her the cut she asked for, she would have been upset if someone else cut it too. Just be gentle with her for a bit, she will get over it.
  8. Texan here. I have never heard of gray duck. I thought everyone called it duck duck goose... interesting.
  9. A No Tresspassing sign should do the trick.
  10. It's up to the parents. Some people want to have family and friends waiting at the hospital for news that the baby was born. Others might want to have some private time for close family and then get visits from family and friends after Mommy has had a little time to rest. There is no right or wrong. I'm sorry she is giving you more trouble.
  11. My youngest has had this problem for a long time now. I'm not really sure when it started. He started seeing a pediatric ophthamologist every 6 months. The first visit they dialated his eyes and gave him a checkup. The next visits were just checkups. Between visits they wanted me to watch out to see if anything changed about him. From what they have told me, this is just how my son is made. It used to happen very often, now it does not happen as much. Get an appointment with someone who works with kids and get it checked out. No need to worry right now, just get it looked at. :grouphug:
  12. The instructions on ours say Rubbing Alcohol. But we have used hand sanitizer and a rag, spread some on thick and let it sit for a few seconds. Then rub with the rag, easily, and they come right off.
  13. My kids don't even get cut sandwiches. But I am lucky, they are not picky eaters they eat all their fruits and veggies without any trouble.
  14. Everyone is healthy. We had ladies class this morning and tonight I taught 5 PK-K kids in class - we studied the tower of babel. Overall a great, relaxing day.
  15. I don't really know. Just a guess, but maybe close the up in a big rubbermaid box with some moth balls or some rice. Let us know if you figure something out.
  16. I voted other. I do not believe that it would be okay to take some or all of the child's money. But I also think that is a lot of money to pay your child to walk a family pet. In our house that would be a normal household chore, with no need for extra payment.
  17. Yes, big fans here. And I think I have an ulcer from watching the game. Cruz is awesome!!
  18. It is possible that you have an ear infection beginning too, that would cause dizziness. I get a bad feeling with albuteol. When I have to use it, I only do one puff instead of two. That really seems to cut down on the ick.
  19. I am not a grammar person, so I have no idea if this is correct english or not... but it sounds so wrong. "I'm going to WalMart wanna come with?" It really bugs me when people end questions with the word 'with'. What happened to 'with me' or 'with us'. Oh, and I agree with all the people who said they think the slogan is "Nobody does it like Sara Lee."
  20. It would bother me if someone did that to me. We also have a few people we know that show up really early. We invite them to show up at 2 pm and they show up at noon or before. I don't understand it. Sorry your friend is being rude.
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