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Everything posted by alpidarkomama

  1. I just did all the calculations based on current feed prices, the expected output of our 5 barred rocks, and 2.5 good years of laying (year 3 is at about 50%). The cost came out to about $0.15/egg (which is about what we currently pay at the store). We built the coop out of scrap, so we had very little cost for that (maybe $25). Of course, if you compare our organic free-range eggs to store-bought organic free-range eggs we save a lot! But we just don't pay those prices ever. The labor I don't mind at all (it only takes about 30 minutes/week to care for our 5), and just having them as pets is a HOOT. They're so fun to watch. Love those chickies.
  2. My kids (ages 4-8) get $2/week pocket money. If they want to spend $0.25 to pay someone to do one of their chores, that's fine with me. There are always takers, they rarely hire out the jobs, and everything gets done. :) No whining!
  3. When we moved cross-country, we just took a month off. Two weeks before and two weeks after. Just shift things around a little - do some things in the summer (i.e. catching up in history and science), let some things go, and it's really no big deal to lose a month. We just learn year-round and take off time whenever it's needed. Love the flexibility.
  4. :iagree: No copyright violation if you're just using it for your own family and you already own a copy. DD8 used it as is and that worked fine. For fun, though, I re-typed it using the names of the kids in our family for the characters. I also altered some of the story lines. The kids working on it now think it's hilarious and can't wait to do it! It really didn't take that long.
  5. Every Saturday night, the kids watch a "protein" movie, and we spend 2 hours in our room talking w/o interruption. Then on Sunday mornings, we have coffee on the porch for an uninterrupted hour. Heaven. And what do we talk about? The kids! Homeschooling! The garden! I so much look forward to those two blocks of time each week. :)
  6. It's unbelievable on goat yogurt..... oh, swoon. I have the last of a half-gallon I made a few weeks ago. Butter, lemon juice, yolks, sugar, and more butter. Oh, swoon again!
  7. Oh, gravlaks for sure. Not cheap though, but I do make it every couple of months. Better than lox. Apple cake is very common, as is cardamom bread (MUST be served with raspberry jam!). Oh, yum... memories of my grandmother's kitchen...
  8. I was skeptical about the show, and was pleasantly surprised to find it a very respectful, lovely piece that captured the spirit of how we live our lives.
  9. We visited extended family, and my children asked what those parts in between the show were. I told them it was called a "commercial." :lol: We don't watch tv, but we do have dvds that we watch at home. They had never seen a commercial before.
  10. Actually, there are many headcoverings that are quite secure, so that's not a worry. Wigs have to have a hechscher (rabbinic certification) saying that they are kosher, and wigs from India are generally not considered kosher.
  11. Winter's only here for 2 weeks this year, so no time to think of what to do! :lol: I still get whiplash trying to figure out this 12-month gardening season in coastal Georgia. We actually got a break in the Pacific NW!
  12. The Magic Flute is a great opera for people who don't really like opera. :) Have a great time!!
  13. We got chickens (5 barred rocks) in the fall. They're 17 weeks old now, and could lay at any time! We have a 10x10 run (which is more than enough room) and a chicken condo on stilts where they sleep at night. We're using the deep litter method (put it in a search engine to learn more), so we only have to sweep it out 1-2x/year. Their poop pretty much just composts in situ and has very little odor. They should lay well for a couple of years, then taper off. Barred rocks should give about 5 eggs/week each. That makes about 2 dozen for us, which is barely enough for our family of 6. (We don't buy any pre-made goods at the grocery store.) What's the max your city is considering?? We have chickens allowed in our city, and are now waiting with bated breath to see if the law on bees gets changed. It might! One less thing to get at the grocery store!!! :)
  14. :iagree: That was my first thought too!! :) I haven't been there in... um... er... 23 years, but it sure would be nice to go back some day! :)
  15. I would be thrilled if my children stayed home with their children. I also want to make sure that everyone leaves the house with a skill that can earn them money, both in regular times and if times get really bad. Definitely want them to leave with lots of practical skills!
  16. DD8 had a plantar wart, and the dermatologist gave her a prescription cream that made it go away in about a month. The OTC stuff hadn't made a dent in it. The derm. said it was much less painful than freezing it off.
  17. We give our kids $2/week for pocket money. They can hire out their chores to siblings for $0.25-50 per job, if that's how they want to spend their money! Somehow, not too many chores get farmed out... We sometimes have special (beyond normal duty) jobs that we pay for, like outdoor cleanup, garden work, car washing, etc. As long as they chores get done, I'm happy, and there's always a sibling willing to make an extra quarter when asked. :)
  18. We do 4-1/2 days a week. Fridays we only do 2-1/2 hours. We learn year-round, but sprinkle vacations through the whole year. We do about 210 learning days per year. Works great for us!!!
  19. Mine has no odor, except maybe a very faint earthy smell. It's good to chop up the produce in small pieces so the worms go through it more quickly. Starbucks gives away free grounds for your garden or worms or ? so no need to buy if you want to add that. I have two bins - one for the things the chickens will eat (greens & proteins) and one for the worm stuff. YUM! :)
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