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Heather in Neverland

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Everything posted by Heather in Neverland

  1. I'm STILL waiting for someone to tell me why we (as in all people) keep comparing Obama and Palin? I thought it was McCain vs Obama for the presidential race? Maybe we should spend some time comparing those two instead??
  2. Thank you for the responses...they really have given me a lot to think about. I think the main thing I am concerned about is in 1st grade I typically introduce history and science whereas K is just reading, writing, math and bible. So I am trying to plan for next year...do I do another year of just the basics? Or add in the history and science? After reading your posts I think I may let him continue to work ahead in math and reading but hold off on the other subjects for one more year. How does that sound to all of you?
  3. I don't think of it as allowed or not allowed...I think of it as respectful or disrespectful. So our children are not allowed to curse because it is disrespectful. When I taught high school in a VERY rough urban school, I told my students that cursing was only for people who did not have a large enough vocabulary. So when they cursed they had to do a vocabulary exercise where they had to come up with 10 words they could have said instead of the curse word they chose. It worked!
  4. Can someone explain to me WHY we or the media or even the candidates themselves keep drawing comparisons between Obama and Palin? She is NOT the one running for president for goodness sake! How about we compare the experience of Obama and McCain which would be a comparison that is actually apples to apples since THEY are the two running for president???
  5. My ds is 4.5yo and will be five in February. I know in the public schools he would be a preschooler but he is already starting to read pretty well (about half-way through 100 ez lessons and reading Bob books), is whizzing through MUS Primer, writes his letters better than my 10 year old, etc. I have a general outline of curriculum k-12 for my kids (especially since this my second to homeschool and I made plenty of mistakes with my first) and so I am wondering...should I consider this year kindergarten and proceed next year with 1st grade material?
  6. My kids are 6 years apart so you would think they wouldn't have anything to fight about but they do...all the time! Of course, they also love each other pretty fiercely too so maybe it is just the sign of a passionate personality???
  7. Well, my suggestions probably won't be what you want but...I would color it (it will hold curl better) and cut some layers into it (long, heavy hair rarely holds curl). It doesn't have to be cut short but layers help.
  8. I hear ya but we definitely want to get a good seat so we will be there at 3pm. It will probably be a zoo but it would be great if we see each other!
  9. :iagree: I went from Horizons to Saxon to MUS. MUS is the only one that gets DONE consistently. It is a great program!
  10. We are using the Greek Alphabeterion and Hupogrammon and we love it!
  11. To the McCain/Palin Victory Rally!! WOO HOO!!! They are coming to a town near me tomorrow at 3pm and we already have our tickets (which were free). We are going and taking both of our boys. I am SOOOOO excited! :party:
  12. What I picked up when I typed in ad misericordium: Recognizing an argument as an appeal to pity does not necessarily invalidate the conclusion While I do not see McCain's POW record to be an appeal to pity, I can see how it would strike an emotional cord in many (myself included). This does NOT, however, invalidate my conclusion...he is a man of strong character who loves his country and stood firm when at his lowest point. He is the kind of man I want running my country.
  13. I was also stunned by the details of his POW days. Yes, I "knew" he had been a POW but knowing that and hearing all the heart-wrenching details of his torture are two different things. You may not like his politics but how can anyone hear these details and not admire him in some way? If it were me, I would have broken down after they broke the first bone (maybe sooner). The man is a hero. He has proven his mettle. And he has my vote.
  14. :iagree: I think she has MOXIE!! And I thought the pitbull comment was funny. If she's going to run with the big dogs and all....... GO GET 'EM Sarah-cuda! Show them that women can be pretty AND tough, mothers AND career-women and that a woman can play a "man's" game and win! That's MY kind of feminist!
  15. AWESOME!!! :party: Now back to your regularly scheduled posting.....:D
  16. In a hot minute. We're not talking about her becoming district manager for Wal-Mart (not that there is anything wrong with that). She might be the VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES for pete's sake...and the first woman to boot. If I were one of her kids I'd say GO FOR IT MOM and walk around with a grin so big you could see it for miles. What an awesome experience...what an amazing adventure...what a story their family will have to tell! I, personally, do not worship at the alter of my offspring. Yes, they are my number one priority but I do not think it is necessary to hover about them 24/7 in order to be a good mom. Everyone is ASSUMING she will have no time for them just like they are assuming that McCain will die in office and she'll have to take over. I, for one, am jealous of this amazing opportunity for her whole family!
  17. You just described us to a T (well, except for the 8 kids...we only have 2). The economy in Michigan is dreadful right now. My husband's automotive job was downsized and he was laid off. I have more education, more earning power, a great job with excellent pay and excellent benefits. So we are "growing where we are planted". It would be foolish (and an example of bad stewardship) for me to give up this job and put my family in financial jeopardy just so we can fit into some preconceived "mold" about men working and women staying home. We submit to each other and make all decisions jointly but dh is the recognized head of the house. My dh is an excellent father and does a fabulous job with the homeschooling lessons. Perhaps God will eventually put us in a position where I can stay home and dh will work but for now we not only make it work...we are very happy.
  18. Thank you from a career woman whose husband is an AWESOME SAHD and homeschooler!:D
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